1) abide by (=keep, be faithful to) 지키다,따르다
You must abide by your promise.
2) abound in (or with)(=be plentiful, be rich in) -이 풍부하다
Fish abound in the sea. The sea abounds with (or in)fish.
3) above all (=more than anything else) 무엇보다도
He was loved by all and above all by the children.
4) according as (=inproportion as) -에 따라서(절이 뒤에옴)
according to(=on the authority of) -에 의하면(구가 뒤에옴)
According as the demand increases, prices go up.
According to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow.
5) account for (=explain) 설명하다
He is ill; that accounts for his absence.
6) add to (=increase) 증가시키다
This adds to the expense.
7) after all (=in the end, in spite of ) 결국, -에도 불구하고
He failed after all. After all my advice he failed.
8) agree with + 사람 (=be of the same mind, suit)동의하다,
agree to + 사물 (=consent to) -에 동의하다
I don't agree with him. The climate doesn't agree with me
I cannot agree to your proposal.
9) all at once (=suddenly, all of a sudden, on a sudden)
All at once it began to rain. 갑자기
10) all but (=almost) 거의 He was all but dead.
11) allow for (=take into account) -을 고려하다.
You must allow for his youth and inexperience.
12) and so on (=and so forth, and what not) -등등, 따위
There came dogs, cats, horses, and so on.
13) answer for (=be responsible for) 책임지다
I answer for his honesty.
14) anything but (=never) 결코 -이 아닌
nothing but (=only) 단지
He is anything but a scholar.
He is nothing but a cheat.
15) apart (or aside) from (independently of, except for)
-은 별도로
Aside from the question of expense,
the project is impracticable.
16) apply for (=ask to be given) 지원하다
apply to (=concern, fit) 적용되다
Did you apply for the position ?
This rule applies to all cases.
17) apply oneself to (=give all one's energy to) -에 전념하다
She applied herself to learning French.
18) as a matter of fact (=in fact) 사실
As a matter of fact, you are quite right.
19) as a rule (usually, on the whole) 통상, 대체로
As a rule I get up early in summer.
20) as for (=with reference to, speaking of) -에 대하여 말하면
as to (=concerning, regarding, as regards) -에 관하여
As for me, give me liberty or give me death.
He said nothing as to what he would do.
21) as good as (=practically, no better than, the same thing as) 사실상, -과 같은
He is as good as dead.
22) as it were (=so to speak) 말하자면
He is, as it were, a gentleman
23) ask after (=inquire after) 안부를 묻다.
I asked after his health.
24) at a loss (=perplexed, uncertain) 어쩔 줄을 몰라서
He was at a loss for words.
25) At all events (=in any case, at any rate) 어쨌든
At all events we must go.
26) at best (=in the most favorable case) 아무리 잘 해야
at (the) most (=not more than) 기껏해야, 많아야
We cannot arrive before Thursday at best.
I can give you three dollars at (the) most.
27) at first hand (=directly) 직접적으로
at second hand (=indirectly) 간접적으로
I have heard the news at first hand from him.
28) at hand (=near) 가까이
The examination is close at hand.
29) at (long) last (=in the end) 드디어
At last we reached London.
30) at stake (=at risk, in danger) -이 걸려 있는, 위태로운
My honor is at stake.
31) at least (=not less than, at any rate) 적어도, 어쨌든
It will cost at least ten dollars.
You must at least try.
32) at length (=at last, in detail) 드디어, 상세하게
At length the day came.
He explained it at length.
33) at once (=immediately, at the same time) 즉시, 동시에
We must start at once.
His father is at once stern and tender.
34) at random (=without aim) 함부로, 닥치는 대로
He reads books at random.
35) at one's wits' (wit's) end 어찌할 바를 몰라
(=not knowing what to say or do)
I was at my wits' end what to do.
36) at the mercy of (=wholly in the power of) -에 좌우되어
The ship was at the mercy of the waves.
37) attend on (=wait on, serve) 시중들다
attend to (=pay attention to, be attentive to) -에 주의하다
She attended on the sick boy.
We must attend to our study.
38) attribute - to (=ascribe - to, impute - to)
-을--의 탓으로 돌리다
He attributed his success to good luck.
39) avail oneself of (=take advantage of, use) 이용하다
You had better avail yourself of this opportunity.
40) be badly off (=be poor) 궁핍하다 =be worse off
be well off (=be rich) 유복하다 =be better off
He seems to be badly off these days.
He is well off now.
41) be about to (=be going to) - 하려고 하다
The sun was about to set.
42) be absorbed in (=be interested very much in)
-에 열중하다
He was absorbed in reading.
43) be accustomed to (=be used to) -에 익숙하다
He was accustomed to speaking in company.
44) be anxious about (=be uneasy about) 근심하다
be anxious to + 동사 = be anxious for + 명사
(=be eager for) 갈망하다
He is anxious about her safety.
I'm anxious to be a lawyer.
45) be apt to (=be likely to, be liable to) -할것같다.-하기쉽다
We are apt to be wasteful of time.
46) be bound to (=be certain to, be obliged to)
틀림없이-하다, -하지 않을 수 없다.
be bound for (=be going in a certain direction) -로 향하다
We are bound to be late if you don't hurry.
The ship is bound for San Francisco.
47) be capable of (=be able to) -할 능력이 있다
He is capable of teaching English.
48) be due to + 명사 (=be caused by) -에 기인하다
be due to + 동사 (=be expected to) -할 예정이다
due to (=owing to) -때문에
The accident was due to his careless driving.
He is due to speak, this evening.
Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.
49) be equal to (=have ability for) -을 감당할 능력이 있다
I think that I am equal to the task.
50) be forced to (=be obliged to, be compelled to) -하지 않을 수 없다
We were all forced to comply with his request.
51) be good at (=be a good hand at) -에 능하다
be poor at (=be a poor hand at) -에 서툴다
He is good (or poor) at swimming.
52) be in accord with (=be in agreement with) -와 일치하다
It is in accord with my principles.
53) be in charge of (=be responsible for) -을 책임지다
He is in charge of the library.
54) be in the way (=cause inconvenience) -에 방해되다
He tried to help us but was simply in the way.
55) be inclined to (=be disposed to) -하고 싶은 기분이다
I am inclined to start at once.
56) be up to (=be occupied, be one's duty) -을 꾸미다,
-의 의무다.
What's he up to? It's up to us to help him.
57) bear in mind (=remember, learn by heart) 기억하다
You must bear his advice in mind.
58) because of (=by reason of, on account of) -때문에
He cannot work because of his old age.
59) become of (=happen to) -되다
Do you know what has become of him?
60) behind time (=late) 시간에 늦은
behind the times (=out of date) 시대에 뒤떨어진
The train is ten minutes behind time.
The old gentleman is behind the times.
61) belong to (=be the property of) -의 것이다
These books belong to me.
62) between ourselves (=in confidence) 우리끼리 얘긴데
Between ourselves, he is not honest.
63) beyond description (=cannot be described) 형용할 수 없는
The scenery was beyond description.
This one is superior beyond comparison.
64) break away(=go away suddenly, give up) 달아나다,버리다
The prisoner broke away from his guards.
Can't you break away from old habits?
65) break into (=enter by force) 침입하다
A burglar broke into his house last night.
66) break out (occur suddenly) 갑자기 발생하다
A fire broke out during the night.
I hope war will not break out.
67) break up (=disperse, scatter) 해산시키다
The police broke up the meeting.
68) bring about (=cause to happen) 발생시키다, 야기하다
It will bring about a good result.
69) bring home to (=cause one to realize)
-을 절실히 느끼게 하다
Her death brought home to me the sorrow of life.
70) bring up (=educate, rear) 교육하다, 양육하다
She has brought up five children.
