SIMI VALLEY, California—Russia may send North Korea “formidable, but…early fourth-generation” fighter jets, the leader of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said Saturday.
“We've seen some agreement” between Moscow and Pyongyang on the transfer of Russian MiG-29s and Su-27s, Adm. Samuel Paparo said at the Reagan National Defense Forum here. He did not say how many jets might be transferred.
The move follows Pyongyang’s dispatch of what Paparo said were 12,000 North Korean troops to Russia to fight Ukrainian forces.
Paparo spoke at a time of crisis for South Korea, where President Yoon Suk Yeol survived an impeachment vote for his brief declaration of martial law this week, which some are calling a failed coup.
“The National Assembly has drawn up articles of impeachment, which require a two-thirds majority in order to pass. That remains to be seen,” the U.S. commander said.
Yoon issued an apology on Saturday, four days after rescinding his martial-law declaration and two after firing his defense minister Kim Yong Hyun.
Paparo said there was little chance that the drama would affect regional security.
“There is a little bit of political uncertainty in Korea. I'm convinced that, from a security standpoint, there is stability,” he said.
The discussion turned to whether the incoming Trump administration would come to the self-governing island’s defense if China invades. Donald Trump dodged the question on the campaign trail, but said in July: “Taiwan should pay us for defense...You know, we’re no different than an insurance company.”
Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif., who leads the defense panel of the House Appropriations Committee, said he didn’t want to speculate how the next administration would approach Taiwan policy, but judged it unlikely that U.S. policy would shift dramatically.
Paparo, asked about the possibility of a shift, replied that open-source information indicates that a conflict in the Western Pacific would be devastating for the U.S. economy, and therefore the United States should strengthen its deterrence in the region.
Calvert said this was one reason why Congress must focus on INDOPACOM’s $11 billion unfunded priorities list and pass military budgets on time.
But the question remains open how best to deter China from invading Taiwan, which officials have said is possible before 2027. Paparo declined to endorse a proposal to put Marines or other U.S. forces on Taiwan, a policy shift he said would be "provocative."
“The real key to success is for the enablement of Taiwan to be more effective,” he said.
Russia, North Korea Agree To Su-27, MiG-29 Transfer | Aviation Week Network
Russia, North Korea Agree To Su-27, MiG-29 TransferBrian Everstine December 08, 2024
Credit: Piotr Butowski
SIMI VALLEY, California—The top U.S. officer in the Pacific says Russia has reached an agreement with North Korea to send MiG-29 and Su-27 fighter aircraft to Pyongyang in return for that nation deploying soldiers to help with Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
Adm. Samuel Paparo, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, said Dec. 7 that North Korea provided the soldiers to Russia without prompting—the deployment was offered and accepted. The soldiers are not in active combat but have deployed to combat zones, Paparo said.
In addition to the aircraft, North Korea likely wants other capabilities in return. These could include ballistic missile technologies, especially re-entry vehicles, as well as new submarine technologies and air defenses.
While the aging MiG-29s and Su-27s are not new fifth-generation fighters, they are still “formidable,” Paparo said here at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California.
Brian Everstine is the Pentagon Editor for Aviation Week, based in Washington, D.C. Before joining Aviation Week in August 2021, he covered the Pentagon for Air Force Magazine. Brian began covering defense aviation in 2011 as a reporter for Military Times.
첫댓글 우크라전도 아직 정리안됐는데 북한, 이란 수출물량은 언제쯤 공급할 생각으로 공수표를 남발하는 걸까요?
구형 Su-27, MiG-29는 전장에 투입하지 못하고 있으니, (혹시나 있다면) 잉여물량을 보낸다면 빠르게 공급할 수 있지 않을까 싶습니다.
R-77을 쏠 수 있냐, R-27만 쏠 수 있냐에 따라 위협의 정도가 다르겠습니다.
덧붙여, 몇 발이나 공급되느냐도 이슈가 될 것 같습니다. 러시아도 미사일이 모자를텐데 말이죠
저렇게 공군 보유기를 현대화한 뒤, S-300이나 S-400같은 게 넘어간다면 한국공군 입장에선 많이 골치아플 것 같습니다.
Su-27, Mig-29 vs F/A-50의 경우엔 어느 쪽이 우위일까요? 어쩌면 파오공의 암람 인티가 더 빨라질 수도 있겠네요.
MiG-29를 근대화 개량했지만 결국 기골이랑 주요부품은 그대로라 수명은 몇 년 늘지 않았고 방치중인 MiG-29SMT를 줄 수도 있다는 뉴스가 있네요. 40대~42대 가량 개조됐었다고 합니다. ( https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/12/11/over-half-of-russias-mig-29smt-fleet-left-to-rust-at-kursk/ )
"In hindsight, the MiG-29SMT modernization effort appears more like a stopgap measure than a long-term solution. While it might have extended the life of the MiG-29 platform for a few more years, it failed to deliver a truly next-generation fighter capable of competing with newer platforms."
"Recently, reports of Russian arms deliveries to North Korea have reignited interest in the MiG-29SMT fleet, particularly regarding whether any of these aging fighters might be among the aircraft being transferred. While there is no definitive evidence to confirm that the MiG-29SMT is part of this transfer, the ongoing secrecy surrounding Russian-North Korean military exchanges makes this a possibility worth exploring."