한국 돌아가게 되어 집주인분 부탁으로 올려요 !
-1월 1일 입주
-$900 per a month (인터넷, 수도, 히터 다 포함)
-Victoria Drive and 33rd Ave
-하우스(그라운드 레벨, 여성전용 유닛)
-두 명과 화장실, 부엌 쉐어
-룸메이트 한국인1 프랑스인1
-세탁기, 건조기 아무때나 사용가능
-3분거리 33, 20 bus/ 10분거리 R4, 41, 19, 22, 25 bus (downtown, Kerissdale, science world 매일 가는데 교통 편해요)
-3분거리 88슈퍼마켓/ 10분거리 T&T, dollarama, London drugs
집주인분 필리핀 분이신데 너무 친절하시고 피드백도 빠르십니다
매번 택배도 맡아주시고 필요한 거 없냐고 물어봐주셔요
히터 너무 잘 되어있어서 전기장판 필요없고, 온도 조절 마음대로 가능합니다
간단한 자기소개와 함께 집주인분께 영어로 연락 주세요 !
(궁금한 사항 쪽지 또는 댓글 부탁드립니다)
contact : Summer 7786817363
- Private room for rent: 900/month. Max 1 person per room. Price includes all utilities (water, heat, electricity and unlimited internet).
- House is at intersection of 33rd Avenue and Victoria Drive
- This ground floor suite is fully furnished and move-in ready with 3 private bedrooms, 1 shared bathroom, shared kitchen and dining area with other tenants (all female). Shared laundry and dryer, free of charge. Separate entrance. All bedrooms are furnished with double bed or queen bed, closet, study desk & chair.
- Available to move in January 1st
- Convenient location. 3-minute walk to bus 33, and bus 20 going to downtown. Quick access to 29th Skytrain station (Expo line) and Commercial-Broadway station (Millennium line & Expo line). 3-minute walk to two Asian grocery stores and lots of eateries/commercial services nearby.
- Suitable for clean, non-smoking, non-partying tenants. This house is not suitable for pets.
If you’re interested, please briefly introduce yourself, and if possible, let me know how long you plan to stay for, and potential move in date. We will select to choose best fit tenants. Available for move in by Jan. 1st
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.24.12.11 10:03