It's like trying to distinguish between seven-karat diamonds from Tiffany or Cartier.
코비와 티맥을 가리는것은 티파니와 까르띠에 7캐럿 다이아몬드중 어느걸 가리는거같다.
For all-around excitement and fearless play, there's nobody like Allen Iverson. When it comes to clutch scoring in the fourth quarter, Paul Pierce. Add in grace, versatility and leadership, it's tough to top Ray Allen.
올라운드한 재미와 거침없는 플레이는 아이버슨만한 선수가 없고 4쿼터 클러치 슈팅은 폴 피어스가 있고. 기품과 다재다능하고 리더쉽은 레이앨런이 있다.
And, oh yeah, people have forgotten the man formerly known as "half man, half amazing" Vince Carter -- now seemingly healthy again. Some people considered him the best shooting guard of all until knee problems set him back the past two seasons.
해프맨 해프어메이징. 건강을 되찾은 카터도 있다. 2년전 무릎부상이 있기전 그를 최고의 슈팅가드로 꼽은 사람들도 있다.
These are the best athletes in the NBA, and arguably in any sport. They perform ballet on hardwood. They have the ability to do whatever is necessary to win games -- score, pass, defend, rebound and sink free throws -- making them not only the most desirable players to have on your team but the most popular among fans.
어느 운동에서나 최고라고 말할수 있는선수다. 딱딱한 코트에서 발레를 하는 선수같다. 이기기 위해서 뭐든지 할 능력. 득점. 패스. 수비. 리바운드 그리고 자유투성공. 팀에서 가장 원하는 선수뿐 아니라 가장 인기있는 선수들이다.
The NBA folks polled for this story lean toward Bryant as the best at the position. He has three championship rings and makes an impact on defense more consistently ... but not by much.
리그는 이부분에대해 코비를 최고로 뽑았다. 3번의 우승과 수비에서 가장 꾸준한 모습을 보여준다. 많은 차이는 아니지만 말이다.
And then there's the, uh, minor difference in teams, considering Bryant has had one of the best centers in league history as his sidekick, Shaquille O'Neal. McGrady hasn't even had a legitimate center with him in his three years in Orlando while also suffering from the frustration of not having ankle-challenged Grant Hill for more than 47 games in three years. "What we don't know," one NBA executive said, "is what McGrady would be like with another star with him, let alone Shaq. That's a huge advantage for Kobe, not only now, but it has been in his development because defenses have to collapse so much on Shaq, it gives Kobe more room to operate.
팀사정도 "약간" 다르다. 코비는 리그최강의 센터 오닐이 있지만 티맥은 매직에서의 3년동안 좋은센터 없었고 발목부상을 치료하는 힐과의 투쟁이 있었을뿐이다.
"맥그레디가 샤크같은 스타와 플레이 한다면 어떨지 모른다. 코비에게는 굉장한 도움이다. 그의 성장뿐 아니라 샤크에게 가는 수비로 인해 공간이 생기기 때문이다."라고 리그 관계자는 말한다.
"They are so close, it's tough to call. And we can't have any idea what will happen to Kobe this year."
치열한 싸움이다. 뭐라 단정지을수 없다. 이번 코비에게 어떤 일이 일어날지 모르겠다
"We'll see how mentally tough he really is this season," the same NBA source said. "He appears to be above it all, but we all forget he's just 25 and this is different. Very different."
"정신적으로 얼마나 강한지 볼수 있을것이다. 한단계 위에 있는거 처럼 보이지만 그는 겨우 25살이고 이번은 많이 다르다." 리그소스왈
Nonetheless, it is just that toughness that gives him the slight edge over McGrady, a much more personable and easy-going personality type. But that edge is miniscule. Plus, there is more talent around McGrady this season, and if Bryant falters at all, McGrady, and possibly Iverson, will blow right by him as the best shooting guards.
코비는 그의 강인한 정신력 때문에 더 친근하고 털털한 성격인 티맥보다 더 한수위로 쳐진다. 하지만 그 차이는 미세하다. 게다가 이번 시즌에 티맥은 주위에 더 재능있는 선수들을 팀 동료로 갖게 되었다.만약 이번시즌 코비가 비틀거린다면 티맥, 또한 아이버슨까지 그를 제치고 최고로 올라설 것이다.
1. Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers: He has three rings, improved a lot as a passer last season and got much stronger. He's the new prototype, but his off-court issues are very likely to affect his game in some form this season.
2. Tracy McGrady, Orlando Magic: The only real issue with McGrady is his back. He hasn't missed a significant amount of games, but it has bothered him a significant amount of time. That aside, he is already a dream player at 24.
3. Allen Iverson, Philadelphia 76ers: His ability to dominate games is even more dramatic because he is about 6-feet and 160 pounds. He played so well for the U.S. team in Puerto Rico he might pass the above duo this season.
4. Paul Pierce, Boston Celtics: The best clutch fourth-quarter scorer in the league, he is very strong and a great shooter, and he'll either get fouled or score. He damaged his reputation on the 2002 World Championship team as a selfish whiner, but the Celtics beg to differ.
5. Ray Allen, Seattle SuperSonics: He raised his play to superstar level after the Sonics got him in the Payton trade last year, and he was great in Puerto Rico. An exceptional talent and an even better person than player.
6. Vince Carter, Toronto Raptors: After constant knee issues, Carter says he's back and better than ever. His electrifying dunks aside, he doesn't have the ball-handling skills or defensive inclination of the others.
7. Michael Finley, Dallas Mavericks: Were it not for persistent ankle problems, Finley might be ahead of Carter. He is a terrific post-up player and a great shooter but can't handle the ball or pass like the top guys, either.
8. Latrell Sprewell, Minnesota Timberwolves: Injuries and playing small forward in New York stifled his game. But getting traded to Minnesota and playing his natural position should rejuvenate him.
9. Allan Houston, New York Knicks: With Sprewell gone, Houston will be more of the focal point on offense. He is the best pure shooter of this group. His overall game isn't as good as the others, but he is a solid player in all ways.
10. Richard Hamilton, Detroit Pistons: A great mid-range shooter, he is young and still has to get stronger, but he showed last season he could slash to the rim as well as drain jumpers. Now he has to get a consistent 3-point shot.
Others considered: Jerry Stackhouse, Washington Wizards; Bonzi Wells, Portland Trail Blazers; Jalen Rose, Chicago Bulls; Eddie Jones, Miami Heat; Manu Ginobili, San Antonio Spurs; Reggie Miller, Indiana Pacers.
Sept. 17, 2003
By Mike Kahn
SportsLine.com Executive Editor
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