71) burst into (=begin suddenly) 갑자기 시작하다
She burst into tears at the news.
We burst out laughing.
72) by accident (=by chance, accidentally) 우연히
It was a discovery made by accident.
73) by all means (=at all costs, certainly) 어떤 일이 있어도, 좋고 말고요
Keep your word by all means.
74) by degrees (=gradually) 점차로
Their friendship by degrees grew into love.
75) by halves (=incompletely) 어중간하게
Never do anything by halves.
76) by means of (=with the help of, by dint of) -에 의하여
Thoughts are expressed by means of words.
77) by nature (=naturally, innately) 본디, 성격상으로
He is brave by nature.
78) by the way (=incidentally) 그런데
By the way, I have something to tell you.
79) by turns (=in rotation, one after the other) 교대로
They kept watch by turns.
80) by virtue of (=because of) -의 힘으로, -의 덕분으로
He has succeeded by virtue of industry.
81) by way of (=via, as a sort of) 경유하여, -으로서
He went to Europe by way of America.
I want to say a few words by way of apology.
82) before long (=pretty soon, by and by) 곧
It will prove true before long
He got better before long..
83) call down (=reprimand, scold) 꾸짖다
He was called down by his boss for coming late to work.
84) call for (=demand, require) 요구하다
The occasion calls for prompt action.
85) call off (=cancel) 취소하다
The meeting was called off because of the rain.
86) call up (=telephone, ring up) 전화하다
Don't call me up in the morning.
87) care for (or to) (like, look after) 좋아하다, 돌보다
Would you care for a walk ?
Who will care for the boys if their mother dies?
88) carry on (=continue, manage) 계속하다
Carry on with your sweeping
He is carrying on his business on a large scale.
89) carry out (=accomplish, execute) 수행하다.
You must carry out the plan immediately.
90) catch sight of (=get a glimpse of) -을 얼핏보다.
I caught sight of him in the crowd.
I lost sight of him in the crowd.
91) catch up with (=overtake, come up with) -을 따라가다.
He worked hard to catch up with the rest of the class.
92) cheer up (=become happier, make somebody happier)
기운이 나다, 기운이 내게 하다
The news cheered them up no end.
93) come across (=chance upon, meet or find unexpectedly)
우연히 만나다.
Walking along the street, I came across an old friend
of mine.
94) come by (=obtain, visit) 획득하다, 방문하다
Food and clothing are not to be come by without toil.
When I have time, I will come by.
95) come in contact with (=come in touch with)-과 접촉하다
We must always come in contact with new books.
96) come to (=recover) 의식을 회복하다
After a while she came to.
97) come true (=really happen, become fact) 실현되다
His dream came true at last.
98) come up to (=equal) 동등하다
Your work has not come up to my expectations.
99) compare to (=liken A to B) 비유하다
compare with 비교하다
Poets compared sleep to death.
I compared my camera with his.
100) be concerned with(or in) (=become occupied with)
관심을 가지다
I am not concerned with the matter.
101) consist in (=lie in) 놓여있다
consist of (=be composed of, be made up of) 구성되다
Happiness consists in contentment.
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
102) cope with (=manage successfully, be equal to) 대처하다
She could not cope with difficulties.
103) correspond to (=be similar to) 비등하다, 일치하다
correspond with (=exchange letters) 서신교환을 하다
The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.
I want to correspond with American girls.
104) count for little (=be of little importance) 가치가 없다
Knowledge without common sense counts for little.
105) count in (=include) 셈에 넣다
Count me in.
106) count on (=rely on) -을 믿다.
We count on your help.
107) cut a fine figure (=make a fine appearance) 이채를 띠다
She cut a brilliant figure among them.
108) cut in (=interrupt) 방해하다, 끼어들다
I was going to speak, when she cut in unexpectedly.
109) deal in (= do business) 장사하다
deal with (=treat) 다루다, 취급하다
He deals in rice,
He deals fairly with his pupils.
110) depend on (=rely on) 의지하다
depend upon it (=certainly) 꼭
It depends upon your experience.
Depend upon it, he knows it.
111) deprive A of B (=take away B from A)
A로부터 B를 빼얏다.
The war deprived her of her only son.
112) devote oneself to (=give oneself to) 헌신하다
He has devoted himself to the cause of democracy.
113) distinguish A from B (=distinguish between A and B)
A 와 B를 구별하다
He cannot distinguish the good from the bad.
114) distinguish oneself (=make oneself well known)
이름을 내다
He distinguished himself by his courage.
115) do away with (=abolish, get rid of, destroy)
제거하다, 죽이다
You must do away with the evil practice.
He did (or made) away with himself.
116)do +사람 + good (=help or benefit him) -에게 이익이되다
Smoking does you more harm than good.
117)do justice to=do one justice(=treat fairly)공평히 평가하다
His remarks do justice to the author.
To do him justice, he is a good man by heart.
118) do one's best (=do all one can) 최선을 다하다
We must do our best in everything.
119) do well to (=had better) -하는게 좋다
Young man do well to read the lives of great men.
120) do without (=dispense with, manage without) 없이지내다
Man cannot do without water even for a day.
121) draw on (=come near in time) 다가오다
It grew colder as night drew on.
122) drop in (=visit casually) 우연히 방문하다
Please drop in on me.
Please drop in at my house.
123) dwell on (=think. speak or write a lot about)
상술하다, 곰곰이 생각하다
She dwells too much upon her past.
124) end in (=result in) 결과 -이 되다
The conversation ended in a quarrel.
125) be engaged in (=be busy with, take part in) 종사하다
He is engaged in writing a novel.
126) ever since (from then till now) 그 이후 쭉
He went to America in 1960 and has lived there ever since.
127) exert oneself (=make an effort) 노력하다
Exert yourself, or you will fail.
128) fall back on (=depend on, have recourse to)-에 의지하다
In case you fail, you must have something to fall back on.
129) fall in with (=happen to meet, agree to)
우연히 만나다, 일치하다
I fell in with him at a hotel in Paris.
This letter does not fall in with what he said.
130) fall on (=attack) -을 공격하다
The enemy fell upon them as they slept.
131) fall short of (=be insufficient) 미달하다
The arrow fell short of the mark.
132) fall to (=begin) 시작하다
They fell to crying at the sad news.
133) familiar with+사물(having a good knowledge)-을 잘아는
familiar to +사람 (well known to) -에게 잘 알려져 있는
We are familiar with this proverb.
This proverb is familiar to us.
134) far from (=not at all) 결코 -이 아닌
I am far from blaming him.
135) feel for (=sympathize with grope) 동정하다, 더듬다
It is only the poor who really feel for the poor.
There he stooped and felt for his purse.
136) feel like -ing (=be inclined to or for) -하고싶다
I feel like taking a long walk.
137) figure out (=make out, understand) 이해하다
I can't figure out what the writer is trying to say.
138) find fault with (=criticize) -을 비난하다
It is easy to find fault with the work of others.
139) find one's way (=make one's way, reach)
애써 나아가다, 도달하다
Rivers find their way to the sea.
140) first of all (=above all, before anything else) 무엇보다도
It begins with correcting the errors first of all.
141) flatter oneself that (=be pleased with one's belief that)
혼자속으로 믿고 좋아하다
He flatters himself that he is the best speaker of English.
142) for a time (=for a while) 잠시동안
He stopped there for a time to have a look at it.
143) for ages (=for years, for a long time) 오랫동안
I have not seen him for ages.
144) for all (=in spite of) 불구하고
For all his wealth he is not contented.
145) for all I know (=perhaps) 아마
He may be in Africa for all I know.
146) for all the world (=on any account) 어떤 일이 있어도
for all the world like (=exactly alike) 똑같은
I would not do such a thing for all the world.
