(보도) Reuters 2014-3-21
헌재의 총선 무효 결정으로 다시금 마비된 태국 정치
Thailand in political limbo after court annuls election
기사작성 : Amy Sawitta Lefevre
(Reuters) - Thailand's Constitutional Court on Friday annulled last month's general election, leaving the country in political limbo without a full government and further undermining a prime minister faced with impeachment over a failed rice subsidy scheme.
The court judges ruled in a 6 to 3 vote that the February 2 election was unconstitutional because voting failed to take place on the same day around the country.
Anti-government protesters had stopped voting in about a fifth of constituencies, and in 28 of them voting was not possible at all because candidates were unable to register.
The protests are the latest chapter in an eight-year crisis that pits Bangkok's middle class and royalist establishment against supporters of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her brother, ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, who was toppled by the army in 2006 and lives in exile to avoid a jail term for graft.
Over the past five months, the protesters have shut government offices and at times blocked major thoroughfares in Bangkok to try to force Yingluck out. Twenty-three people have died and hundreds have been injured in the violence.
The number of protesters has dwindled in recent weeks and the streets have been relatively calm since several big protest camps were shut at the start of March, allowing the government to lift a state of emergency on Wednesday.
But the focus has shifted to the courts, in particular to the prospect of Yingluck being impeached over a rice scheme that has gone disastrously wrong, with hundreds of thousands of farmers not getting paid for grain sold to the state since October.
"Independent agencies are being quite obvious that they want to remove her and her entire cabinet to create a power vacuum, claim that elections can't be held and then nominate a prime minister of their choice," said Kan Yuenyong, a political analyst at the Siam Intelligence Unit, referring to the courts and the anti-corruption commission. "If they run with this plan, then the government's supporters will fight back and the next half of the year will be much worse than what we saw in the first half," he said.
Thaksin's "red shirt" supporters, who are strong in the north and northeast, are beginning to sound more militant, raising the prospect of more violence if Yingluck is forced out by the courts, the anti-corruption commission or by other means.
The National Anti-Corruption Commission could recommend impeachment in coming days, probably by March 31. She could then be removed from office by the upper house Senate, which is likely to have an anti-Thaksin majority after an election for half its members on March 30.
Some analysts say it will fall to the Senate to then appoint a "neutral" prime minister, probably the type of establishment figure the protesters have been demanding all along.
It is unclear when a new election will take place.
Somchai Srisutthiyakorn, an Election Commission member, offered two options: "The commission could discuss with the government about issuing a new royal decree for a new date or we could ask the heads of all political parties to decide together when best to set the new election date," he told reporters.
A spokesman for the opposition Democrat Party has been quoted as saying it would boycott any vote, as it did in February, but after Friday's decision he said it might be prepared to take part. "We're ready to join a new election but it depends on the government and whether the political situation is stable enough to hold a new vote," Chavanond Intarakomalyasut told Reuters.
Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, who was a deputy prime minister under the previous Democrat-led government, has shown no willingness to compromise. "If the court rules the election void, don't even dream that there will be another election. If a new election date is declared, then we'll take care of every province and the election won't be successful again," he told supporters late on Thursday.
There was no immediate comment from the government but Yingluck's Puea Thai Party said the verdict was a loss for those who had exercised their right to vote. "The vote was nullified because protesters stopped it from taking place across the country," spokesman Prompong Nopparit told Reuters. "Today, Thais have lost an opportunity to move on towards completing the election and solving this crisis."
Yingluck called the election in December to try to defuse the protests and since then has headed a caretaker government with limited powers. Puea Thai had been expected to win.
The protesters want electoral changes pushed through before any vote, seeking to reduce the influence of Thaksin. Parties led by or allied to him have won every election since 2001.
(Additional reporting by; Aukkarapon Niyomyat and Apornrath Phoonphongphiphat; Writing by Alan Raybould and Amy Sawitta Lefevre; Editing by Michael Perry and Simon Cameron-Moore)
첫댓글 연합뉴스의 "잉락 친나왓 총리 '치명타'" 표현은 좀 우습군요..
뭐, 당연히 예상됐던 일입니다만...
잉락 총리 정부는 국민 다수파의 지지를 받고 있어서
그렇게 약한 정부가 아니지요..
다만 소수파인 수꼴 기득권층을 달래면서,
내전을 피해보려니까 고생을 하는 것이죠..
어차피 예정된 수순대로 착착 진행됩니다.. ㅠㅠ
기득권층은 무조건 아시바리를 걸어 혼란을 조성한 후 쿠테타 같은 걸로 마무리하고 싶어하는 것인데..
문제는 친정부 레드셔츠들이 지금 "빨리 내전하자"고 보채고 있는 상황입니다..
태국 기득권층이 가진 거 그대로 자손만대 누리려다
이제 모든 걸 다 잃는 사태가 오지 않을까 싶네요
이제 3월 말에 국가 반부패 위원회(NACC)가
쌀수매 정책과 관련하여 잉락 총리의 불신임으로 이어질 수 있는 결정을 할 예정이고..
그 결과에 따라,
잉락 총리가 해임되면서
기득권층이 상원을 통해 과도총리 임명 같은 것을 노릴 경우..
금년 상반기 중에 태국이 커다란 기로에 놓이게 될 가능성이 높아 보이는군요
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
저도 일단 국왕의 사망이라는 역사적 사건이 빠를수록 좋다고 봅니다만..
이것이 이제 왕정제도 자체의 존립 문제로 나아갈 가능성도 있어 보입니다.
사실 태국 기득권층도 더 이상 왕정 자체에 목을 매는 형국은 아닐 겁니다.
지금까지는 자신들의 나눠먹기식 기득권 체제만 유지된다면
시린톤 공주든 시리낏 왕후 섭정 체제든 상관없다는 입장이었습니다만..
기득권 체제만 유지된다면야 왕정이 아니라도
군부독재든 혹은 싱가포르식 일당독재든 그 형식 자체는 상관이 없을 수도 있죠..
말로는 자신들이 국왕에 충성한다고 하지만,
결국 왕당파 최고 엘리트 인사들에겐 충성심이 아니라 정치적 계산만 있을 겁니다.
그리고 짜뚜폰 신임 의장 체제의 레드셔츠들도 상당히 다른 모습을 보여주고 있습니다.
이들은 이제 단순한 친-탁신파 그 이상의 무엇으로 진화해나가는 것으로 보입니다.
아마도 레드셔츠들은 누가 차기 국왕이 되느냐가 아니라,
"민주주의 다수결 원칙이 적용되는가"에 주안점을 맞추는 것으로 보입니다.
여차하면 탁신도 이제 레드셔츠한테 끌려갈 판 아닌가 싶습니다.
짜뚜폰 의장이 어제 헌재 결정 이후에
매우 강도높은 발언을 쏟아냈습니다.
짜뚜판 의장의 어제 발언을 직역해서 요약하면..
"[육군사령관인] 쁘라윳 짠오차 장군, 당신 말이요..
오늘이 당신 환갑날인데, 일단 생일을 축하하오..
어차피 금년 중에 육군사령관 직에서 물러날 것인데..
당신이 만일 쿠테타 같은 거 시도했다간..
내년 생일날 바깥 출입이나 제대로 할 수 있을지 걱정되오..
뭐, 이런 논조입니다..
그리고 실제로
"빨리 내전하자..
까짓거 남한과 북한봐라..
그 나라보니 분단해도 오히려 속편할 수 있다..
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