by D.J. Yoon
In the old days, in the lower village of Seorak Mt in Gangwon Province,
There lived a worker Gwon and worker Geum who could lift Seorak Mt’s Rocking Rock with one hand.
One year, when they heard that foreign enemies were coming,
they took their family members and villagers to go up to Seorak Mt GwonGeum Castle.
Worker Gwon and worker Geum decided to build a castle there with all their might.
Worker Gwon went down and threw stones from the stream to GwonGeum Castle.
Worker Geum received the stone from GwonGeum Castle.
When worker Gwon got tired, he went up to GwonGeum Castle.
Worker Geum went down and threw stones from the stream to GwonGeum Castle.
Worker Gwon received the stones from GwonGeum Castle.
It was not made by the king or the county magistrate.
It was called GwonGeum Castle because it was built by worker Gwon and worker Geum.
They fought against foreign enemies in GwonGeum Castle that they constructed like this.
Worker Gwon, worker Geum, their family members, and villagers gathered all their strength and fought off the foreign enemies.
This story in an instant spread to every town.
After that, even when foreign enemies invaded or difficult and hard situations arose.
They didn’t wait for the king and the county magistrate, attempting to do anything.
During the Imjin War and the end of the Joseon Dynasty, everyone fought against foreign enemies as volunteer soldiers.
After liberation, everyone took the lead in solving difficult and hard problems.
일꾼 권씨 일꾼 금씨
옛날 강원도 설악산 아랫마을
설악산 흔들바위도 한 손으로 번쩍 드는
일꾼 권씨 일꾼 금씨 살았는데
어느 해 외적이 쳐들어온다고 하자
식구들과 마을 사람들을 데리고
설악산 권금성으로 올라갔지요
일꾼 권씨 일꾼 금씨 둘이서 온 힘 다해 거기 성을 쌓기로 했지요
일꾼 권씨가 내려가 개울 돌을 권금성으로 던져 올리면
일꾼 금씨가 권금성에서 그 돌을 받았지요
일꾼 권씨가 지치면 권금성으로 올라가고
일꾼 금씨가 내려가 개울 돌을 권금성으로 던져 올리면
일꾼 권씨가 권금성에서 그 돌을 받았지요
나라님이 만들어준 것도 아니고
고을 원님이 만들어준 것도 아니고
일꾼 권씨 일꾼 금씨가 만든 것이라 권금성이라 했지요
이렇게 만든 권금성에서 외적을 상대하니
일꾼 권씨 일꾼 금씨 식구들과 마을 사람들
온 힘을 모아 온 힘을 다해 외적을 물리쳤지요
이 이야기 삽시간에 고을마다 전해져
그 뒤부터 외적이 쳐들어오거나
어려운 일 힘든 일이 생겨도
나라님 고을 원님 기다리며 손 놓고 있지 않고
임진 난과 구한 말엔 너도나도 의병으로 외적과 싸웠지요
광복 후엔 너도나도 어려운 일 힘든 일 앞장서 해결했지요
Appreciation Review 感想
The poet tells the story of workers Gwon and Geum, who led their village to build a castle and defend themselves against enemies.
It shows how people can achieve great things by working together and not waiting for help from leaders.
The poem also connects this story to Korea’s history, where ordinary people stood up to protect their country.
Through this simple and inspiring tale, the poem teaches children the importance of teamwork, taking action, and being proud of their heritage.
#어려운일 #힘든일 #권씨 #금씨 #권금성
첫댓글 한국 역사 속에서 평범한 사람들이 나라를 지키기 위해 앞장섰던 이야기를 소재로, 아이들에게 협동의 중요성과 스스로 행동하는 용기, 그리고 자신의 문화와 역사를 자랑스러워하는 마음을 심어주고 있습니다.^^