She's for all the world like a woman like a woman I knew twenty years ago.
147) for certain (=certainly) 틀림없이
He will be here today for certain.
148) for ever (=for good) 영원히
I shall never forget your kindness for ever.
149) for example (or instance) (=by way of illustration)
가령 예를 들어, 이를테면
Many great men have risen from poverty -Lincoln and Edison, for example.
150) for fear (that) --- should -- (=lest --- should--)
-하지 않도록
I walked softly for fear (that) I should wake the sleeping baby.
151) for God's (or goodness, mercy's, heaven's) sake 제발
For God's sake, come and help me out of this trouble.
152) for my part (=as for me, as far as I am concerned)
For my part I have no objection.
153) for nothing (=in vain, without reason, without payment)
헛되이, 이유없이, 공짜로
We had all our trouble for nothing,
They quarrelled for nothing. I got it for nothing.
154) for (this) once (=this once) 한번만(이번만)
Listen to me for this once.
155) for one thing (=in the first place) 우선, 첫째는
For one thing I am busy; for another I don't have the money.
156) for one's age (=considering one's age) 나이에 비해서
He looks older for his age.
157) for one's life (=desperately) 필사적으로
He ran for his life.
158) for short (=for brevity's sake) 줄여서, 생략하여
Benjamin is called 'Ben' for short.
159) for the first time(before one does anything else)처음으로
I saw him for the first time.
160) for the life of me (=however hard I try) 아무리 해도
I cannot, for the life of me, recollect his name.
161) for the most part (=mostly) 대부분, 대개
The inhabitants are for the most part diligent.
162) for the present (=for the time being) 당분간
He will stay there for the present.
163) for the purpose of (=with the aim of) -을 할 목적으로
He went to Italy for the purpose of studying music.
164) for the sake of (=for the benefit of) -를 위하여
He saved money for the sake of his family.
165) for want of (for lack of) -이 부족하여
I could not do so for want of money.
166) free from (=without) -이 없는
It was a day free from wind.
167) go from bad to worse (=get worse every day) 악화하다
Things in Russia went from bad to worse.
168) live from hand to mouth(=keep the wolf from the door)
그날 벌어 그날 지내다, 겨우 긂주림을 면하다.
Most of them are living from hand to mouth.
169) from time to time (=occasionally, once in a while) 가끔
They come to see me from time to time.
170) furnish A with B (=supply (or provide) A with B)
A 에게 B를 공급하다
He furnished the hungry with food.
He furnished food to the hungry.
171) gain on (=get closer to, go faster than, encroach upon)
-에 따라미치다, -보다 발이 빠르다, -을 침식하다.
His pursuers were gaining on him.
The sea is gaining on the land.
172) get along (=make progress, manage) 진척되다, 살아가다
He is getting along very well in his study of English.
We cannot get along without money.
173) get at (=reach, discover) 도달하다, 이해하다
The books are locked up and I cannot get at them.
It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom.
174) get away (=escape, leave) 도망치다, 떠나다
He got away from the police.
175) get better (=become better) 좋아지다
get worse (=become worse) 악화하다
I hope you will soon get better.
176) get (or take) hold of (=grasp) 붙잡다
Get hold of this rope
177) get in touch with (=communicate) -와 접촉하다
I tried to get in touch with him.
178) get on (=board) 타다
I always get on the bus at Sinchon.
179) get off (=descend from) 내리다
I always get off the bus at Hongneung.
180) get on in the world (=succeed in life) 출세하다
get on with (=live in a friendly way with)사이좋게 지내다
Tell me how he has got on in the world.
He is getting on (or along) with his neighbors.
181) get over (=recover from, overcome, tide over)
회복하다, 극복하다
He finally got over his illness.
He got over the difficulty.
182) get rid of (=eliminate, become free of) 제거하다
It is not easy to get rid of a bad habit.
183) get the better of (=defeat) 이기다
get the worse of it (=be defeated) 지다, 혼나다
I got the better of him in the race.
184) get through (=finish) 끝마치다
Try to get through the task as soon as possible.
185) get tired of (=become weary of) 싫증나다
I got tired of the work.
186) get to (=reach, arrive at) 도착하다
I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office in time.
187) get used to (=get accustomed to) -에 익숙해지다
You'll soon get used to the manners and customs.
188) give away (=give freely, distribute, disclose)
남에게 주다, 분배하다, 폭로하다
He gave away all his money.
His pronunciation gave him away.
189) give birth to (=bear, produce) 낳다, 생산하다
She gave birth to a girl baby.
190) give in (=hand in, surrender, collapse)
제출하다, 굴복하다, 무너지다
Please give in your examination papers now.
The strikers gave in.
The floor gave in under the weight of the heavy safe.
191) give oneself to (=devote oneself to) 몰두하다
He decided to give himself to the study of physics.
192) give out (=wear out, distribute) (힘이)다하다, 배부하다
After a long swim his strength gave out.
An usher stood at the door giving out programs.
193) give over (=hand over, stop) 넘겨주다, 그만두다
They gave him over to the police,
Give over crying.
194) give rise to (=cause) 일으키다
The same causes always give rise to the same effects.
195) give up (=abandon, surrender) 포기하다, 굴복하다
He gave up the attempt in despair.
When they were surrounded by the enemy, they gave up.
196) give vent to (=give free expression to) 감정을 쏟다
He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
197) give way (=retreat, break down, abandon oneself to)
물러서다, 무너지다, 참다못해-하다
Our troops had to give way.
The railings gave way and he fell over the cliff.
Don't give way to despair
198) give one a ring (=telephone) 전화하다
I will give you a ring as soon as I get there.
199) go ahead (=advance, continue, go first)
전진하다, 계속하다, 먼저 가다
Go ahead with your work.
Don't wait but go ahead.
200) go for a walk (=take a walk) 산보하다
Let's go somewhere for a walk.
201) go for nothing (=come to naught) 아무 소용도 없다
All my trouble went for nothing.
202) go off (=explode, leave suddenly)폭발하다, 갑자기 떠나다
The firecracker went off with a bang.
He went off without saying goodbye to anyone.
203) go on (=continue) 계속하다
She went on in bad habits.
204) go over (=repeat, examine) 반복하다, 검사하다
Let's go over this lesson again.
We should like to go over the house before deciding to rent it.
205) go through (=suffer or experience, pass through)
(고통을) 겪다, 경험하다, 통과하다
You never know what he went through to educate his children.
His application finally went through.
206) go without saying (=be unnecessary to mention)
말할 필요가 없다
It goes without saying that this book will improve your English.
207) hand down (=bequeath) 유산으로 남기다
The story was handed down to posterity.
208) hand in hand (=holding hands) 손을 마주 잡고, 제휴하여
They always walked hand in hand.
Practice should go hand in hand with theory.
209) hand over (=give control of) 넘겨주다, 양도하다
He handed over all his property to his son.
210) happen to (=chance to, have the fortune of) 우연히 하다
I happened to meet him in the park.
211) have a mind to (=feel inclined to) -하고 싶다
We all have a mind to do something for others.
212) have nothing to do with (=have no dealings with)
-과 관계가 없다.
I advise you to have nothing to do with that man.
Have you anything to do with that matter?
213) have done with (=finish, have on connection with)
-을 끝내다.
When you have done with the work, please help us.
214)have (get) one's own way (=get or do what one wants)
마음대로 하다
He is apt to have his own way in everything.
215) have to do with (=be concerned with) -에 관계가 있다
We have to do with the facts, not theories.
216) hear from (=receive news from) 소식을 받다.
hear of (=know by hearsay) -에 관해 소문을 듣다
Have you heard from him recently?
Have you heard of the English poet John Keats?
