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📃자유글.거래場구인광고 스크랩 사역자의 축재수단으로 변한 번영신학
블루칩 추천 0 조회 35 09.03.09 22:14 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용


자료 1 번영신학을 폭로한다.


August 8, 2008

The Word Faith Movement Exposed

Deception in the Church


Who are the Leaders of the Word-Faith Movement?

A growing number of pastors, teachers, and evangelists within the Charismatic/Pentecostal circles of the Christian church are advancing what has come to be known as the “Word Faith” movement. Its major leaders include such prominent figures as Kenneth Hagin; Kenneth Copeland; Frederick K. C. Price; and David (Paul) Yongii Cho, who pastors one of the largest churches in the world in Seoul, Korea. Other well-known Word Faith personalities include Gloria Copeland, Robert Tilton, John Avanzini, John Osteen, T. L. Osborne, Charles Capps, Marilyn Hickey, Jerry Savelle, Joyce Meyer, Morris Cerullo, Casey Treat, Dwight Thompson, and Oral and Richard Roberts.


( 번영 신학에 의한 사역자들 : 케네드 하긴, 케네드 코플란드, 프레드릭 프라이스, 조용기, 글로리아 코프란드, 로버트 틸톤ㄴ, 존 아반치니, 조엘 오스틴, 티엘 오스본, 찰스  캡스, 메리린 히키, 제리 사빌, 조이스 메이어, 모리스 세룰로, 케이지 트리트, 드와이트 톰슨, 오랄 로버츠, 리차드 로버츠 ) 


In the USA Word Faith doctrines are commonly disseminated through radio broadcasts, tapes, books, and tracts, primarily through the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), which regularly airs the programs of more than a dozen of these teachers. Paul and Jan Crouch, the directors of TBN, who are themselves deeply involved in the movement, have also featured Word Faith teachers as special guests on their “Praise the Lord” and “Praise-a-thon” (fund-raiser) programs. The Crouchs’ worldwide platform has mainstreamed Word Faith theology to the lives of millions of Christians who would not otherwise have encountered Word Faith theology. Christianity in the western world has been heavily influenced in many quarters by this movement to the point where many consider it the main thrust of the charismatic movement. In Europe these doctrines are brought in through visiting USA speakers and their materials, and by influenced pastors and leaders - and also through the “GOD Christian Channel” which concentrates on many of these teachers via Satellite and Cable TV. In South Wales the main adherents are pastored by Ray Bevan in King’s Church, Newport, but the influence is also noticeable in the Elim and Assemblies of God Pentecostal movements.


( 미국에서는 번영 신학 운동을 하는 사람은 주로 TV 방송 사역에 주력한다. TBN이라는 미국 TV 방송국은 폴크로치에 의하여 운영되고 있는데 이 방송에 설교자들은 주로 번영신학에 입각하여 사역하는 사람들이다. 번영신학에 한번 젖은 사람들은 여기서 벗어나오기가 힘들다. 그것은 오순절 주의와 결합하여 은사주의를 동반한다. )


What is the attitude of Word-Faith teachers?

The vibrant message delivered with great authority  through these media, and seemingly backed by Scripture and buttressed by claims of the miraculous, has led many astray. These teachers often deliver cautions against those who would criticize their doctrines. Such people are called “nay sayers” and negative influences. If such people cannot be won over to Word-Faith teachings, the listener or reader is told, they should be avoided. An example of the kind of


( 조용기와 함께한 번영신학 운동가들 ) 

sneering and contradictory attack launched on anyone who questions their beliefs and doctrines can be heard from Ray Bevan’s ministry (King’s Church, tapes - 6th & 13th September ‘98). Often when a Word-Faith teacher or their teachings are criticized, there will be allegations of “sowing division in the body” or lack of belief in healing, or demons, or the miraculous.


