(~1~) Principles Of The I-Ching
(~2~) The Trigram Lines
(~3~) The Binary Numbers Of Trigrams
(~4~) The Bagua And Eight Trigrams
(~5~) The Rules Of The Bagua
(~6~) The Two Major Trigrams
(~7~) The Two Male Lesser Trigrams
(~8~) The Two Female Lesser Trigrams
(~9~) The Two Neutral Lesser Trigrams
(~10~) The Order Of Changes In The I-Ching Trigrams
(~11~) Table Of Correspondences
There are three principles that underlie the I Ching:
1. Simplicity –
Everything in the universe is utterly plain and simple inside, no matter how it may appear to be.
2. Variability –
Everything in the universe is in a process of ongoing changes.
3. Persistency –
Among the ongoing changes, there is also something persistent and invariable.

A solid line is YANG and represents 1 in binary code.
A broken line is YIN and represents 0 in binary code.
This binary code 1 and 0 is the parent energy from which everything in the universe can be created.

The eight I-Ching trigrams are actually numbers written in binary code and the trigram numbers are in natural numerical order 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, so as the trigrams rise one above the other the number gets higher.The individual lines of the trigrams (and hexagrams) also rise one above the other, as the trigrams (and hexagrams) are built from the bottom up. The colours are arranged in the order of the chakras.
Please note that in some other I-Ching systems the trigram I have used for Xun is used for Chen and the trigram I have used for Chen is used for Xun. I have used the correct trigrams for Chen and Xun, otherwise, with those two trigrams in the wrong places the binary numbers for Chen and Xun would go 0,1,2,4,3,5,6,7, instead of the natural numerical order of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. (But in those other I-Ching systems, all the other trigrams except 3 and 4 were already correlated to their corresponding binary numbers in numerical order and I have kept those the same.)

Below is a picture of the bagua and its eight trigrams shown with:
- the corresponding numbers for the binary code of the trigrams
- the names of the trigrams
- the map directions
- the distribution of male and female and neutral energy
- the distribution of young and old energy
- the names of the planets
The I-Ching bagua is a miniature representation of the UNIVERSE. The east is on the right of the bagua because this is a map looking outward at the universe like a sky map. (A sky map supposes you are lying down facing the sky with your feet in the north, head in the south, west on the left, and east on the right. An earth terrain map supposes you are lying down facing the earth so it has east on the left). However, if east were on the left of the bagua it could be interpreted as looking inward to the universal energies within oneself. As above, so below. As without, so within.
It is simple to remember which trigram is which:
You can recognise the two main trigrams at the top and at the bottom of the bagua with all male or all female lines, the rest of the trigrams are a mixture of both male and female lines. You can recognise which is which in the lesser mixed trigrams because the male ones finish with a male line at the top (and start with a female line at the bottom showing that male comes from female), while the female lesser trigrams finish with a female line at the top (and start with a male line at the bottom showing that female comes from male). But in the two neutral or child energy trigrams halfway in the bagua the trigram’s sex is locked in the middle line and is latent. All the ‘younger energy’ lesser mixed trigrams are placed in the east where the Sun rises, while the ‘older energy’ lesser mixed trigrams are placed in the west where the Sun sets.
In this bagua the trigrams are all placed upright and the same way up (like in a clock face) and are also the same way up as the writing, except maybe for the two trigrams in the middle which are sideways. This is to avoid confusion because some trigrams are the opposite or upside down version of others. (I have seen baguas drawn with the lower trigrams upside down, yet at the same time the writing is right side up - then it gets confusing when the writing is not the same way up as the trigram, or if the writing is in Chinese characters and you can’t read Chinese whichever way up the trigram is!)
In some bagua systems there is a yin-yang symbol in the centre, sometimes it is sideways and sometimes it is upright, I have seen both variations. I do not have a yin-yang symbol in the centre of my bagua, instead the lines show the order of changes (see paragraph 10 explaining how one trigram changes into the next).

