♡♡♡ 미술로 배우는 영어! 창의력도 쑥!쑥! 유아영어학습지 [아큐박스] ♡♡♡ 우리집 영어유치원 아큐박스AL리스닝 ♡♡♡
How to write English Diary
1. 날짜표현(Date)
◎ 오늘은 6월 15일이다.
Today is the fifteen of june
일월 January 이월 February 삼월 March 사월 April 오월 May 유월 June 칠월 July
팔월 August 구월 September 시월 October 십일월 November 십이월 December
첫째 first 둘째 second 셋째 third 넷째 forth 다섯째 fifth 여섯째 sixth
일곱째 seventh 여덟째 eighth 아홉째 ninth 열째 tenth 열한번째 eleventh
열두번째 twelfth
(요일 표현)
월요일 Monday 화요일 Tuesday 수요일 Wednesday 목요일 Thursday 금요일 Friday
토요일 Saturday 일요일 Sunday
2 . 날씨표현(Weather)
◎ 아주 좋은 날씨 : perfect(ideal) weather
◎ 좋은 날씨 : fine(fair, good, favorable, beautiful, splendid, lovely) weather
◎ 궂은 날씨 : foul(bad, nasty, wretched) weather
◎ 음산한 날씨 : gloomy(oppressive) weather
◎ 변덕스러운 날씨 : fickle(broken, changeable, unsettled) weather
◎ 거친 날씨 : stormy(rough) weather
◎ 험악한 날씨 : inclement weather
◎ 날씨 관계로 : Because of weather conditions
◎ 지금 날씨 같아서는 : Judging from the look of the sky
◎ 날씨가 좋으면 : If weather permit( if it is fine, weather permitting)
◎ 날씨가 좋건 나쁘건 : in fair weather or foul, rain or shine
◎ 날씨가 좋아지는 대로 : on the first fine day
3 . 계절표현(Season)
봄 (spring)
◎ 봄이 되었다. It became spring.
◎ 햇빛이 비쳤다 It was sunny.
◎ 따뜻한 날씨였다. It was warm.
◎ 상쾌한 날씨였다 It was fine.
◎ 날씨가 점점 더워진다. It's getting hotter and hotter.
◎ 더웠다 It was hot.
◎ 구름이 끼어 있었다 It was cloudy.
◎ 안개가 끼었다. It was foggy.
◎ 당장 비가 올 날씨였다 It was threatening.
◎ 날씨가 잘 변하다 The weather is changeable(fickle, capricious).
◎ 비가 왔다 It was rainy.
◎ 날씨가 들었다 It cleared up.
◎ 차차 좋아질 모양이다 It seems that the weather is improving.
◎ 날씨 탓인지 머리가 무거웠다
I felt heavy in the head, probably because of(due to) weather.
가을 (fall, autumn)
◎ 좋은 날씨였다 It was very nice day.
◎ 하늘은 맑았다 The sky was clear.
◎ 시원한 날씨였다. It was cool.
◎ 날씨가 추워지다 It becomes cold.
◎ 오늘은 겨울 날씨 같았다 It was winter weather today.
◎ 쌀쌀했다. It was chilly.
겨울 (winter)
◎ 본격적으로 추워졌다 The cold weather has set in / Its really gotten cold.
◎ 추웠다 It was cold.
◎ 바람이 불었다 It was windy.
◎ 서리가 내렸다 It frosted(frost fell).
◎ 얼어붙는 듯한 날씨였다. It was freeze.
◎ 눈이 내렸다 It was snowy.
◎ 밖은 살을 에는 듯이 추웠다 It was bitterly cold outdoors.
◎ 오늘 아침은 몹시 추웠다
- It was awfully cold this morning.
- The temperature dipped very low this morning.
4. 하루일과 (Daily work)
♣ 아침(in the morning)
◎ 일찍 일어났다. : I got up early
◎ 언제나 아침 일찍[늦게] 일어난다 : I am an early[a late] riser.
◎ 어머니가 깨워주셨다. : I was awakened by my mother.
◎ 오늘 아침에 두 시간이나 늦잠을 잤다 : I woke up two hours late this morning
◎ 늦잠을 자서 학교에 지각했다 : I overslept and was late getting to the school.
◎ 어젯밤은 자지 않고 일어나 있었다 : I sat up all night (last night).
◎ 잠을 깼을 때는 모두 일어나 있었다 : When I awoke, everybody was up.
◎ 밥 먹기 전에 세수를 했다: I washed up before a meal.
◎ 나는 아침마다 조깅을 한다 : I jogs every morning.
◎ 공기가 맑고 신선했다. : The air was very clean and fresh.
◎ 아침을 먹었다 : I ate(took) my breakfast.
◎ 학교에 갔다 : I went to school.
◎ 집에서 정류장까지 걸어서 20분 걸린다.
: It takes about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house.
♣ 점심 (in the afternoon)
(1) 식사 lunch
◎ 점심을 먹었다. : I had(eat) lunch.
◎ 나는 점심에 샌드위치를 먹었다 : I had sandwiches for lunch.
◎ 점심시간은 한 시간이다 : We have an hours lunch break.
(2) 활동
◎ 운동을 했다 : I took exercise.
◎ 오후에 야구를 했다. : I played baseball in the afternoon.
- 농구하다 play basketball
- 야구하다 play baseball
- 축구하다 play soccer(football)
- 탁구하다 play tabletennis / (ping-pong)
- 테니스하다 play tennis
- 낚시 go fishing
- 볼링 go bowing
- 서핑 go surfing
- 수영 go swimming
- 스키 go skiing
- 스케이트 go skating
- 썰매 go sledding
- 눈싸움하다 have a snowball fight
- 줄넘기를 하다 skip(jump) rope ; turn a skipping rope.
- 산책 go for a walk.