( 그들은 주로 미디어를 사용하여 표적을 보이고 카리스마적 권위를 드러내며 성경적인듯한 메시지를 전한다. 그들을 비판하는 자들을 "부정주의자" 혹은 "분열의 씨앗을 뿌리는 자"라고 비판한다.)


A classic example of this can be seen in a quote from Word-Faith teacher Kenneth Hagin: “When the Lord was dealing with me concerning the prophet’s ministry, He said that if a church doesn’t accept my ministry then I should go my way, shake the dust off my feet against them so to speak; but He would remove their candlestick. He would take away from them what power they had left. …. He said that judgment must begin in the house of God, and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the sinner and the ungodly appear. If a church won’t accept this ministry, then they wouldn’t accept His Word and He can’t help them(The Ministry of a Prophet, p.19).

We believe in divine healing, both instantaneous and gradual, the existence of demons and deliverance from them; and that the gifts of the Spirit are for the church today as they have been since its beginning. Criticizing a body of teachings is not the same as judging one who accepts those teachings. However, Christians are told to compare any teachings, and the gospel they bring, to the Word of God and to cast off any that contradict Scripture (Acts 17:11; Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Thessalonians 5:21).


( 그들은 성령이 그들의 전유적인  존재인 것처럼 말한다. 우리도 성령의 점진적인  그리고 즉시적인 치유를 믿는다. 우리도 사탄의 존재를 믿으며 그에 대적해야함을 안다. 성령의 은사는 오늘날이나 예전이나 똑같다. 그런데 그들은 오늘날 자신들이 특별히 성령의 은사를 (더) 받은 것처럼 이야기 한다. 그러나 크리스쳔은 성경에서 벗어난 것이나 성경에 상치된 것은 버려야 한다. )


If a person reads into the sacred text something that does not belong there and is not consistent with sound exegesis and hermeneutics, then Christians have a right to challenge and expose error and point out to brethren who these mistaken teachers are (Acts 20:28-31 & 2 Timothy 2:16-18). It does not mean that these teachers are not true brethren, although they may not be. It does not mean that we should love them any less. It simply means that an error has been found and exposed and should be dealt with in love for the truth, and compassion for those damaged by the deception.

Word-Faith Origins

The spiritual mentor of today’s Word-Faith teachers is Essek W. Kenyon, a man who was greatly influenced by the metaphysical mind science cults such as Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, and Church of Religious Science and who apparently received his theological training from the Emerson School of Oratory in Boston, Mass. The founder of that institution, Charles Wesley Emerson, is on record as being a member of the Mother Church of Christian Science from 1903 to 1908. As Christian Science is nothing more than Gnosticism in modern garb, it is fairly certain that Kenyon was further influenced by Gnostic ideas during this training. After leaving the school - it is not clear from records whether or not he graduated - Kenyon settled in Seattle, Wash., where he was pastor of the New Covenant Baptist Church and broadcast a radio program, “Church of the Air” until his death in 1948. Kenyon’s Gospel Publishing Society published materials from his writings and broadcasts (read The Born-Again Jesus of the Word-Faith Teaching, p.25-26.) It is from these publications that most of the presumptions of the Word-Faith teachings are drawn but most adherents believe they originated from Kenneth E. “Dad” Hagin. However, the truth is that Hagin blatantly and unashamedly plagiarized his doctrines from Kenyon and his daughter, Ruth Kenyon Houseworth, stills seeks fair recognition of this fact (A Different Gospel, D.R. McConnell, pub. Hendrickson, 1995, p.4-6)


( 번영신학의 영적인 멘토는 에섹 케뇬이라는 사람이다. 이사람은 크리스쳔 사이언스라는 단체에 의하여 영향을 받았다. 크리스쳔 사이언스는 영지주의에 기초한 이단 종파의 하나이다. 케뇬이 설립한 "출판 사회"라는 단체가 그의 가르침을 담은 책들을 보급하면서 그의 사상이 퍼지기 시작하였다. 그중에 케네드 하긴이라는 사람이 그의 사상을 적극적으로 받아들으며 오늘날의 번영신학으로 발전 시켰다.)