217) help oneself to (=take without asking or being asked)
마음대로 들다
Help yourself to the tea before it gets cold.
218) hit upon (=come upon, occur to) 우연히 만나다, 생각나다.
I have hit upon a good idea.
219) hold good (=remain valid, be effective) 유효하다.
The contract holds good for a while.
220) Hold on (wait, grasp, continue) 기다리다,붙잡다,계속하다
He told me to hold on for a while.
Hold on to my hand tightly.
You must hold on in this job.
220) hold out (=offer, resist) 내밀다, 저항하다.
He held out his hand. How long can the enemy hold out?
221) hold up (=support, rob) 지지하다, 강탈하다.
I will hold up your rights. They held up the bank.
222) ill at ease (=uncomfortable) 불안한
The thief was ill at ease when he saw policemen approaching.
223) in a little while (=soon) 곧
I will be back in a little while.
224) in a measure (=in a certain degree) 어느정도
His success is in a measure owing to luck.
225) in a word (=briefly, to sum up) 간단히 말해서
In a word he is tired of everything.
226) in addition to (=as well as) -뿐만 아니라, 부가하여
In addition to that sum he still owes me $50.
227) in all (=altogether) 모두 합해서
We were fifteen in all.
228) in any case (=whatever happens, anyhow)
어떤 경우에도, 어쨌든
In any case you had better hear what he says.
229) in behalf of (=in the interest of) -을 위하여
on behalf of (=as the representative of) -을 대표하여
He has done his best in behalf of his company.
On behalf of the company, I welcome you.
230) in case of (=in the event to) -의 경우에
In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.
231) in company with (=together with) -와 함께
He came in company with a group of boys.
232) in comparison with (=when compared with)-과 비교하여
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.
233) in connection with (=with reference to) -에 관련하여
I must say a few words in connection with this subject.
234) in consequence of (=as a result of) -의 결과
The river flooded in consequence of the heavy rainfall.
235) in consideration of (=paying thoughtful attention to)
-을 고려하여
You must pardon him in consideration of his youth.
236) in course of (=in process of) -하는 과정에
The house is now in course of construction.
237) in one's face (=straight against) 정면으로
The sun was shining in our faces.
238) in fact, as a matter of fact, in point of fact(=really)
To study history is, in fact to realize the past.
239) in favor of (=in support of, in behalf of) -에 찬성하여,
-을 위하여
in one's favor (=to the advantage of) -의 이익이 되도록
in favor with (=be favored by) -의 마음에 들어
under favor of (=taking advantage of) -을 이용하여
We are in favor of the bill.
I will make an exception in your favor.
He stands high in favor with his master.
The attack was made under favor of darkness.
240) in force (=in effect) 유효한
The law remains in force.
241) in general (=as a rule, usually) 대개
In general he is a satisfactory student.
242) in hand (=receiving attention) 고려중의
on hand (=in one's possession) 가지고 있는
The problem in hand is difficult to solve.
We have some new goods on hand.
243) in honor of (=in celebration of) -에게 경의를 표하여,
-을 기념하여
A farewell meeting was held in honor of Mr.Smith.
244) in line with (=in agreement with) -과 일치하여
That is in line with family tradition.
245) in need(=in poverty, in misfortune)빈곤한, 곤경에처해있는
He helped me in my hour of need.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
246) in no time (=very quickly) 즉시
He was ready in no time.
247) in particular (=especially) 특히
I remember one of them in particular.
248) in place of, in one's place (=instead of) -의 대신에
I will go in place of my father
Mr.Kim is sick and Mr.Lee teaches in his place today.
249) in private (=privately, not in public) 개인적으로, 내밀히
I wish to speak to you in private.
250) in proportion to, in proportion as(=relative to)
-에 비례하여
A man will succeed in proportion to his perseverance,
251) in pursuit of (=pursuing, seeking) -을 추구하여
He is in pursuit of money.
252) in reality (=really) 사실
He was in reality penniless.
253) in regard to (=with regard to, in respect to) -에 관하여
What is your opinion in regard to this subject?
254) in (or with) relation to (=in (or with) reference to)
-에 관련하여
You must see the part in relation to the whole.
255) in response to (=in answer to) -에 응하여
I act in response to duty's call.
256) in return for (=as repayment for) -의 보답으로
I gave him a camera in return for his present.
257) in search of (=searching for) -을 찾아서
He went up to town in search of literary work.
258) in short (=to sum up briefly, in a few words)
간단히 말해서
The man, in short, is not to be trusted.
259) in sight (=able to be seen) 보이는
out of sight (=unable to be seen) 안 보이는
The ship was still far in sight.
260) in spite of (=notwithstanding, for all) -에도 불구하고
He failed in spite of his efforts.
I nodded my head in spite of myself. (나도 모르게)
261) in terms of (=by means of, if converted in, from the standpoint of) -에 의하여, -으로 환산하면, -의 견지에서
He expressed his idea in terms of action.
If computed in terms of tonnage, it will aggregate 100 tons
He sees everything in terms of money.
262) in the absence of(=for lack of)-이 없어서, -이 없을 경우
In the absence of definite evidence, he was set free.
263) in the cause of (=for the sake of) -을 위하여
They worked in the cause of charity.
He has done much in the cause of democracy.
264) in the course of (=during) -하는 중에
He was dozing in the course of our conversation.
265) In the end (=at last) 드디어
In the end they reached a place of safety.
266) in the event of (=in case of) -할 경우에
In the event of his death, she will be left poor.
267) in the face of (=in the presence of, in spite of)
-의 면전에서, -에도 불구하고,
He struck me on the head in the face of my friends.
He succeeded in the face of great danger.
268) in the light of (=in view of) -의 견지에서
It is unavoidable in the light of circumstances.
269) in the name of (=with the authority of) -의 이름으로
A lot of crimes are committed in the name of justice.
270) in the long run (=ultimately) 결국
Conduct is life; in the long run, happiness and prosperity depend upon it.
271) in the presence of (=in front of)-의 면전에서,-의 앞에서
At every opportunity Tom made fun of him
in the presence of Mary.
272) in time (=sooner or later, early enough)
머지않아, 시간에 맞게
In time he will see that he was mistaken.
Did you get to the station in time?
273) in token of (=as evidence of) -의 증거로, -의 표시로
I sent him a present in token of gratitude.
274) in truth (=in fact, really) 정말, 참으로
In truth, one can make time for what one choose to do.
275) in turn (=in succession) 차례로
Each one told his story in turn.
276) in vain (=without the desired result) 헛되이
He tried it, but in vain.
277) in view of (=considering, in the range of vision)
-의 견지에서, -이 보이는 곳에
In view of these facts he is wrong.
We came in view of the tower.
278) in virtue of (=by means of, because of)
-의 힘으로, -에 의하여
They won the day, but only in virtue of hard fighting.
279) in want of (=for lack of, in need of)
-이 결핍하여, -이 필요하여
I am in want of nothing. We are in want of a maid.
280) inquire into (=investigate) 조사하다
inquire after (=ask about one's health) 안부를 묻다
inquire of (=ask) 묻다
We inquired into the affair.
I inquired after a sick friend.
I inquired of him if he would come.
281) into the bargain (=besides, as well) 덤으로, 그 위에
He bought the house and the furniture into the bargain.
282) keep an eye on (=watch, guard) 지키다
Keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket.
283) keep away (=avoid going or coming near to) 멀리하다
Keep the child away from the fire.
284) keep company with (=be friendly with) -와 친히 사귀다
Why do you keep company with those fellows?
285) keep from (=refrain from) -을 삼가다, -에서 멀어지다
I could not keep from laughing.
286) keep - in mind (=bear in mind, remember) 명심,기억하다
Keep my words well in mind.
