시리아 반군 HTS (하야트 타흐리르-알-샴)의 지도자 아부 무하마드 알-줄라니(본명은 아흐마드 알-샤라)가 영국 더타임즈와의 인터뷰에서, 시리아에서 이스라엘을 공격하는 것을 허락하지 않을 것이며 시리아에 가해진 국제 제재를 해제할 것을 요구했네요.
또한 이스라엘이 시리아에 대한 공습을 중단할 것과, 아사드 정권 붕괴 후 이스라엘이 점령한 지역에서 철수할 것을 요구했습니다.
Syria won’t allow to use its soil to attack Israel: HTS cmdr. - IRNA English
Syria won’t allow to use its soil to attack Israel: HTS cmdr.
Tehran, IRNA – The top commander of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), one of the Syrian armed groups that recently overthrew the government of President Basher al-Assad, has told a British newspaper that he will not allow his country to become a place for attacking Israel.
According to IRNA on Monday night, Abu Muhammad al-Julani who proclaims himself as the commander of the Syrian Military Operations Department made the remarks in his first interview with The Times.
Al-Julani, who now prefers to be known by his real name, "Ahmad al-Sharaa," however warned the Israeli regime that it must end its airstrikes on Syria and withdraw from the areas it occupied after the fall of the Assad government.
The Israeli justification (for attacking Syria) was the presence of Hezbollah and Iranian military personnel has disappeared and therefore the regime, which seized the buffer zone after the fall of Assad last week, must withdraw from this area.
Elsewhere in the interview, Al-Julani called on the West to lift sanctions imposed on Syria during the rule of Bashar al-Assad.
According to Zionist media, the Israeli army has already occupied more than 370 square kilometers of the Syrian territory and has advanced to the village of Ma'ariyya in the Yarmouk Basin, located in the west of Dara’a province.
The occupying army has also dispatched reinforcement, along with bulldozers and technical and engineering equipment, to the Yarmouk Basin area.
Jolani: Syria won’t be used as a launchpad for attacks on Israel