National Code: THH42602
Domestic Fee Type: Government subsidised
Centre: Hospitality and Tourism Studies
Location: Elgar Campus
Enquiries: +61 3 9286 9277
Email: courseinfo@bhtafe.edu.au
Wide ranging, practical, relevant and with paid work experience, this course provides real workplace skills at an operational and supervisory level.
Training includes:
You will be encouraged to participate in industry competitions. Past students have won the State and National Student Waiter of the Year Awards, the Catermind Quiz and TGI Fridays World Championship Cocktail Bartending, regional World Skills (Restaurant Service).
This course is also available to International Students.
Most of the course is delivered in our specialised hospitality training facility at Box Hill Institute's Elgar Campus.
This course is delivered across five days per week for approximately 33 hours per week. You may need to work some weekends to deliver functions/events.
From week three of your Food and Beverage semester you will be working in Fountains training restaurant serving real customers. You will also have the opportunity to obtain paid employment at a range of events such as the Australian Grand Prix (March) and the Spring Racing Carnival (November). Additional opportunities are offered to selected students to work at Melbourne's sporting and social events as well as at four and five star hotels - all of which supplement the learning, making it practical, relevant and fun.
Theory subjects are delivered in a practical way wherever possible and incorporate work-related projects. Computer skills are taught to assist you in completing written assignments.
Many units (or modules) are delivered alongside other units in a 'cluster'. Cluster delivery enables you to experience real life situations in training. For example, when in Fountains Restaurant, it is necessary to combine skills from many units in order to provide effective customer service. Details of clusters and units appear below.
You must have successfully completed Year 12 (VCE), or be a mature age applicant.
Other students who believe they have a special case may also apply directly to the Centre.
You will go through a selection procedure that may include looking at your ENTER and completing a pre-selection form for the start of year intake in February and an individual or group interview for the July intake.
Refer to a relevant copy of the VTAC guide, or call Hospitality Reception on 9286 9277 for more specific selection criteria.
Full-time – one year.
Apply through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). Refer to a relevant copy of the VTAC guide for application procedures.
For mid-year entry apply directly to Box Hill Institute's Centre for Hospitality and Tourism Studies.
If you have any queries, please contact the Institute on +61 3 9286 9277.
The great thing about the hospitality industry is the wide range of work available around the world.
You can seek employment in:
During the course you will be given an opportunity for paid work at the:
After completing this course and depending on your part-time work experiences you will be able to apply for supervisory positions in your area of expertise, or an operational position in your preferred area.
The type of roles you can expect to hold would be as a:
The Employment Service can be contacted on +61 3 9286 9712
Successful completion of this course will enable you to continue onto the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management. You may choose to complete your program in one of Box Hill Institute's partner schools in the USA or Canada.
Alternatively, you may wish to find rewarding work and/or travel with your newly learnt skills, with the option to return at a later date to complete your Advanced Diploma.
Completion of the Advanced Diploma also enables students to further their studies at higher education organisations.
Your qualifications are recognised nationally under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Your qualifications are also recognised with our international partners and have some recognition in the UK, USA and Canada.
THHHCO01B | Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge | 25 hr |
THHCOR03B | Follow health, safety and security procedures | 5 hr |
THHGHS01B | Follow workplace hygiene procedures | 15 hr |
THHGHS03B | Provide first aid | 17 hr |
THHGLE02B | Implement workplace health, safety and security procedures | 30 hr |
THHCOR01B | Work with colleagues and customers | 20 hr |
THHCOR02B | Work in a socially diverse environment | 20 hr |
THHGCS03B | Deal with conflict situations | 20 hr |
THHBFB00B | Clean and tidy bar area | 10 hr |
THHBFB01B | Operate a bar | 30 hr |
THHBFB02B | Provide a link between kitchen and service areas | 10 hr |
THHBFB03B | Provide food and beverage service | 110 hr |
THHBFB09B | Provide responsible service of alcohol | 10 hr |
FDFCDSEWA | e-valuate wines (standard) | 40 hr |
THHADFB02B | Provide specialist advice on wine | 40 hr |
THHADFB01B | Provide specialist advice on food | 40 hr |
THHBFB11B | Develop and update food and beverage knowledge | 50 hr |
THHGGA06B | Receive and store stock | 10 hr |
THHGGA07B | Control and order stock | 25 hr |
BSBCMN205A | Use business technology | 30 hr |
THHGFA01B | Process financial transactions | 25 hr |
THHGFA06A | Interpret financial information | 60 hr |
THHGGA02B | Perform office procedures | 20 hr |
THHBFO02B | Provide accomodation reception services | 30 hr |
THHGGA01B | Communicate on the telephone | 10 hr |
THTSOP06B | Receive and process reservations | 30 hr |
THHBH03B | Prepare rooms for guests | 25 hr |
THHGHS02B | Clean premises and equipment | 12 hr |
THHGCS02B | Promote products and services to customers | 45 hr |
THHGCS05B | Organise in-house functions | 40 hr |
THHGLE01B | Monitor work operations | 30 hr |
THHGLE08B | Lead and manage people | 60 hr |
THHGTR01B | Coach others on job skills | 20 hr |
THHBCC01B | Use basic methods of cookery | 45 hr |
THHBKA01B | Organise and prepare food | 20 hr |
THHBKA02B | Present food | 6 hr |
THTFME04A | Develop an event concept | 30 hr |
THTFME05A | Select event venues and sites | 35 hr |