The I-Ching is based on the universal principle of there being two absolute opposites, this is represented by the TWO MAJOR TRIGRAMS Chien (Heaven) drawn with three male unbroken lines, and Kun (Earth) drawn with three female broken lines – they are the two opposite principles of light and dark, white and black, male and female, etc. Everything else in the universe that exists in between the two parent opposites is distributed within the six mixed lesser trigrams that have different combinations of both parents – so that there is female within male and male within female. There are only sixpossible combinations of mixed trigram that can be made by combining the great yin and the great yang. (An alternative spelling for Chien is Qian).
The SIX LESSER TRIGRAMS in ascending order with their alternative spellings are: Ken (or Gen), Kan, Chen (Zhen), Xun (Sun), Li, Tui (Dui). There are two male, two female, and two neutral (child) trigrams – two of each because there are two parents.
A yang line seeks to ascend towards heaven and a yin line seeks to descend towards the earth, but the only two trigrams in which this rule is seen are the two major trigrams CHIEN (Heaven) and KUN (Earth) because the other six are lesser trigrams and a mixture of both lines, and because of the polarity reversals that occur in the lesser trigrams. The male lesser trigrams always have a male line uppermost, the female lesser trigrams always have a female line uppermost, and the latent sex of the two neutral trigrams is always hidden and locked in the central line.
The great yang trigram Chien is always above at the top of the bagua and the great yin trigram Kun is always below at the bottom of the bagua. The mixing of the two energies of the great yang and the great yin creates the six mixed inner trigrams which contain all the energies in between the great yang and the great yin.
The mixing in between the great yang and the great yin creates a POLARITY REVERSAL within the bagua in the positions of the two male lesser trigrams and the two female lesser trigrams, which means they swap upper and lower positions – now there are two female trigrams Tui and Xun sitting near the top under the great yang trigram, and there are two male trigrams Ken and Chen sitting near the bottom over the great yin trigram. Just as the great yang trigram is always above, the lesser yang is always below. Just as the great yin trigram is always below, the lesser yin is always above.
When something is neither one nor the other it is said to be NEUTRAL. In the bagua, exactly halfway between the great yin and the great yang, the two trigrams positioned at the east and west positions have equal quantities of both parents where the male and female cancel each other out. Neutral represents the middle meeting point of the parents and symbolically it is their child energy which they created equally. Neutral energy is always at the halfway point. The neutral child energy is neither male nor female (yet), the two neutral trigrams are still children or not quite fully developed as adults. Note that it is the verycentral line where the sex of the neutral trigram is locked and hidden as a latent quality – trigram Kan has a male centre line and turns to male, trigram Li has a female central line and turns to female – this line is the centre of the bagua as well as the centre of the trigram.
The CENTRAL position in the bagua which is equidistant from either parent, means the two neutral trigrams cannot by definition have a trigram position reversal of male & female polarity, like the male and female trigrams previously mentioned above. And the fact that both the neutral trigrams are the same turned either upside down or right way up is intrinsic to their neutral quality – something that is the same both ways actually describes neutrality.
The great yang is YOUNG ENERGY and the great yin is OLD ENERGY. The six mixed trigrams between the great yang and great yin all share a distribution of young and old energy, and as there are two parents half of the lesser trigrams have young energy and the other half have old energy. The three lesser trigrams Chen, Li,Xun on the right or east half of the bagua are the young energy because the sun rises in the east. The three lesser trigrams Ken, Kan, Tui on the left or west half of the bagua are the old energy because the sun sets in the west and this is where the dark female energy begins. Ken is old yang, Tui is old yin, Chen is young yang, Xun is young yin - there is one old and one young for both of the male and both of the female lesser trigrams.
In the two neutral lesser trigrams, with the mixing of the young and old energy from the parents there is a POLARITY REVERSAL of male and female positions from east to west, so that male now becomes old and female now becomes young.Therefore neutral>yang Kan is placed in the west of the bagua and is the older of the two neutral trigrams, and neutral>yin Li is placed in the east of the bagua and is the younger of the two neutral trigrams.
A mixed lesser trigram has a MAJORITY of either male of female lines, and whichever lines the trigram contains MORE OF it will always take more after that parent: Old yang trigram Ken has two female lines and one male line so he takes more after the great yin Mother. Young yang trigram Chen has two male lines and one female line so he takes more after the great yang Father. Old yin trigramTui has two male lines and one female line so she takes more after the great yangFather. Young yin trigram Xun has two female lines and one male line so she takes more after the great yin Mother. Neutral>yang trigram Kan has two female lines and one male line so he takes more after the great yin Mother. Neutral>yin trigram Lihas two male lines and one female line so she takes more after the great yangFather.
In the bagua, the mixing of the great yin and great yang within the six lesser trigrams also gives a MIXING OF ELEMENTS – each trigram has two elements and receives one element from each parent. The great yang parent trigram Chien has the elements of fire & air, and the great yin parent trigram Kun has the elements of water & earth, but now Ken, Xun, Li have joined together the elements of air & earth, and Kan, Chen, Tui have joined together the elements of fire & water.
Notice that in the air & earth group and also in the fire & water group there is one male, one female, and one neutral trigram, so that each element group is a complete TRINITY. This corresponds to Astrology because each trigram represents a planet in Astrology, and the signs ruled by those planets are arranged in trines (or trinities) of the same element: earth signs Capricorn (male), Taurus (female), Virgo (neutral); air signs Aquarius (male), Libra (female), Gemini (neutral); water signs Scorpio (male), Cancer (female), Pisces (neutral); fire signsAries (male), Leo (female), Sagittarius (neutral). Each of the six inner planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Moon) rules over two signs because the trigrams have two elements and there is one sign for each element, both of those two signs have the same sex as the planet.
The male and female lesser trigrams of the same element group are the REVERSE of each other in shape and meaning. In the air & earth groups thefemale trigram Xun (Venus) is the upside down version of trigram Ken (Saturn), and in terms of qualities Venus is young, beautiful, sweet, fat, soft, abundant etc, while Saturn is old, ugly, sour, hard, lean, and poor etc. In the fire & water groups the male trigram Chen (Mars) is the upside down version of trigram Tui (Moon) and in terms of qualities Mars is active, angry, forceful, aggressive, and selfish etc, while Moon is still, serene, passive, gentle, giving etc. Reverse trigrams do not make a compatible pair.
In the two neutral lesser trigrams, Kan (Jupiter) and Li (Mercury) are also the REVERSE of each other in shape and meaning, but Kan and Li are from the opposite element groups. Kan is from the fire & water element group and Li is from the air & earth element group.
Chen (Mars) is the young male principle while Ken (Saturn) is the old male principle, they share the same sex. Chen and Ken share some AFFINITY because they are both male and are the younger and older version of each other, so they are as one but with a different outlook, they are the beginning and end of the same principle - and their trigram shapes are related and similar except the younger one has more male lines and transitions into the older one which has more female lines. Xun (Venus) is the young female principle while Tui (Moon) is the old female principle, they share the same sex. Xun and Tui share some affinity because they are both female and are the younger and older version of each other, so they are as one but with a different outlook, they are the beginning and end of the same principle - and their trigram shapes are related and similar except the younger one has more female lines and transitions into the older one which has more male lines.
In the two neutral trigrams, Kan (Jupiter) is the older male child and Li (Mercury) is the younger female child, so Kan and Li share some AFFINITY because they both have the neutral principle with neutral child qualities – except that their trigrams are opposite in shape, and they are opposite in polarity, and they both go off in different directions as children, and they are not the younger and older version of the same, and they are both from different element groups, so this affinity is not usually a compatible one. They are a split two, however they will later join together as a pair as child turns to adult. Reverse trigrams do not make a compatible pair.
The male and female lesser trigrams of the same age are as PAIRS of compatible opposites that join together - Ken (Saturn) and Tui (Moon) are the older male and female couple, Chen (Mars) and Xun (Venus) are the younger male and female couple.
The two neutral trigrams Kan (Jupiter) the male child and Li (Mercury) the female child are not a compatible PAIR that join together because they both go in opposite directions – they have reverse trigrams and reverse trigrams do not make a pair. However they will later join together as a pair when child turns to adult and their trigrams gradually transition into either Xun or Chen (the young male and female couple).
The COLOURS of the trigrams (which correspond to the chakras) are arranged in their opposite or complementary colours in the bagua – black/white, red/green, blue/orange, yellow/purple (primary colours are placed opposite secondary colours). This is the most harmonious arrangement of all for the balance of energies. Complementary means that they complete each other – the secondary colour contains the two primaries that are not in the other primary colour – a secondary colour plus its opposite primary together contain all three primaries to make a complete set. (For example, one primary colour red is opposite the secondary colour green which contains the other two primaries blue and yellow).
Notice that the warm colours are male trigrams and the cool colours are femaletrigrams which is in keeping with the hot of the great yang and cold of the great yin. BUT there is a POLARITY REVERSAL in the position of the warm and cool coloured trigrams - now the cool colours of female energy are at the upper part of the bagua near the great yang trigram, and the warm colours of male energy are at the lower part of the bagua near the great yin trigram.
Both of the male lesser trigrams are primary colours. Both of the female lesser trigrams are secondary colours. But with the two neutral trigrams there is one primary colour and one secondary colour – and with the two neutral trigrams there is a POLARITY REVERSAL whereby the neutral>male is now asecondary colour, and the neutral>female is now a primary colour.
The numbered lesser trigrams which are placed opposite each other in the bagua appear to be separated by three digits (Ken and Xun 1 and 4, Kan and Li 2 and 5, Chen and Tui 3 and 6).
All these rules are INTERLOCKING and you can only know the bagua is correctly arranged when everything fits in into the natural logical order all at the same time.