287) keep in touch with (=continue in communication with)
접촉을 유지하다
He promised to keep in touch with us while he was abroad
288) keep off (=stay off) 가까이 하지 않다
Keep off the flies.
289) keep on (=continue) 계속하다.
Keep on as you began.
290) keep one's word (=keep one's promise) 약속을 지키다
You must keep your word.
291) keep up with (=keep abreast with or of)
-에 뒤떨어지지 않다
You walk so fast that I cannot keep up with you.
I tried to keep up with the times.
292) know better than to (=be not so foolish as to)
-할이만큼 바보는 아니다
He knows better than to do such a thing.
293) know - from (=tell - from, distinguish - from) 구별하다
I don't know a hawk from an eagle.
It is hard to know flatterers from friends.
294) lacking in (=wanting in) -이 부족한
There is something lacking in his character.
295) later on (=afterwards) 후에, 나중에
I will see you later on.
296) lay aside (=save for future needs, lay by) 저축하다
He is laying aside money for his old age.
297) lay claim to (=demand as one's due)
-에 대한 권리를 주장하다
Both of them lay claim to the property.
298) lay down (=give up, make plans) 버리다, 계획하다
He is ready to lay down life itself for their sake.
I will lay down a plan for the holidays.
299) lay out (=spend money, make plans) 돈을 쓰다, 설계하다
I am prepared to lay out $3000 on your training.
The owner laid out the Italian garden.
300) lay up (=lay by, lay aside) 저축하다
we should lay up against a rainy day.
301) lead to (=go towards, result in)
-으로 이르다, -을 가져오다
This road leads to the station.
Poverty often leads to crime.
302) learn - by heart (=memorize) 암기하다
It makes much trouble to learn it by heart.
303) leave off (=no longer wear, stop) 입지 않다, 중지하다.
He left off his woolen underwear when it got warm.
It's time to leave off the work.
304) leave out (=omit, fail to consider) 생략하다, 잊다
You have left out her name on this list.
Nobody speaks to him; he is always left out.
305) let on (=reveal) (비밀을) 누설하다
Don't let on to Helen that we are going to the movies.
306) let alone (=not to mention) -은 말할것도 없이
I cannot afford the time, let alone the expenses.
307) let go of (=release) 해방하다, (쥐고 있던 것을) 놓다
Don't let go of the rope until I tell you.
308) let up (=slacken, lessen in intensity)
누그러지게 하다, (폭풍우가) 자다
It has rained for three days without letting up.
309) lie in (=consist in) -에 놓여있다.
Happiness lies in contentment.
310) be likely to (=be expected to) -할 것 같다.
He is not likely to succeed.
It isn't likely that he will succeed.
311) little (or no) better than (=as good as) -과 거의 비슷한
He is little better than a beggar.
312) little by little (=bit by bit) 조금씩 조금씩
He got better little by little.
313) little more than (=only) 겨우 -에 불과한.
London was then little more than a collection of huts.
314) live on (=have as food or diet) -을 먹고 살다.
We Koreans chiefly live on rice.
315) long for (=yearn) 갈망하다
How I long for a sight of my native land!
316) look after (=take care of, seek after) 돌보다, 찾다
He has a large family to look after.
317) look back upon (or at, on) (=view in retrospect)회상하다
I like to look back on my happy high-school days.
318) look down on (or upon) (=despise) 멸시하다
You must not look down upon poor people.
319) look for (=search for, expect) 찾다, 기대하다
What are you looking for?
Those who wish for a quiet and peaceful life must
not look for greatness.
320) look forward to (=anticipate) 고대하다
I am looking forward to the day when I shall see her.
321) look into (=investigate) 조사하다
The police are looking into the past record of the man.
322) look on (=be a spectator, regard) 방관하다, 간주하다
Why don't you play football instead of just looking on?
We look on him as an authority on the subject.
323) look out (=be careful) 조심하다
Look out for pickpockets.
324) look over (=examine, pardon) 검사하다, 눈감아주다
I looked over the goods one by one.
We must look over his fault.
325) look to (=pay attention to) -에 주의하다
look to A for B (=depend upon A for B)
A에게 B를 바라다
Look to it that this does not happen again.
They are looking to others for assistance.
326) look up (=search for -in a dictionary)
(사전에서) -을 찾아보다
Every student should look up all new words in his dictionary each day.
327) look up to (=respect) 존경하다.
Our director is a man whom everybody looks up to.
328) lose heart (=become discouraged) 낙담하다
Don't lose heart at the want of instant success.
329) lose no time in -ing (=do without any hesitation)
They lost no time in running after him.
330) lose one's head (=become very excited)
흥분하다, 이성을 잃다
He has lost his head over her.
331) lose one's temper (=get angry) 성을 내다
He often loses his temper for nothing.
332) lose oneself in (=become engrossed in, stray)
몰두하다, 길을 잃다
She lost herself in a book.
A child lost himself in the woods.
333) lose the day (=lose, be defeated) 패하다
They have lost the day.
334) make a difference to (=be of some importance to)
-에 중요하다
One false step will make a great difference to us.
335) make (or pull) a face (=grimace) 얼굴을 찡그리다
He made a face when he lost.
336) make a fool of (=make an ass of, scoff) 조롱하다
make an ass of oneself (=make a fool of oneself)
바보짓을 하여 남의 웃음거리가 되다.
He made a fool of me.
He is merely making an ass of himself.
337) make a fortune (=earn great wealth) 돈을 모으다
They say that he has made a fortune.
338) to make a long story short (=in short)
간단히 말해서
To make a long story short, I failed in it.
339) make a point of -ing (=make something one's rule, habit; insist on) -을 습관으로 하다, 고집하다.
Make a point of walking to and from school.
He made a point of going out in the rain.
340) make account of (=make much of) 중히여기다
He makes little account of small expenses.
341)make allowances for(=take into consideration)-을참작하다
You must make allowances for his youth.
342) make amends for (=give compensation) 보상하다
He made amends to her for her loss.
343) make away with (=destroy, get rid of) 죽이다, 제거하다
He made away with those who stood in the way.
344) make believe (=pretend) -체하다
He made believe not to hear me.
345) make both ends meet (=live within one's income)
수지균형을 맞추다
I found it hard to make both ends meet.
346) make for (=go towards, attack, contribute)
-으로 향해 가다, 공격하다, -에 기여하다.
We made for home together.
The birds at once made for each other's eyes.
Follow after the things which make for peace.
347) make fun of (=scoff, ridicule) 비웃다, 조롱하다
We must not make fun of the ideas others have
about God.
348) make good (=succeed, compensate for, accomplish)
성공하다, 보상하다, 수행하다
I am sure he will make good in his job.
He made good the loss.
I will make good my resolution.
349) make haste (=hasten, hurry up) 서두르다.
Make as much haste as possible.
350) make light of (=treat as of little importance) 경시하다
He made light of his illness.
351) make much of (=attach importance to) 중요시하다
The mother made too much of her youngest son.
352) make no account of (=value little) 경시하다
He makes no account of my advice.
353) make no difference (=be of no importance)
중요시하지 않다, 상관없다
Success or failure makes little difference to me.
354) make nothing of (=be unable to understand,
treat lightly) 이해하지 못하다, 아무렇지도 않게 여기다.
I could make nothing of what he said.
He makes nothing of his illness.
356) make off (=run away) 도망치다
The cashier made off with all the money in the safe.
357) make one's mark (=become famous) 유명해지다
It was not long at college before he made his mark.
358) make one's name(=succeed in life)이름을떨치다,성공하다
The boy who sat at the foot of the class in his school
days sometimes makes his name in after life.
359) make one's way (=proceed, succeed) 앞으로 나아가다,
He made his way through the snowstorm.
He made his way in the world with his pen.
