There once was a mischievous shepherd boy who felt bored and tired of watching his sheep, he thought there was something else better to do. Suddenly an interesting idea hit him. Leaving his sheep behind, he came running down the mountain and shouting, "Help! The wolves are attacking my sheep! Help! The wolves are attacking my sheep!"
Believing it was true, the villagers quickly ran to rescue him and his sheep bringing with them their hooks, hoes and spades to scare the wolves away. When they reach the mountain, the shepherd boy gave out a big laugh as he told them he was bored and just made up the story to see how they would react. The villagers were disappointed with what he did. Very angry, they returned back to their work.
The next day, the shepherd once again yelled for help, shouting the wolves are attacking his sheep and claimed this time he was telling the truth. This had the villagers come run-fling to his rescue again. Again he gave a big laugh then did the village folks know he was telling a lie again. They all angrily left him and went back to continue their work.
A few days later, a wolf really came. Again he ran down the mountain and shouted, The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! Help me! Save my sheep! The village people thought he was putting on another act so no one paid attention to his plea
With no one to help him, the wolf ate up all his sheep. The poor little shepherd boy now has no more sheep to tend to.
Moral Lesson:
It is not good to lie because if people find out you have lied, they will never believe you again even if you are already telling the truth. Honesty is the best policy.