- Great yang major trigram CHIEN is always above and opposite Kun.
- Great yin major trigram KUN is always below and opposite Chien.
- CHIEN contains three yang lines and is pure yang.
- KUN contains three yin lines and is pure yin.
- The two opposite trigrams CHIEN and KUN are the two symbolic parent energies from which all else is created and they create the six lesser trigrams which contain a mixture of both of the parents.
- White of the Sun (light) and black of the Earth (matter) both contain the three primary colours and three secondary colours that make the six lesser trigrams.
- The parent energies of the two major trigrams are external to the body (white is above the head, black is beneath the feet).
- The six colours in between the parents are the body of existence – the actual body itself with its six internal lesser chakras or trigrams which are a mixture of the two parents. Internal because all colours are within black and white.
CHIEN – Heaven
(The Sun / Crown Chakra)
Pure Yang
Fire & Air (the two weightless elements at the top)
Heaven / Hot / Energetic / Bright / Light / Transparent / Outward / Evident / Young / Controlling / Creative / Active / Aggressive / Cosmic Father - Sperm.
KUN - Earth
(Planet Earth / Brahma Chakra)
Pure Yin
Water & Earth (the two heavy elements at the bottom)
Matter / Cold / Still / Dark / Heavy / Dense / Inward / Hidden / Old / Yielding / Receptive / Passive / Gentle / Cosmic Mother - Egg.

