The title of this story is "Journey to Pluto."
On January 19, 2006, NASA launcehed launched a new space probe called New Horizons.
Their mission is was to explore the dwarf planet Pluto.
On July 4, 2015, New Horizons was approching approaching Pluto, just three days away.
Finally, New Horizen Horizons captured a breathtaking image of Pluto and collect collected six gigabytes of data.
I think this book is interesting because I learned many things about Pluto.
Score: B+
문법 및 철자 수정:
- "launcehed" → "launched" (철자 수정).
- "new things called New Horizons" → "a new space probe called New Horizons" (더 명확한 설명).
- "Their mission is explore" → "Their mission was to explore" (시제 일치).
- "dwarf planet pluto" → "the dwarf planet Pluto" (관사 추가 및 고유명사 대문자).
- "approching" → "approaching" (철자 수정).
- "just three days" → "just three days away" (자연스러운 표현).
- "New Horizen" → "New Horizons" (철자 수정).
- "collect" → "collected" (과거형 일치).
추가 내용 추천:
- New Horizons가 Pluto에서 발견한 주요 특징(예: 얼음산, 얇은 대기 등)에 대해 한 문장 추가하면 더욱 풍부한 글이 될 것입니다.
- 미션의 의미와 후속 연구에 대해 간략히 언급하면 더욱 흥미로운 글이 될 수 있습니다.