The title of this book is “Bunny Cakes”. Max was making the warm cake.
Because it was grandma’s birthday. But the Ruby said grandma doesn’t like it.
Ruby will make the grandma‘s surprise cake. Ruby was preparing the cooking ingredients.
Then Max cracked the egg. So Ruby said give the list to the grocer. Max also wrote red hot marsh mellow squirter.
Grocer only give an egg, because he think Max wrote egg too. Suddenly Max spoiled the milk and flower.
Max wrote the hot marsh mellow squirters on Ruby’s list. But grocer doesn’t know Max wrotes.
Now Ruby finish making the cake. Ruby think it has lack decoration, so Ruby wrote the list again.
This time, Max draw the red hot marsh mellow squirter. Finally the grocer find out Max draw.
Ruby was done making the cake with Max. Grandma like it!
I think Max wanted the red hot marshmellow squirters, so he spoiled the milk and flower.
이책의 제목은 토끼의 파티이다. 루비는 할머니의 생신파티를 준비하기위해 인형을 놔두고 있었다.
그런데 맥스가 인형을 이상하게 놔뒀다. 할머니가 오셨을때, 루비는 할머니가 오고나서야
자리가 이상하다는걸 알게되었다.
루비는 할머니의 생신선물을 준비하기위해 돈을 들고 시내로 나갔다. 그런데 빨래비에, 음식비에, 음료수에
돈을 다써버렸다. 그런데 다행이 할머니께 루비가가지고있는 돈으로 귀걸이를 사드릴수 있었다.^_^