360) make oneself at home (=feel comfortable) 편히 하다
I could not make myself at home in the hotel.
361) make out (=understand, succeed, prepare, pretend)
이해하다, 성공하다, 작성하다, -체하다
No one could make out what he was talking about.
I'm sure John will make out well in that job.
He made out his will last week.
Helen tried to make out that she was ill.
362) make over (=transfer the ownership, make anew)
양도하다, 변경하다
The land was made over to its rightful possessor.
She made over all her dresses.
363) make room for (=create space for, accommodate)
자리를 내다
Please make room for this little girl here.
364) make sense (=be sensible, be reasonable) 이치에 닿다
What you say does not make any sense to me.
365) make sure (=ascertain) 확인하다
Make sure to turn off the radio before you go to bed.
366) make the best of (=use well) 잘 이용하다
make the most of (=use well, treat with the highest regard)
잘 이용하다, 제일 소중히 여기다
The wisest thing we can do is to make the best of our lot.
She makes the most of her only son.
367) make up (=end a quarrel, invent to deceive)
화해하다, 조작하다, 화장하다
They quarrel every morning and make it up every evening.
The whole story is made up.
She is very much made up.
368) make up for (=compensate for, atone for)
보충하다, 보상하다
I had to work hard to make up for lost time.
369) make up one's mind (=determine) 결심하다
He made up his mind to go abroad to continue his study.
370) make use of (=use well) -을 잘 이용하다
We made use of all our strength.
371) manage to (=contrive to, succeed to)
가까스로 -하다, 이럭저럭 -하다
I manage to get there by ten.
372) map out (=plan) 계획하다
I must map out his election campaign.
373) matter little (=be of little importance) 중요하지 않다
It matters little whether he is a man of ability or not.
374) meet with (=come across, meet by chance)우연히 만나다
I met with an old acquaintance in a bus.
375) more often than not (=as often as not, very frequently)
흔히, 대개
During foggy weather the trains are late more often than not.
376) more or less (=about, somewhat) 약, 다소
The trip will take ten days, more or less.
He was more or less excited.
377) next (or second) to none (=the best) 최고의
next to nothing (=almost nothing) 거의아무것도 아닌
In English he is next to none in his class.
No wonder she is ill! She eats next to nothing.
378) no longer (=not -nay longer) 이미 -이 아닌
He is no longer here in London.
379) none the less (=nevertheless) 그럼에도 불구하고
I respect him none the less for his faults.
380) not to say (=and almost, or perhaps even) 거의비슷한
He sounded impolite, not to say rude.
381) not to mention (=not to speak of, to say nothing of)
-은 말할것도 없이
He can speak French, not to mention English.
382) nothing but (=only) 겨우, -뿐
There is nothing but white deserts of snow and ice.
383) (every) now and then (=occasionally, from time to time)
We go to the opera now and then.
384) now that (=since) -이므로
Now that he is gone, we miss him badly.
385) be obliged to 명사 (또는 대명사) (=thank) 감사하다
be obliged to 동사 (=be compelled to) -하지 않을수 없다
I am obliged to you for your help.
I was obliged to comply with his request.
386) be occupied in (=be engaged in) -에 종사하다
He is now occupied in editing a magazine.
387) occur to (=strike one's mind) 마음에 갑자기 떠오르다
It occurred to me that he might be a detective.
388) (all) of a sudden (=suddenly, on a sudden) 갑자기
All of a sudden it began to thunder.
389) of late (=lately, recently) 최근에
We have had little rain of late.
390) of moment (=important) 중요한
It is a question of great moment.
391) of no account (=unimportant, useless) 중요하지 않은
on no account (=in no case, for no reason) 결코 - 아닌
Time is of no account with great thoughts.
You must on no account yield to any temptation.
392) of one's own accord (=by one's own wish, of itself)
자발적으로, 저절로
I did it of my own accord.
The door shut of its own accord.
393) off and on (=irregularly, occasionally) 간간이, 때때로
It rained off and on.
394) off duty (=not engaged in one's regular work) 비번의
on duty (=engaged in one's regular work) 당번의
He is off duty. He is on duty.
395) off hand (=immediately, out of hand) 즉시
on hand (=in one's possession) 가지고 있는
He could not answer my question off hand.
We have a large supply of goods on hand.
396) on account of (=because of) - 때문에
I was absent from school on account of illness.
397) on and on (=without stopping) 계속하여
He went on and on till he came to a river.
398) on end (=continuously, upright) 계속하여, 똑바로
He sat there for hours on end.
It made my hair stand on end.
399) on friendly terms with (=be friendly with, on good terms with) -와 사이가 좋은
I am on friendly terms with him.
400) on purpose (=purposely, intentionally) 일부러, 고의로
She broke the dish on purpose.
401) on the other hand (=in the other respect) 또한편
He is clever, but on the other hand he makes many mistakes.
402) on the spot (=at the very place, at once) 그 자리에서, 곧
I was on the spot.
He was run over and killed on the spot.
403) on the whole (=in general) 대체로
He is, on the whole, a good student.
404) one and all (=every one without exception)모두 한결같이
once (and)for all (=finally, decisively) 마지막으로, 단연코
The entertainment was greatly enjoyed by one and all.
She told him, once for all, that she would not marry him.
405)(every)once in a while (=occasionally, from time to time)
He visits us every once in a while.
406) out of date (=old-fashioned) 구식의
up to date (=modern) 최신식의
The idea has gone out of date.
He is very up to date in his methods of language teaching.
407) out of order (=not in working condition) 고장난
Our refrigerator is out of order.
408) out of place (=not in the right place, unsuitable)
제자리에 놓이지 않은, 부적당한
Your remarks are rather out of place.
409) beyond (all) question (=without doubt) 틀림없이
out of the question (=impossible) 불가능한
Beyond all question you are right.
His success is out of the question.
410) out of sorts (=feeling unwell) 기분이 좋지못한
She seems to be out of sorts.
411) over and over again (=repeatedly) 몇 번이고 거듭
Turn what you have read over and over again in your mind.
412) owe - to (=be indebted to as the source of)
-은 --의 덕택이다
He owes his success to good luck more than to ability.
413) owing to (=on account of, because of) 때문에
Owing to the rain they could not come.
414) part from + 사람 (=separate oneself from) -와 헤어지다
part with + 물건 (=give up) -을 내놓다
She was very sorry to part from her old friends.
I parted with my house.
415) pass for (=be accepted as) -으로 통하다
In this small village he passes for a learned man.
416) pass over (=overlook) 너그럽게 보아 넘기다
Such an error may be passed over.
417) pass through (=experience, undergo) 경험하다, 겪다
I have passed through lots of risks.
418) pay attention to (=take note of) -에 주의하다
He never pays attention to anything she says.
419) persist in (=refuse to make any change in) 고집하다
Fools persist in their error.
420) pick out (=choose, select) 고르다
Which book did you pick out to send to Helen?
421) picture to oneself (=imagine) 상상하다
We can hardly picture to ourselves a time in which printing was unknown.
422) play a part (=play a role) 역할을 하다
He played an important part in the affair.
423) point out (=indicate, draw attention to) 지적하다
The teacher pointed out the mistakes in my composition.
424) be possessed of (=own, have) 소유하다
be possessed with (=be controlled by) 마음이 홀리다
He is possessed of considerable means.
He is possessed with a strange superstition.
425) prevail on (=persuade) -를 설복하다
I tried to prevail on him to stay.
426) prevent from (=keep from) - 때문에 못하다
Illness prevented him from doing his work.
427) provide against (=take steps to guard against) 대비하다
It is wise to provide against the days of want.
428) provide for (=support, do what is necessary)
부양하다, 대비하다
He has a large family to provide for.