- BOTH male trigrams are PRIMARY colours.
- There are two parents and therefore TWO versions of MALE mixed trigram.
- The two lesser male trigrams are always below in the great yin north end of the bagua.
- Both male mixed trigrams Chen and Ken begin with a female line and end with a male line at the top - which shows that female becomes male.
KEN – The Still Mountain
(Saturn / Root Chakra)
Air & Earth
Mature Male / Father or Grandfather / Patriarchal / Conservative / Practical /
The stillness of the mountain has age and time and a serious disposition. Ken is concerned with worldly affairs and politics, and the larger picture in a material sense such as providing for the family. Ken has the quality of stability, reliability and strength. Ken brings restriction, direction, discipline, planning, control, stillness, stopping or ending, completion, achievement, and action that is born out of stillness.
Ken is the old yang in the west half of the bagua where the Sun sets.
Ken is in the west half of the bagua so is the older of the two males.
Ken the older male takes more after the great yin having more female lines.
Ken the mature yang may be a parent or grandparent.
Ken gives rise to trigram Li the female child through parenthood.
Ken is the eldest son of the great yang and great yin.
Ken is the older brother of Tui, Chen, Xun, Kan, and Li in the family.
Ken is the opposite or complementary colour to Xun (red/green).
Ken is the upside down and reverse meaning trigram of Xun.
Ken has affinity with Chen being the same sex but younger and older versions.
Ken is a pair with Tui, as the older couple they are compatible opposites.
CHEN – The Lightning Bolt
(Mars / Navel Chakra)
Fire & Water
Young Male / Young Adult / Aggressive / Exciting / Thrilling /
The lightening is sudden and violent and arousing and loves to feel its own power. Chen brings sudden and forceful action, striving to be first competitively and to come first selfishly, and to be only concerned with personal affairs. Chen is the male instinct to dominate and also to procreate, because to pass on oneself through ones genes is still a form of selfishness and a continuing of the self, and this is part of Chen’s creative expression. Chen is excitable, confrontational, never still, active, full of high energy, always on the go, unstoppable, like the sperm.
Chen is the young yang in the east half of the bagua where the Sun rises.
Chen is in the east of the bagua so is the younger of the two males.
Chen the younger male takes more after the great yang with more male lines.
Chen is a young male, there is the potential to become a parent.
Chen transforms into Ken when parenthood is reached.
Chen is the middle son of the great yang and great yin.
Chen is the younger brother of Ken and Tui, older brother of Xun, Kan, and Li.
Chen is the opposite or complementary colour to Tui (yellow/purple).
Chen is the upside down and reverse meaning trigram of Tui.
Chen has affinity with Ken being the same sex but younger and older versions.
Chen is a pair with Xun, as the younger couple they are compatible opposites.

