The title of this story is "Journey to Pluto."
On January 19, 2006, the space probe New Horizons was launched.
Its goal was to get a closer look at Pluto and beyond.
On July 4, 2015, the probe lost data needed to complete the mission.
On July 7, 2015, They scientists restored the lost data and began the flyby sequence.
On July 14, 2015, New Horizons successfully flew by Pluto and collected data.
On January 1, 2019, the probe flew by Ultima Thule (now called Arrokoth).
Score: A-
문법 및 철자 수정:
- "Jauary" → "January" (철자 오류 수정).
- "July 4,2015" → "July 4, 2015," (쉼표 추가).
- "On July 7, 2015 They restored" → "On July 7, 2015, scientists restored" ("They" 대신 "scientists" 사용).
- "Ultima Thule" → "Ultima Thule (now called Arrokoth)" (최신 정보 추가).
추가 내용 추천:
- New Horizons가 Pluto에서 발견한 주요 특징(예: 얼음산, 대기 등)에 대해 간단히 언급하면 좋습니다.
- Ultima Thule(Arrokoth)가 왜 중요한지 한 문장 추가하면 더욱 완성도 높은 글이 될 것입니다.