We must provide for our old age.
429) put an end to (=cause to end, stop)-을 끝내다, 그만두다
It is up to the police to put an end to these robberies.
430) put by (=put aside, save) 저축하다
He puts ten dollars aside every week.
431) put off (=hold over, postpone) 연기하다
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
432) put on (=wear) 입다
put off (=take off) 벗다
Put on your coat.
Put off your coat.
433) put out (=extinguish) (불을) 끄다
The fire was put out.
434) put through (=carry out, connect)
성취하다, (전화를)연결하다
They put through the whole scheme without a hitch.
Put me through to the Manager.
435) put together (=assemble) 결합시키다
After he took the watch apart, he was not able to put it
together again.
436) put up (=construct, erect, raise) 세우다, 올리다
They are putting up several new buildings in that block.
We put up the flags on national holidays.
437) put up at (=take food and lodging at) -에 숙박하다
We put up at the inn for the night.
438) put up with (=endure, bear, tolerate, stand) 참다
I refuse to put up with his insolent actions any longer.
439) quite a few (=many) 적지않은, 많은
only a few (=very few) 매우적은
Quite a few students were absent yesterday.
Only a few of them were admitted to college.
440) read between the lines (=look for meaning not actually expressed) 언외의 뜻을 읽다
This book requires you to read between the lines.
441)rain cats and dogs (=rain heavily)억수같이 비가 쏟아지다
It was raining cats and dogs when we were about to start.
442) reach out (=stretch out) 뻗치다
He reached out his hand for the book.
443) read over (=read roughly) 대충읽다
I had no time to correct your paper, but read it over.
444) read through (=read from beginning to end) 통독하다
I have read this book through once.
445) be ready to + 동사 (=be about to, be willing to,
be apt to) -하려고하다, 기꺼이 -하다, -하기쉽다
The ship was ready to sink at any time.
I am ready to help you.
He is too ready to promise.
446) be ready for + 명사 (=be prepared for)
-할 준비(각오)가 되어있다
Everything is ready for working.
I am ready for death.
447) recall to one's mind (recall to one's memory) 회상하다
I cannot recall to my mind the author.
448)refer to (=speak of, ascribe to)언급하다,-의 탓으로 돌리다
He did not refer to this matter.
He referred his wealth to his own hard work.
449) reflect on (=think over) 심사숙고하다
Reflect on all I have said to you.
450) refrain from (=abstain from) -을 삼가다
Kindly refrain from smoking.
451) regard - as (=look upon -as) -을 --으로 간주하다
Ants are regarded as the most intelligent of all insects.
452) regardless of (=without regard to)
-에도 불구하고, -에 관심없이
Regardless of his faults, I like him.
453) relieve A from (or of) B (=free A from B)
A에게서 B를 덜다
They relieved us from suffering.
454) rely on (=depend on, trust) -에 의존하다, 믿다
I rely on you to come.
455) remind A of B (=put A in mind of B)
A에게 B를 생각나게 하다
She reminds me of my mother.
456) resign oneself to (=accept without complaint)
-을 체념하여 받아들이다
He resigned himself to his fate.
457) resort to (=go often, make use of for help)
자주 드나들다, 호소하다
Many people resort to the sea in hot weather.
The mother resorted to punishment to make the
child obey.
458) rest on (=depend on) -에 의존하다, -에 달려 있다.
Modern civilization rests on a foundation of science and education..
459) result from (=happen from) 결과로서 생기다
result in (=bring about) 결국 -이되다
His pain results from a blow while playing football.
Eating too much often results in illness.
460) root out (=get rid of completely) -을 근절하다
We must root out corrupt practices.
461) rule out (=exclude) (규칙에 의해) 제외하다
The regulations rule out anyone under age.
462) run into (=collide with, run against) 충돌하다
run across (=meet or find unexpectedly) 뜻밖에 만나다
A large steamer ran into the boat.
I ran across my old friend Tom the other day.
463) run out of (=exhaust the supply of, run short of)
(물품이) 바닥이 나다
The troops ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw.
464) run over (=review. read through quickly. knock down and pass over) 다시 검토하다, 빨리 훑어보다,
(차가 사람을) 치다
I shall run it over very briefly.
Just run over these proofs as I am busy now.
A little boy was run over by a bus.
457) search for (or after) (=try to find, look for) -을 찾다
search into (=examine) 검사하다, 조사하다
I searched out for the lost child in every direction.
The police are now searching into the matter thoroughly.
458) second to none (=not surpassed, the best) 최고의
The country is second to none in resources.
459) see about (=attend to, take care of) -에 유의하다
see into (=examine) 조사하다
He promised to see about the matter himself.
He went to Daegu to see into the railway accident.
460) see off (=accompany until one goes away) 전송하다
I have been to Kimpo to see him off.
461) see to it that (=take care, make sure)
-에 주의하다, -하도록 하다
Please see (to it) that no one touches this.
462) seeing that (=considering) -을 고려하건대
The salary was not a bad one, seeing that he was still young.
463) send forth (=produce) 내다, 방출하다
The sun sends forth light and heat.
464) serve one right (=to be one's just punishment)
당연한 취급을 하다, 그래 싸다
It serves you right to have lost your purse; you were always too careless with it.
465) set aside (=put on one side for future use)
We must set aside some money for a rainy day.
466) set about (=start, take steps towards) 시작하다
set in (=begin, start) 시작하다
She set about getting dinner ready.
The rainy season sets in about the middle of July.
467) set out (=set off, begin, leave) 시작하다, 떠나다
He has set out in business.
He set off on his journey.
468) set store by (=think much of) -을 중히 여기다
I set great store by his friendship.
469) set up (=establish) 설립하다
He managed to set up a factory.
469) settle down (=fix one's home somewhere permanently. become tranquil) 정착하다, (흥분등이) 가라앉다
The cowboys settled down in the West.
The excitement has settled down.
470) share in (=have a share in) -을 분담하다
I will share in the cost with you.
471) show in (=direct, guide) 안내하다
If Mr. Kim calls , show him in, please.
472) show off (=make a vain display of) 자랑하다
She showed off her new diamond ring.
473) show up (=appear, turn up) 나타나다
Not one student showed up for the meeting.
474) sick for (=filled with a longing for) 매우 그리워 하는
sick of (=tired of) -에 싫증이 난
He is sick for a sight of home.
I'm sick of flattery.
475) side by side (=close together) 나란히
I sit side by side with Mary at school.
476) sit for (=take an examination for, be a member of Parliament for) 시험을 치르다, -출신 국회의원이다
He sat for the entrance examination three times.
He used to sit for Silverbridge.
477) sit up (=not go to bed) 늦게 까지 앉아 있다
She always sits up for him. (자지 않고 기다리다)
She sat up with the sick man. (자지 않고 간호하다)
478) so to speak (=as it were, so to say, as one might say)
The moon is, so to speak, the largest mirror.
479) sooner or later (=whether soon or afterwards) 조만간
He will come back sooner or later.
480) something the matter(=something wrong) 무언가 잘못된
nothing the matter (=nothing wrong) 아무렇지도 않은
There is something the matter with Helen. She looks pale.
The mechanic says that there is nothing the matter with it
The doctor says that there is nothing the matter with me.
481) speak for (=speak on behalf of) -을 대신해서 이야기하다,
Please speak for me to the director.
482) speak ill of (=abuse) 욕하다
speak well of (=praise) 칭찬하다
Abstain from speaking ill of others.
She always speaks well of him.
483) speak up (=speak loud) 큰소리로 이야기하다
He spoke up, so that we could hear clearly.
484) stand by (=support, side with somebody)
지지하다, -를 편들다
He is sure to stand by me.
485) stand a chance (=have the possibility) 가능성이 있다
He stands a good chance of winning the fight.