- BOTH female trigrams are SECONDARY colours.
- There are two parents and therefore TWO versions of FEMALE mixed trigram.
- The two lesser female trigrams are always above in the great yang south end of the bagua.
- Both female mixed trigrams Tui and Xun begin with a male line and end with a female line at the top - which shows that male becomes female
TUI – The Serene Lake
(Moon / 3rd Eye Chakra)
Fire & Water
Mature Female / Mother or Grandmother / Matriarchal / Giving / Intuitive /
The serene lake seeks to settle and make a home and a nurturing environment. The lake is also symbolic for a womb and a receptacle for the soul. Tui is also associated with the valley which is another symbolic receptacle or womb which is sheltering and protective. Tui has the mothering instinct and is protective of her young.
Tui is the old yin in the west half of the bagua where the Sun sets.
Tui is in the west of the bagua so is the older of the two females.
Tui the older female takes more after the great yang having more male lines.
Tui the mature yin may be a parent or grandparent.
Tui gives rise to trigram Kan the male child through parenthood.
Tui is the eldest daughter of the great yang and great yin.
Tui is the younger sister of Ken and older sister of Chen, Xun, Kan, and Li.
Tui is the opposite or complementary colour to Chen (purple/yellow).
Tui is the upside down and reverse meaning trigram of Chen.
Tui has affinity with Xun being the same sex but younger and older versions.
Tui is a pair with Ken, as the younger couple they are compatible opposites.
XUN – The Gentle Wind
(Venus / Heart Chakra)
Air & Earth
Young Female / Young Adult / Sharing / Soft / Sensual /
The gentle wind has a loving caress, there is a love of beauty and of physical pleasures. The gentle wind is also symbolic of love and peace through the element of air. This peaceful air is also the breath of plants and trees and the gentle growth produced within the wood and leaves and stems. The quality of wood represents beauty and peace in the element of earth. Xun seeks harmony and loving relationships and sharing partnerships.
Xun is the young yin in the east half of the bagua where the Sun rises.
Xun is in the east of the bagua so is the younger of the two females.
Xun the young female takes more after the great yin with more female lines.
Xun is the young female, there is the potential to become a parent.
Xun transforms into Tui when parenthood is reached.
Xun is the middle daughter of the great yang and great yin.
Xun is the younger sister of Ken, Tui and Chen, and older sister of Kan, and Li.
Xun is the opposite or complementary colour to Ken (green/red).
Xun is the upside down and reverse meaning trigram of Ken.
Xun has affinity with Tui being the same sex but younger and older versions.
Xun is a pair with Chen, as the younger couple they are compatible opposites.

