When Computers Went To Sea | 미해군, 줌왈트급에 2025년까지 극초음속 유도탄 탑재 계획 - Daum 카페
DDG-1000 USS 줌왈트함이 155mm AGS를 제거하고 VLS 4개( 미사일 12발 장착 가능)를 장착하는 공사를 마쳤네요.
VLS에 탑재할 C-HGB (Common Hypersonic Glide Body ) 극초음속 미사일은 2027년이나 2028년 중 해상시험을 실시할 예정이라고 합니다.
First U.S. Warship Fitted for Hypersonic Missiles Back in the Water - USNI News
First U.S. Warship Fitted for Hypersonic Missiles Back in the Water
Sam LaGrone
December 6, 2024 5:37 PM
USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) floated from a drydock at Ingalls Shipbuilding on Dec. 6, 2024. HII Photo
The first guided-missile destroyer fitted for conventional hypersonic missiles is back in the water after more than a year of modifications.
Ingalls Shipbuilding undocked USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) and the ship is now pierside at the Pascagoula, Miss., shipyard, HII announced in a Friday statement.
“The undocking marked the completion of significant modernization work at Ingalls since the ship arrived at the Pascagoula shipyard in August 2023,” reads the statement from HII.
“Shortly after its arrival, the ship was put back on land in order to receive technology upgrades including the integration of the Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) weapon system. The Ingalls team also replaced the original twin 155mm Advanced Gun Systems on the destroyers with new missile tubes.”
Zumwalt and the other two ships in the class will be the Navy’s first at-sea platforms to field the Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) missile – a weapon designed to strike targets thousands of miles away with no warning.
The trio of ships were designed around twin 155mm guns that would launch guided-rounds to strike land targets, but the program was scrapped because the specialized ammunition, while effective, was wildly expensive.
In 2017, the Zumwalt-class ships were retasked from a close-in, naval surface fire support mission to a blue water strike platform. In 2021, then Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday said Zumwalt would be the first Navy platform to field the hypersonic weapon.
Ingalls removed the forward gun mount and ammo loading mechanism storage from Zumwalt and added four large diameter tubes that can each field three weapons for a total of 12.
Now that Zumwalt is back in the water, the Navy anticipates testing the weapon at sea in 2027 or 2028, Vice Adm. Johnny Wolfe, the Navy’s director of strategic programs, told reporters last month.
The modular CPS system features an all-up round missile and a separate modular payload adapter.
“We’re testing and building the payload modular adapter, aside from what’s going on the actual ship,” Wolfe said. “The missile – the all-up round – we’re continuing forward with all that testing because the missile has to be what we call in-air launched because it’s so large. It’s not like any other type of missile. You don’t light this thing off inside.”
The Navy is also planning to field the CPS on the Block V Virginia-class Virginia Payload Module.
The third Zumwalt-class ship, Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002), is also at Ingalls Shipbuilding for its combat system activation and the eventual installation of its own missile tubes. Second-in-class USS Michael Monsoor (DDG-1001) is based in San Diego ahead of its own missile tube installation.
첫댓글 예전에 호르무즈의 AA/AD 환경에서 작전할 수 있는 유일한 미해군함정이라 평가되었었는데 여전히 유효할까요? 점점 계륵화가 가속되는거 같은데..
대만분쟁이 벌어지고 미해군이 대만 봉쇄를 풀기 위해 중국 해군과 대결하지 않는 이상 영영 밥값 할 일이 없는 배일 것 같습니다.
가까이 가서 155 mm 포탄을 퍼붓겠다고 만든 배인데... 2차대전 때 영국의 15인치 포 모니터 Roberts도 제공권이 연합군에게 확실히 넘어간 다음에야 프랑스, 네덜란드 해안 가까이 가서 15인치 포탄을 퍼부었지 그 전에는 한 일이 없네요.
그런 역할들은 싸구려 배에 적당한 야포를 실어서 실시하는 게 어울리는 것 같은 임무인데, 저 당시 미해군은 뭔 약을 먹어서 저런 생각을 했는지 모르겠습니다.
@위종민 저 때는 적은 이란, 이라크, 북한같은 나라들이지 중국, 러시아는 일단 아니라고 생각하던 시절이죠.
@백선호 단순히 해안에 가까이 접근해서 오래(=저렴하게) 육상화력지원을 하려면 각종 새로운 기술로 도배된 비싼 배 대신 싸게 할 수 있는 방법도 많았을 텐데요.
이 물건도 그렇고, LCS도 그렇고 각종 기술적 돌파구를 마련하고 Tech Level을 1, 2단계 업그레이드하는 게 목적 중 하나였을 텐데, 레일건이니 뭐니 하는 각종 혁신적 물건 중 제대로 자리잡은 물건들이 안 보이는 게 참 뼈아프네요. 결국 시간낭비, 돈낭비가 돼 버리고 DDG-51만 30년 넘게 뽑고 있고..