섬머타임 해제 주일(11월 6일) 섬머타임이 해제됩니다. 새벽1시를 12시로 돌려 놓으면 됩니다. ...
섬머타임-섬머타임(일광절약제, day-light saving time),

미국의 부시 대통령이 2007년을 시작으로
일광절약제(Day-light saving time, 섬머타임)를 4주간
늘리는 법안에 서명했다고 합니다.
현재의 일광절약제는
4월의 첫번째 일요일의 새벽 2시가 새벽 3시로 됨으로서 시작되며,
11월의 첫째 일요일에 해제가 되어 그날은 새벽 2시를 한번더 가지게 됩니다.
오래전부터 실시되었기에 은행을 비롯 하여 각종 인프라, eBay 인터넷 경매 사이트에 이르기까지
모두 이를 자동으로 적용되고 있습니다.
일광절약제는 에너지 절약을 위해 미국, 캐나다에서 실시되고 있습니다.
1700페이지에 달하는 새로운 법안인 Energy Policy Act of 2005가 실시되면, 일광절약제 적용기간
이 기존의 것보다 4주가 늘어나 3월의 두번째 일요일에 실시되어 11월의 첫번째 일요일에 해제된
다고 합니다.
이번 법안을 통해 매일 100,000 베럴의 석유 절감 효과가 있다고 예상된다고 합니다.
문제는 이번 법안이 발효되었을 경우, 자동으로 컴퓨터 시스템이 새로운 일광절약제 법안에
맞을지 여부입니다. 개인 컴퓨터는 운영체제가 컴퓨터 시각을 네트워크의 시각과
자동으로 동기화가 되므로 시스템이나 프로그램만을 업그레이드 시키면 별 문제가 생기지 않는 것
에 비해 지역의 전력 발전소 등의 시스템은 자체 시스템을 가지고 있어서 새로 발효되는 그 법안에
맞추기 위해서는 시스템을 수작업으로 고쳐야 한다는 불편함이 따른다고 합니다.
또한 새로 적용되는 일광절약제를 홍보하기 위해서 지역 사회에서의 교육이 필요하며, 일반
기업체에서도 새로 적용되는 일광절약제가 시작되기 전 시스템이 새로 변경된 일광절약제에
맞추어져 작동하는지 검토를 해봐야 할 것이라고 합니다.
한편 마이크로소프트에서는 새로운 일광절약제에 대해 윈도우즈가 변화를 자연스럽게 받아들
일 수 있도록 패치를 내놓는다고 합니다.
Daylight-saving change could confuse gadgets President Bush has signed a law changing daylight-saving time in 2007, raising the possibility of glitches in PCs and electronic gear. By Anne Broache Staff Writer, CNET News.com
Published: August 8, 2005, 1:11 PM PDT TalkBack E-mail Print del.icio.us Digg this When eBay's clocks failed to jump forward an hour in 2001 to reflect daylight-saving time, the timing on auctions ran into snags, prompting some head-scratching from sellers and bidders.
At the time, eBay blamed the glitch on a bug in Microsoft's Visual C++ code. Microsoft had released a fix.
On Monday, President Bush signed a sweeping energy bill that will lengthen daylight-saving time by four weeks starting in 2007--raising the possibility of a smaller-scale repeat of Y2K-like problems.
For most computer users, the effect would likely be an inconvenience at worst: Their computers will be updated with new software by then, or configured to connect to network time servers that will know the correct time. But because not everyone's computer is networked or updated, some glitches could occur--especially in consumer electronics devices that aren't designed to be reprogrammed.
"If they're running systems that are not auto-updated, they'll have to be cognizant to make those changes themselves," said Mike Wendy, a representative for the Computing Technology Industry Association. "That will involve a modicum of some sort of education to the community to ensure that that occurs."
Companies may have to assign additional resources to the shift, Wendy added, perhaps designating some employees to work "two to three hours on a Sunday night before the change" to ensure that the patches do the job.
For its part, Microsoft promises that its software will be altered to reflect the new law. "We're aware of the upcoming change, and will make sure that Windows handles the transition smoothly," Peter Houston, senior director of Windows servicing strategy, said in an e-mail message.
More complex networks of computers, such as systems that run power plants or financial institutions, would likely have to undertake more intense reprogramming, which could prove costly, said Robert Cresanti, vice president for policy for the Business Software Alliance.
"Those systems are generally nonstandard and so they're unique to that institution," said Cresanti, a staff member on the Senate special committee on the Y2K rollover. "I think there'd probably be some more work that needs to be done there."
Rep. Fred Upton, R.-Mich., and Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., proposed the daylight-saving shift as an amendment to the mammoth Energy Policy Act of 2005. The measure tops 1,700 pages and covers everything from nuclear power facilities to energy-efficient buildings. Both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives signed off on it before heading off on their August recess.
In other news: Long road ahead for Oracle and Linux Bringing Wi-Fi power to the people Using nature's design to create a better world News.com Extra: This tech boom has legs Video: First Look at the Nintendo Wii Under the bill, Americans in the 48 states that currently observe daylight-saving time (Arizona and Hawaii don't) would move their clocks ahead by an hour starting on the second Sunday of March, rather than the first Sunday of April. They would set clocks back an hour on the first Sunday of November, rather than the last Sunday of October. The changes would take effect beginning one year after the law's enactment or March 1, 2007, whichever date comes later.
The four-week extension could save the equivalent of 100,000 barrels of oil per day in energy use, the House Energy and Commerce committee claims.
The bill charges the Department of Energy with evaluating the precise effects on energy use and gives Congress the option of reverting to the 2005 daylight-saving time schedule after the study is complete.
The government's reasoning behind daylight saving time is that people will use less electricity for lighting if they have extra daylight later in the evening. The practice first took hold during World Wars I and II but quickly became optional for individual states during peacetime. Only with the Uniform Time Act of 1966 did the government establish a single time-change pattern for the whole country. Before this year's bill, that pattern had not changed since 1987. |
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