- ONE neutral trigram is a PRIMARY colour, ONE is a SECONDARY colour.
- There are two parents and therefore TWO versions of NEUTRAL mixed trigram.
- The two neutral lesser trigrams Kan and Li are always at the centre of the bagua neither north nor south, and being halfway between the great yang and the great yin their sex is neutral (child).
- Each neutral trigram is the same shape turned either upside down or right way up, this is descriptive of their neutral quality.
- Because they are fixed in the centre of the bagua, the sex of the two neutral trigrams is concentrated in the very centre line of the trigram – which shows that a neutral trigram’s male or female qualities have not yet been expressed and are locked inwardly.
KAN – The Flowing River
(Jupiter / Sacral Chakra)
Fire & Water
Male Child / Pre-pubescent / Adventurous / Expansive / Extrovert /
The flowing river has a love of journeys and exploration and wants to continue flowing forward on its adventure. Kan is concerned with the larger picture rather than details on its quest for expansiveness and has a philosophical outlook. Kan takes things as they come and is relaxed and flowing like the river.
Kan is in the west half of the bagua so is the older of the two neutral trigrams.
Kan the older child takes more after the great yin having more female lines.
Kan begins/ends with yin lines, the central yang line is locked inner potential.
Kan is the neutral child who is transmutable to male.
Kan will transform first into young man Chen, and then into older man Ken.
Kan is the youngest son of the great yang and great yin.
Kan is the younger brother of Ken, Tui, Chen, Xun, and older brother of Li.
Kan is the opposite or complementary colour to Li (orange/blue).
Kan is the inside out version and reverse meaning of Li.
Kan has no affinity with Li as they are reverse trigrams to each other.
Kan and Li are not a compatible pair of opposites except as they mature.
LI – The Light Of Dawn
(Mercury / Throat Chakra)
Air & Earth
Female Child / Pre-pubescent / Lively / Quick / Curious / Introvert /
The light of dawn brings mental insight, illumination, and realisation. Li is concerned with the details and finer points in its quest for understanding and analysing its surroundings. Its goal is communication and making sense of the world by finding the logic and practical value. Li is fussy and particular.
Li in the east half of the bagua is the younger of the two neutral trigrams.
Li the younger child takes more after the great yang having more male lines.
Li begins/ends with yang lines, the central yin line is locked inner potential.
Li is the neutral child who is transmutable to female.
Li will transform first into young woman Xun, and then into older woman Tui.
Li is the youngest daughter of the great yang and great yin.
Li is the youngest sister of Ken, Tui, Chen, Xun, and Kan.
Li is the opposite or complementary colour to Kan (blue/orange).
Li is the inside out version and reverse meaning of Kan.
Li has no affinity with Kan as they are reverse trigrams to each other.
Li and Kan are not a compatible pair of opposites except as they mature.
Li is the yin-thinking trigram.
Please note that some I-Ching systems assign the quality of ‘fire’ to Li. The quality of fire belongs to the south and to the great yang trigram Chien (The Sun). With Li (Mercury) the energy is more like a bright dawning of first light and enlightening in a mental sense rather than a burning fire. Li is neutral halfway between Chien and Kun.

The I-Ching trigrams change or transform from one into the other in an endless cycle.
- The first mixed trigram created by Chien the great yang, is Tui the mature yin trigram with two male lines and one female line. Tui gives rise to Kan the male child…
- The first mixed trigram created by Kun the great yin, is Ken the mature yang trigram with two female lines and one male line. Ken gives rise to Li the female child…
- The cycle of changes in the lesser trigrams can either begin with Ken or with Tui…
The older male Ken becomes parent to female child Li
when the bottom female line of Ken becomes male…
The female child Li transforms into the younger female Xun
when the top male line of Li becomes female…
The younger female Xun transforms into the older female Tui
when the middle female line of Xun becomes male
The older female Tui becomes parent to male child Kan
when the bottom male line of Tui becomes female…
The male child Kan transforms into the younger male Chen
when the top female line of Kan becomes male…
The young male Chen transforms into the older male Ken
when the middle male line of Chen becomes female…
…then Ken again…And so on…
Starting with the mature yang: >Ken>Li>Xun>Tui>Kan>Chen>
Starting with the mature yin: >Tui>Kan>Chen>Ken>Li>Xun>
Like this:

The number sequence is (last number joins up to first):
1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 3 or 6, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
The sequence adds up to 21 which is divisible by 7 and 3.
The difference from one number to the next is (the last number joins up to the first):
-2 +4 -1 +2 -4 +1 =0 or +2 -4 +1 -2 +4 -1 =0
The +plus numbers add up to 7 and the -minus numbers add up to 7 to equal 0.
(This is interesting when you think that zero must be created from something and doesn’t just get there on its own.)
The order of transitions in these mixed line lesser trigrams makes a chalice shape formed by a triangle base with a pentagon on top. The chalice is symbolic of the female receptacle and the number 0 which here has the number 7 hidden in it. The 3 points of the triangle and the 5 points of the pentagon added together brings us back to the number 8 and the eight trigrams in the bagua. The two parent trigrams are the equivalent of the six lesser trigrams added together, and the six lesser trigrams added together are the equivalent of the two parent trigrams, in the same way as the six colours make white or black, or white or black contain the six colours. The two parent trigrams are the external completeness, the six lesser trigrams are the internal completeness.

The eight trigrams of the I-Ching correspond to the Chakras and their colours, and to Astrology and the planets, which are all systems based on the same universal laws.
