(2nd LD) Downpours batter southern regions; rain to start pouring again Thursday
[날씨] 전국 장맛비, 수도권 '호우특보'…시간당 30~60㎜ 폭우
Kim Hyun-soo All News 16:29 June 28, 2023 Yonhap News
(ATTN: CHANGES headline, lead; UPDATES throughout with more info; ADDS photo) SEOUL, June 28 (Yonhap) -- Reports of damage to housing and farmland kept mounting as heavy rains battered southern provinces overnight, with up to 365 millimeters of rain swamping the region since Sunday. The monsoon rain, which had waned in the southern region as of Wednesday afternoon, will start pouring again throughout the country on Thursday due to the influence of low atmospheric pressure, the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said. Up to 365.2 mm of rain fell from Sunday to Wednesday morning in the southwestern city of Gwangju, the highest precipitation rate per hour in five years, and 272 mm of rain pummeled Gwangyang, another city in South Jeolla Province, breaking its three-year record. The Gwangju Stream in the southwestern city of Gwangju is flooded due to heavy rains on June 28, 2023. (Yonhap) The damage was concentrated in Gwangju and its surrounding South Jeolla Province, including flooding of housing and farmland, power outages and transport disruption. A worker at an irrigation facility went missing in a rural village in the county of Hampyeong while inspecting a floodgate, with around 90 firefighters searching for the missing person. A stream inundated a town in the county of Hwasun early Wednesday, and housing and farmers' huts sunk under flood waters in the county of Damyang. A total of 41 cases of flooded housing, 33 cases of road flooding and 11 other cases of damage were reported in the region. In Gwangju, where 185 cases of damage were reported from the downpour overnight, a city bus became waterlogged and the bus driver had to escape unaided Tuesday night. Earlier, twenty-one people were evacuated from their homes in Gwangju, South Jeolla Province and South Gyeongsang Province after trees fell on their houses or due to fears of flooding. Twenty-five out of 53 passenger ships on 18 routes that shuttle between the islands in South Jeolla province were out of service and hiking trails in national parks were off limits, according to a local official. Some 335 households suffered a power outage for over three hours late Tuesday, due to a lightning strike in Naju, a city in South Jeolla Province, and a similar blackout occurred in Gwangju, with power knocked out in more than 100 households for over an hour. The anti-disaster office under the interior ministry upgraded the heavy rain advisory to "alert" from "caution" late Tuesday in South Jeolla and South Gyeongsang provinces. People look over the damage done by the downpour overnight in the Buku district of Gwangju on June 28, 2023. (Yonhap) The volume of precipitation recorded in an hour in June peaked this year, beating its previous records in many regions, including 54.1 mm in Gwangju, and 74.5 mm in Namhae county in South Gyeongsang Province on Tuesday, and 49.3 mm in Buan county in North Jeolla Province on Wednesday. The monsoon rain is expected to come to a lull due to the influence of high atmospheric pressure nationwide, but the greater Seoul region, the western region in Gangwon Province, and Chungcheong Province will see showers accompanied by strong wind, lightning and thunder until the afternoon. It will travel to affect the inland areas of South and North Jeolla provinces and North and South Gyeongsang provinces in the afternoon. The state weather agency also warned against possible ice pellets, a type of hail, in the region. sookim@yna.co.kr (END) |
[날씨] 전국 장맛비, 수도권 '호우특보'…시간당 30~60㎜ 폭우
06-29 11:28 연합뉴스
오늘은 서울 등 중부지방에 폭우가 쏟아집니다.
지금 비구름이 매우 강하게 발달한 서울 등 수도권에 시간당 30mm 안팎의 장대비가 관측되고 있습니다.
많은 비가 예상되는 서울 등 수도권 전역과 영서 충청과 전북 일부 지역에는 '호우주의보'도 내려졌고요.
앞으로 '호우특보'는 그 밖의 중부와 남부 많은 곳으로 더 확대될 전망입니다.
이미 많은 비가 내려 지반이 약해진 곳들이 많습니다.
추가적인 비 피해가 우려되는 만큼 대비 철저히 해주시기 바랍니다.
앞으로 비구름이 남쪽으로 이동하면서 오후부터는 남부지방에도 집중호우가 쏟아지겠습니다.
비가 집중되는 시점을 자세히 살펴보시면요.
우선 오늘 오전부터는 중부지방에 물벼락이 쏟아지겠고, 오늘 오후부터 내일 낮 사이에는 남부 지방에, 내일 아침부터는 제주도에 강한 비가 예상됩니다.
비가 집중되는 때를 잘 살피셔서 안전사고가 나지 않도록 조심해 주시기 바랍니다.
내일까지 예상되는 비의 양은 중부지방과 영남에 50~120mm, 많은 곳은 150mm가 넘는 비가 오겠고요.
특히 호남과 제주도에 최대 250mm 이상, 경기 북부에는 최대 200mm의 큰 비가 예상됩니다.
내일까지 비와 함께 바람도 무척 강하게 불겠습니다.
보행하실 때 안전사고에도 유의해 주셔야겠습니다.
한편 밤사이 서울에 올해 첫 열대야가 나타났습니다.
작년에 이어 2년 연속 6월에 때 이른 열대야가 찾아온 건데요.
주말부터 중부 지방은 장맛비가 잠시 잦아들면서 또다시 열대야와 폭염이 나타나는 곳이 있겠고요.
다음 주 초반에 정체전선이 북상하면서 다시 전국에 비가 내릴 전망입니다.
지금까지 날씨 전해드렸습니다.
(진연지 기상캐스터)
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