486) stand for (=represent, support, tolerate)
대표하다, 지지하다, 참다
The blue bird stands for happiness.
We cannot help standing for democracy.
She refused to stand for his impoliteness any longer.
487) stand out (=be prominent, continue to resist)
눈에 띄다, 끝까지 버티다
Her bright red hair made her stand out from the others..
They stood out against the enemy.
488) stand up for (=defend, support) 방어하다, 지지하다
If you don't stand up for your rights, no one else will
do it for you.
489) stand to reason (=be clear and logical)
-은 당연하다, 이치에 닿다.
It stands to reason that if he never prepares his lessons
he is not going to make good progress.
490) steal away (=go away secretly) 몰래 사라지다
The prisoner succeeded in stealing away under the cover
of night.
491) stick to (=adhere to, continue persistently)
들어붙다, 고수하다
Stick to the work, or else you will fail again.
492) stir up (=arouse, incite) (감정을) 일으키다, 선동하다
Such songs are most apt to stir up devotion.
493) succeed in (=have success in) 성공하다
succeed to (=become an heir to) 계승하다, 상속하다
He succeeded in solving the puzzle.
The son succeeded to a large property left by his father.
494) such as it is (=though it is of poor quality,
of little value) 변변치 못하지만
You may use may car, such as it is.
495) suffer from (=be troubled by) -으로 고생하다
He is suffering from a sore throat.
496) sum up (=summarize, give the total of)
요약하다, 총계를 내다
It may be summed up as follows.
They summed up the voting.
497) take a fancy (=take a liking) -을 좋아하다
I have taken a fancy to this house.
498) take advantage of something (=utilize it) 이용하다
take advantage of somebody (=deceive him) 속이다
I take advantage of all the opportunities that come to me.
John took advantage of her.
499) take after (=resemble) -을 닮다
He takes after his mother.
500) take by surprise (=surprise) 놀라게 하다, 기습을 하다
His offer took me completely by surprise.
501) take care of (=watch , give attention to) 돌보다
She is taking care of the patient.
502) take charge of (=take responsibility for) -의 책임을 지다
Please take charge of the work while I am away.
503) take down (=bring down, write down) 내리다, 적다
I will take down all the pictures and clean them.
The reporters took down what I said.
504) take - for -- (=mistake a person for someone else)
-을 --으로 잘못보다
He took me for my younger brother.
505)take - for granted(=accept as true without investigation)
-을 당연한 것으로 여기다
I took it for granted that you would help me.
506) take in (=accommodate, cheat) 유숙시키다, 속이다
They make a living by taking in lodgers.
They took in the foreigner.
507) take into account(=take into consideration) -을 고려하다
This fact must be taken into account
508) take off (=leave the ground and raise into the air)
The plane took off from Kimpo airport at 10 a.m.
509) take on (=assume, engage) (성격을) 띠다, 고용하다
The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.
The manager agreed to take me on.
510) take one's time (=not to hurry) 서두르지 않다
You can take your time doing that work.
511) take over (=assume control of) -을 인수하다
She took over all the smaller household duties.
512) take part in (=participate in) -에 참가하다
take part with (=side with) -을 편들다
Will she take part in the concert?
He always takes part with his friend.
513) take place (=happen) 발생하다
take the place of (=be substituted for) -의 대신을 하다
Yesterday a severe earthquake took place.
Television has taken the place of radio.
514) take turns(=do something in turn, alternate) 번갈아 하다
They took turns in playing the piano.
515) take up (=study, begin a course leading to career)
(일, 연구 등) 에 종사하다
What are you taking up at the university?
516) tell A from B(=distinguish A from B) A와 B를 구별하다
How can you tell an Englishman from an American?
517) tell on (=have a marked effect on) -에 영향을 미치다
The hard work began to tell on him.
518) ten to one (=very probably) 십중팔구, 아마
Eat green fruit, and ten to one you will get ill.
519) tend to (=be inclined to ) -하는 경향이 있다
It tends to become cold at night now.
520) that is to say (=in other words, namely) 즉
I often wish I could read - that is, read it easily.
521) think better of (=reconsider and give up) 재고하다
I hope you will think better of it.
522) think over (=consider carefully before deciding)
곰곰히 생각하다
She had thought it over beforehand.
523) through thick and thin (=through good times and bad)
만난을 무릅쓰고
He stood by me through thick and thin.
524) tide over (=get over, overcome) 극복하다
He sold his car to tide over his period of unemployment.
525) be tired of (=be bored, be sick of) 싫증이 나다
be tired from (or with) (=become tired) 피곤해지다
I am tired of my life.
I'm tired from working all day.
526) be tired out (=be very tired, be exhausted) 매우지치다
He looked completely tired out after the race.
527) to and fro (=backwards and forwards) 앞뒤로
We walked in the city to and fro.
528) to no end (=in vain) 헛되이
He tried to obtain it, but to no end.
529) to say nothing of (=not to mention) -은 말할 것도 없이
He speaks French, to say nothing of English.
530) to the effect that (=meaning that) -이라는 취지로
Father sent me a telegram to the effect that mother was ill
531) to the letter (=faithfully, literally) 충실히, 글자 그대로
You must carry out the instructions to the letter.
532) to the point (=relevant, to the purpose) 적절한, 요령있는
His speech was short and to the point.
533) touch off (=cause to start) 야기시키다
The arrest of the men's leader touched off a riot.
534) try on (=test before buying) 시험해 보다, 입어보다
He tried on several suits and finally picked out this one.
535) be true to (=be faithful to) -에 충실하다
be true of (=apply to) -에 적용되다
The translation is true to the original.
It is true of everybody else.
536) turn down (=reject) 거절하다
He turned down my offer.
537) turn off (=stop the flow) 끄다
turn on (=allow the flow) 켜다
She turned off (or on) the electric light.
538) turn out (=prove) 입증하다
Things did not turn out exactly as he desired.
539) turn - to account (=utilize, make use of) -을 이용하다
We should turn everything to account.
540) wait for (=await) 기다리다
wait on (=serve) 시중들다
Please wait for him to come back.
She waited on me in the restaurant.
541) walk out (=go on strike) 동맹 파업하다
Railroad workers are walking out.
542) wanting in (=lacking in) -이 부족한
He is wanting in common sense.
543) wear out (=become useless, become exhausted)
닳아 버리다, 지쳐 버리다
My shoes are worn out.
I am worn out with this hard work.
544) well off (=rich, well-to-do) 유복한
He is well off now.
545) with the view of -ing(=for the purpose of)-할 목적으로
I came to Paris with the view of studying painting.
546) with all (=for all, in spite of) -에도 북구하고
With all his faults, he is very kind.
547) with regard (or reference, respect) to (=concerning,
regarding, as to, as regards) -에 관하여
With regard to date and place, I agree with you.
548) without fail (=for certain) 틀림없이
Come to see me without fail.
549) word for word (=literally) 문자 그대로, 직역으로
Translate the passage word for word.
550) work on (=influence) 영향을 미치다
Poetry works on the mind of the reader.
551) work out (=turn out, solve) 결국-이 되다, 해결하다
Don't worry. Everything will work out all right.
You must work out the problem for yourself.
552) yield to (=give way to) 굴복하다
Old people don't yield readily to new customs and fashions
553) zealous for (=eager for) -을 열망하는
None is more zealous for your welfare than I.
첫댓글 아예 영어 강사로 나서는 것이 ^^
ㅋㅋㅋ....역쉬 눈치가 빠르셔용...이제 잘 안되문 그리해볼라고????키힝...
좋은 게시물이네요. 스크랩 해갈게요~^^
좋은 게시물 정말 감사합니다.스크랩 해 갈께요..정말 감사합니다