서강대 [인문, 자연]
서강대는 3년 연속 문제 유형이 바뀌고 있습니다. 올해에는 세종대에 그간 출제되어 오던 관게 분석 문제가 새롭게 도입되어
수험생을 당혹습럽게 했습니다. 결론은 기존 유형을 쫓아 공부하기 보다는 기본 실력을 탄탄하게 갖추는 것이 정도일 것 같습니다.
※ [동의어] Choose one answer that has the closest meaning to the underlined part in the given passage(s).
1. The smooth surface of the placid mirrored the surrounding mountains
① perturbed[D2715]
② tranquil[D4314,F3533]
③ frozen
④ clean
【해설】placid 평온한, 조용한(=tranquil) [표제어3533, F0943] * 동의어 그대로 출제
2. Think about how difficult it would be to move a huge stone statue, and you may understand why so many
people were baffled by this monument.
① mesmerized[F2624]
② impressed[F4124,R093]
③ flattened[D2743]
④ puzzled[F1621,F1931]
【해설】baffle 당황하게 하다(=puzzle) [F1621]
3. The plaintive[H30] cries of the mourners filled the amphitheater.
① short[F4235]
② sonorous[F1113]
③ sad
④ loud
【해설】plaintive 구슬픈(=sad) [H30]
4. Trade boundaries are often elusive these days.
① vague[D4412,F4412]
② conserved[1055,R102]
③ isometric
④ strict[F4121,R113]
【해설】elusive 알기 어려운(=vague), 피하는 [표제어1834, F1414]
5. It is absurd to suggest that the government step in to censor television programs that parents have allowed
their children to watch.
① difficult to proceed[3633,F2042,P10,R013]
② ridiculous[F1435] to argue[F2813]
③ reasonable[B29] to say
④ unnecessary[B20] to propose[F1654,F4454,R089]
【해설】absurd 어리석은(=ridiculous), 불합리한[표제어 0134]
6. Although it is often dismissed as a vulgar phenomenon, hip hop culture actually introduced
[1642,F1011] [F1732][F1851]
many innovations of the musical sort, inspiring artists in several divergent genres.
[2854] [D2931,F0512,F2114,R111] [1725,F1151][F1923]
① Hip hop is a radical[D2442,F2012,F4355] genre.
② Hip hop culture should be banned[0611].
③ Hip hop is a vulgar[F1732] phenomenon[F1851].
④ Hip hop culture has positive[F1654] influence[R039].
※ [관계분석] Choose the one that fills in the blank to logically make a similar type of relationship in the given
pairs of words.
7. stringent[4125,F4125] : strict[F4121,R113]
= spurious[D0511,F3443] : ______
① solid[D4034]
② obese[D1212,F3413,P14]
③ new[F2021]
④ false[F2152]
【해설】동의어 관계
8. prodigious[D0922,F0742,F2534] : extraordinary[F2134,F2911]
= shrinking[B35,F0724,F3931] :
① contracting[1135,F0132,F0724,R120]
② expanding[D0542,F0724]
③ suffering[F1535,F4242,R033]
④ abstracting[0132,R120]
【해설】동의어 관계
9. obligingly[D3411] : cheerfully
= blurred[D0713,F2145] :
① ominous[3431]
② clear
③ opaque[B21]
④ ambiguous[0342,F0311,P26,R002]
※ [문장완성] Choose the one that completes each sentence.
10. Those who expected the governor to be inarticulate were shocked by his .
① eloquence[F0921,R068]
② fatigue[F2054]
③ endurance[F1825,B10]
④ intolerance[D4253]
【해설】eloquence 웅변, 능변 [F0921, R068]
주지사가 "inarticulate (발음이) 부정확한[표제어 0455, F2032]"로 예상했으나, 놀랐다고 했으니 빈 칸에는
반대적인 의미가 와야 한다.
11. Rather than endeavoring[F2053,B10] to write timeless fiction with lasting value, many novelists cater [H09]
to the tastes of those modern readers who read a book once and then discard[1611,F1444] it.
① savory[F3912]
② fleeting[H18]
③ superstitious[F1455,R105]
④ immoral[F3922]
【해설】fleeting 순식간의, 덧없는 [H18]
*시간에 구애 받지 않고 가치를 지속하는 소설을 쓰기 보다는, 많은 소설가들은 한번 읽고 책을 버리는 현대
독자들의 순간적인(일시적인) 취향에 맞추려고 한다.
12. Maintaining a courageous hope even while in prison, Nelson Mandela spent years trying to convince[1153,
R129] others that the fight against apartheid was not .
① futile[2355,D2232,F4332,R042]
② worthwhile
③ foreseeable[F2315,P23]
④ premeditated[F3244,B26]
【해설】futile 헛된 [표제어2355,D2232,F4332,R042]
* 심지어 감옥에 있는 동안에도 용기있는 희망을 유지하면서, 넬슨 만델라는 apartheid (인종차별정책
[F2652,F3941])에 대항해 투쟁해야 한다고 설득시키려는 노력은 헛되지 않았다.
13. The light from most stars takes millions of years to reach us, so not only is the present existence of these
stars , but so are the very concepts of "the present" and "existence."
