1. 권력에 취한, 권력에 도취된 power-ha____
2. 무면허 의료행위 pr______ng medicine without a lic____
3. 하버드 대학교는 법학과 경영학에 강한 학교로 여겨진다 Harvard is considered a power_____ school in law and business
4. 한국은 반도체 산업의 강국이다 South Korea is a power______ in the semi-conductor industry
5. 권력을 갈망하는, 권력에 굶주린, 권력욕이 있는 power-hu____
6. 복잡하고 다양한 배역을 소화하다 por____ complex and divers characters
7. 손씻는 습관을 잘 실천하다, 손위생을 실천하다 practice a good hand hy____
8. (속담) 연습만이 살길이다 practice makes pe_____
9. 현직 의사 pra_______ doctor
첫댓글 1. power-happy
2. practicing medicine without a license
3. Harvard is considered a powerhouse school in law and business
4. South Korea is a powerhouse in the semi-conductor industry
5. power-hungry
6. portrait complex and divers characters
7. practice a good hand hygiene
8. practice makes perfect
9. practicing doctor