The surprising survival of monarchies is in part of a tribute to the nous of the old guard, who have understood the need to subsume their interests into those of the institution.
| 어휘 tribute 공물(특히 과거 속국이 종주국에 바치던 것) nous 지성, 상식
군주들의 놀라운 생존은 노위병의 상식에 대한 공물의 일환이다. 이 노위병들은 그들의 이익을 이 기관의 이익에 포함시킬 필요가 있다는 것을 이해하고 있었다.
Apr 27th 2019 edition
Sovereign immunity
How monarchies survive modernity
As Japan’s emperor hands over to his son and the Thai king is crowned, monarchies are thriving
| 어휘 modernity 현대성, 근대성
2019년 4월 27일판
군주제가 어떻게 현대에 살아남았을까
일본의 황제가 아들에게 왕권을 넘겨주고 태국 왕이 즉위하면서 군주제가 번창하고 있다.
On april 18th Akihito, the 125th emperor of Japan and descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu, returned to a shrine the sword extracted by Amaterasu’s brother Susanowo from a vanquished monster’s tail and a necklace stolen by Susanowo from his sister, thus reuniting them with a mirror used to tempt Amaterasu out of the cave where she had hidden from her brother. This ceremony, pictured above, was one of nine required before the emperor’s abdication on April 30th, which will bring an end to the Heisei (“achieving peace”) era. The next day, his son, Naruhito, will ascend the throne, and a new era, Reiwa (“beautiful harmony”), can begin.
If monarchy did not exist, nobody would invent it today. Its legitimacy stems from ancient ritual and childish stories, not from a system based on reason and intended to achieve good governance. It transfers power through a mechanism which promotes congenital defects rather than intelligence. It is sexist, classist, racist and designed specifically to prevent diversity, equality and personal merit from creeping into its inbred ranks.
How monarchies survive modernityAs Japan’s emperor hands over to his son and the Thai king is crowned, monarchies are