F-15, F-22에서 비행시간 2,100시간을 기록한 전투기 파일럿이자 이전 미군 합참 작전부국장, 현 록히드 마틴의 부사장이자 Integrated Fighter Group의 총괄매니저인 O.J.Sanchez가 내년 1월부터 스컹크 웍스의 Boss가 되네요.
켈리 존슨과 벤 리치는 물론 현재 스컹크웍스를 담당하고 있는 John Clark은 기술자 출신인 듯 한데, 이번엔 F-15, F-22 프로그램을 담당했던 생산전문가를 보내네요.
T-50과 KF-21 개발 국제 파트너십도 감독했다고 하니 여기서도 이 분과 협업해보신 분이 계실 수도 있겠네요.
Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Manufacturing Facility at Skunk Works in Palmdale, Calif. Courtesy of Lockheed Martin.
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Lockheed’s Skunk Works Gets New Boss
Dec. 5, 2024 | By John A. Tirpak
O.J. Sanchez, a former Air Force F-22 pilot and currently the vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s Integrated Fighter Group, will take over as head of the company’s Skunk Works advanced products unit in January. He succeeds John Clark, who is taking on a new position as the company’s senior vice president for technology and strategic innovation.
Skunk Works, located at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Calif., is Lockheed’s premier aerospace innovation organization, which over more than 70 years has provided landmark systems for the Air Force, including the U-2 and SR-71 spyplanes, the F-117 stealth attack jet, and the RQ-170 stealth spyplane. It also contributed heavily to the design and development of the F-22 and F-35, the Air Force’s two fifth-generation fighters, an undisclosed number of the Air Force’s hypersonic programs, and a large number of experimental and classified operational platforms.
As head of the Integrated Fighter Group, Sanchez oversees the development, production and, sustainment of the F-15 and F-22 programs, and presided over the launch of F-16 production at Greenville, S.C., after the company moved that enterprise from its Fort Worth, Texas, plant, where F-35s are built. In his three years in that position, he also directed the T-50 K-FX, J-FX, and other international partnerships. He previously was the vice president and general manager of the F-22 program, and worked on the F-35 program. Collectively, Sanchez has more than 10 years of experience with Lockheed.
On active duty, Sanchez was an F-15 and F-22 pilot, amassing more than 2,100 hours flight hours. His last active duty assignment was as Deputy Director of Operations for the Joint Staff.
Whereas most of Sanchez’ predecessors at Skunk Works were technologists and engineers, Sanchez’s experience with the company has been in the manufacture, refinement, and sustainment of established programs, possibly indicating that more of Skunk Works’ business will be in production and sustainment of classified platforms and systems, rather than just in development of exotic new technologies. Skunk Works continues to maintain and develop the U-2 spyplane.
In a posting on X, Clark noted Sanchez’s “more than 30 years of combined military and industry expertise,” saying he has “demonstrated exceptional leadership in driving advanced program execution aligned with the Department of Defense’s deterrence vision.”
Clark is leaving Skunk Works after three years and taking on a new position as senior vice president for Technology and Strategic Innovation. He will be a direct report to CEO Jim Taiclet and will also oversee Lockheed Martin Ventures.
A successor for Sanchez at the Integrated Fighter Group has not been named.
전임 스컹크웍스 책임자였던 John Clark의 심포지엄 발표자 소개자료입니다.
John Clark
Lockheed Martin
Vice President, Technology & Engineering Aerospace,
JADC2 & All Domain Warfare Symposium
John Clark is Engineering & Technology Vice President, Aeronautics for Lockheed Martin
Corporation. In this capacity, he is responsible for the organization’s strategic and operational
leadership, ensuring technical integrity in our products and processes. He will also support our
Aeronautics Lines of Business through technical concept development and is part of the
Aeronautics Executive Leadership Team.
Previously, John was the vice president of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for the Skunk Works, a portfolio with $800 million in
annual sales, with team of about 1,500 employees. His primary responsibilities included
leadership of multiple classified programs, development of cross-portfolio business strategies,
and multi-domain operations capabilities.
Prior to this role, John was the Director of Tactical Systems responsible for leading the concept
refinement phase and program capture of a DoD ACAT 1 program valued at over $5B. In this
role, he established the overall program capture and technical strategy for the pursuit.
He has also previously served as the Director of the Focused Technology Roadmaps
organization. In this position, John was responsible for developing and transitioning technology
to address the needs for all Aeronautics platforms. This included directing a portfolio of
technology roadmaps including Survivability, Software Systems, Electronic Warfare, Weapons,
Sensors, Cyber, and Anti-Tamper technologies. In this position, John guided the capture of
over $200M in R&D work within 18 months
In addition, John was the thought leader and primary strategist leading the development of an
Enterprise wide Open System Architecture technology strategy guiding internal efforts as well
as the Air Force Open Mission Systems standard effort from 2011 to 2014. John served as the
Program Manager of multiple UAV Command and Control and Autonomy related programs
strategically positioning ADP in the mission autonomy area while leading the development of the
core software and hardware architecture for ADP UAV program activities.
Throughout his career, John has led several critical initiatives for Lockheed Martin Corporation,
including Open Mission Systems, Common Mission Control Center, System of Systems
Integration Technology, Distributed Battle Management, P930, Networked Electronic Attack,
and a broad list of science and technology programs capturing over $500M in research and
development activities in the last 15 years serving both Air Force and Navy customers.
John holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado at
Boulder, and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Texas Christian University.
첫댓글 Bio를 보니 록히드에 취업한 것이 2014년이고 1995-1998년에는 오키나와에서 F-15C 조종사였고 2004-2006년 F-22A 시험평가 조종사, 2009-2011년 알래스카에서 F-22A 대대장이었습니다.
Deputy Director of Operations for the Joint Staff를 '합참 작전차장'이라고 번역했는데, 제 번역이 잘못됐겠네요. 합참 작전부국장 정도 되는 보직이겠습니다.