① invincible[3033,F1153,F2935,R129]
② detectable[B08]
③ debatable[F0443,F2813,P12,R011]
④ indecorous[H13]
【해설】별에서 나오는 빛이 우리에게 도달하기 위해서는 수백년이 걸리고, 그래서 현재의 이런 별들의 존재
뿐만 아니라 "현재"와 "존재"의 그 개념조차 논란의 여지가 있다.
14. The hurdler cleared the last hurdle and to the finish line.
① went
② dashed[B07]
③ entered[F0235]
④ hurries
【해설】dash 돌진하다 [B07] clear (잘) 뛰어 넘다
* 허들 선수는 마지막 장애물을 잘 뛰어 넘고 결승점을 향해 돌진하였다.
15. I felt more satisfied and at peace with myself than I had in a long time. I needed to learn to open my heart
and give love without requiring anything .
① to repay[B30]
② to concern[F1612] about
③ in return [이디엄바이블 14p]
④ in turns [이디엄바이블 330p]
【해설】in return (for) 답례로 [이디엄바이블 14p] / in turns 번갈아, 차례로 [이디엄바이블 330p]
16. Frozen yogurt has become a(n) for those who like ice cream, while margarine has set off the alarm for
those who cannot eat butter.
① inexpensive alternative[0332,F0242,R003]
② allergy[F0242]-free dairy food
③ fancy replacement[[D3043]
④ healthy[F3922] substitute[F1455,R105]
【해설】substitute 대리인, 대용, 대용식품[F1455] / set off 촉발시키다[이디엄바이블 244p]
* 얼린 요거트는 아이스크림을 좋아하는 사람을 위한 건강 대용식품이 되었고, 반면에 버터를 먹지 못하는 사람들을 위한 마아가린은 (건강에 대한) 경보를 울렸다.
서강대 [경영,경제]
1. Her exuberant attitude toward her studies tends to disappear.
① serious
② reluctant[3814,F3122]
③ admirable[B01]
④ enthusiastic[F3111,B10]
【해설】exuberant 기쁨 등이 충만한, 열광적인(=enthusistic) [표제어2135, F0733]
2. There is substantial evidence that immigrants are a powerful benefit to the economy.
① ample[0354,F0742]
② negligible[D3345,F1815,F4332,R062]
③ subtle[4142]
④ equivalent[1954,F1523,R124,R029]
【해설】substantial 실질적인, 실속있는, 중요한(=ample[표제어0354)[표제어4141,F3322,R105]
3. Britain's trading company the Hudson Bay Company, wanted to secure a foothold in America's fur-trade market.
① lock
② obtain[P14,R116]
③ tighten
④ keep
【해설】secure 확보하다(=obtain), 안전하게 하다; 안전한[D3635]
4. Employers began to make derisive comments about the quality of collage graduates.
① scornful[B33]
② hopeful
③ complimentary[0952]
④ enthusiastic[F3111,B10]
【해설】derisive 조롱하는, 경멸하는(=scornful) [D1435]
5. Dan says he is an atheist.
① one who believes in one god
② one who believes there is no god
③ one who believes in many gods
④ one who is not sure if there is a god
【해설】atheist 무신론자(=one who believes there is no god ) [표제어 0524, F0224,P27,R044]
6. Legalization of addictive drugs would not condone use of any addictive substance.
① prevent[2522,F3852,R125]
② concur[F0213,F1224,R024]
③ detrain
④ overlook[F3445,P19]
【해설】condone 용서하다, 눈감아주다(=overlook)[H11]
7. Although the job is getting to be a pain, I will stick with it. Since it pays well.
① change it ② choose it ③ not give up on it ④ stop worrying about it
【해설】stick with ~을 고수하다[이디엄바이블 I-07]
8. underpin[F0721] : support[F0745,B37]
= assiduously[0521] :
① diligently[B08]
② simultaneously[3955]
③ carelessly[F2432]
④ astonishingly[F1641]
【해설】동의어 관계
9. transparent[F3952,P16] : opaque[B21]
= evanescent[F4413] :
① morbid[3325]
② transient[D4321,R051]
③ everlasting[F2022]
④ consoling[D1112]
【해설】반의어 관계
10. repellent[D3855,P02,R085] : disgusting[F3154,F3855]
= encroachment[D1911] :
① endangerment[B10]
② invasion[F1911,F2025]
③ exposure[D1732,R089]
④ empowerment[D1852]
【해설】동의어 관계
15. The latest review for the restaurant was , suggesting that the sublime cuisine came close to compensating
for the insipid decor.
① glorious
② ambivalent[F0342,F1523]
③ banal[표제어 0612]
④ harsh[표제어 2531,F0845,F2531]
【정답】② ambivalent 양립, 이중경향[F0342, F1523]
16. Visual presentation can be overdone; the inexpert user of charts and diagrams often fails to resist the temptation
to try and say too much. The keynote of nearly all successful diagrammatical presentation lies in simplicity of design
and of cluttering detail.
① addition[P03]
② effective use [D1822,F0251,F3545,R032]
③ emphasis[D1851]
④ absence[B01]
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