발췌 :  www.jesus-is-savior.com/.../david_yongii_cho.jpg



자료 2 번영신학 운동자 조이스 메이어의 왕국 


The Meyer Family Compound
Photo by Robert Cohen, St Louis Post Dispatch

Joyce Meyer Ministries bought these 5 homes for Meyer and her family. The Ministry pays all expenses, including landscaping and lawn care, property taxes and rehab work. Meyer, her husband and each of their four married children live in the homes.


( 조이스 메이어의 일가가 살고 있는 조이스 메이어 컴파운드, 이곳의 유지 관리비를 모두 그의 사역 단체에서 부담한다.)



  1. Residence of: Joyce and Dave Meyer
    Bought: April 27th, 1999
    Purchase Price: About $795,000
    Square Footage: 10,000
    Cost of Improvements: $1.1 Million
    Features: 6 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms, Gold Putting Green, Swimming pool, 8 Car Heated and Cooled Garage, Guest House with 2 more bedrooms, Gazebo.

  2. Residence of: Daughter, Sandra McCollom and her husband Steve
    Bought: February 12, 2002
    Purchase Price: $400,000
    Square Footage: About 5,000
    Cost of Improvements: About $250,000
    Features: 4 Bedrooms, 3 full and 2 half Bathrooms, All-Seasons room, Prayer Room, Media Center and a Home Office.

  3. Residence of: Son, David Meyer and his wife Joy Meyer.
    Bought: June 18, 2001
    Purchase Price: $725,000
    Square Footage: 4,000
    Cost of Improvements: Unknown
    Features: 2 Story Colonial, 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages and a Utility Shed

  4. Residence of: Daughter, Laura Holtzmann and her husband Doug
    Bought: March 7, 2001
    Purchase Price: $350,000
    Square Footage: 2,358
    Cost of Improvements: $3,000
    Features: 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms with a Fireplace.

  5. Residence of: Son, Dan Meyer and his wife Charity
    Bought: Mar 13, 2000
    Purchase Price: About 200,000
    Square Footage: About 2,000
    Cost of Improvements: $33,000
    Features: Brick Ranch With Full Finished Basement


( 게시자주 )


위 번영신학을 비판하는 자료에 조용기 목사가 포함되어 있습니다. 우리나라에 조용기 목사의 위세가 대단하여 감히 무어라 하는 분이 별로 없지만 조용기 목사에 대한 외국의 비평은 신랄하기 그지없습니다. 번영신학은 아주 간단 명료하게 설명한다면 누이 좋고 매부 좋고 입니다. 하나님 잘 믿어 너도 축복받고 나도 축복받자입니다. 이것을 좀 점잖게 설명하면 하나님은 우리 믿는 사람들이 영적인 축복 뿐 아니라 물적인 축복도 받기를 원하신다. 물적인 축복은 부자가 되는 것 뿐 아니라 건강도 받고 만사 형통한 사람이 된다는 것이죠. 그리고 그러한 것들에 집중하고 계속적으로 추구하면( 구상화하면 ) 결국 하나님께서 이루어준다는 것입니다. 지금 번영신학은 로마 카톨릭과 손잡은 미국의 TBN 방송에 의하여 미국의 성도들에게 뿌려지고 있습니다. 번영신학은 대개 오순절 주의자들에 의하여 은사주의적 사역을 동반합니다. 이것은 로마 카톨릭이 개혁교회를  변혁시키려는 전략에 그대로 부합되는 것입니다. " 교리를 약화시켜 세속주의에 물들게 하라"( 혹은 세속주의에 물들게하여 교리를 약화시키라. )와 " 성령안에서 통일되도록 은사주의를 강화하라"  번영신학 운동을 전개하는 사람들은 로마 카톨릭이 마련한 이 두전략에 따라 움직이고 있습니다.






