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참아버님의 가족 남평 문씨가 평안도와 함경도 일대에 뿌리를 내린 것은 충선공 문익점의 다섯 아들 중 3남 의안공(毅安公) 문중실(文中實)때부터였으며, 그중 의안공의 5세손인 문달(文達)이 평안북도 정주에 정착하였다. 참아버님의 고조부 문성학(文成學)은 의안공의 19세손이며, 정호 정기 정흘의 세 아들을 두었다. 그중 막내아들 문정흘이 바로 아버님의 증조부로서 상사리에 처음 터를 잡았다. 문정흘은 치국(致國) 신국(信國) 윤국(潤國)의 세 아들을 두었으며, 그 맏아들 문치국이 참아버님의 조부이다. 문치국은 참아버님에 대해 ‘이는 장차 큰 인물이 될 것인즉 저가 원하는 것은 무엇이든지 돕도록 하라.’고 일렀다. 문치국은 경우(慶裕:음 1893.7.11~1954.10.11) 경복(慶福) 경구(慶球) 등 세 아들과 두 딸을 두었고, 문경유 충부님은 연안 김씨 경계(慶繼:본명 周觀, 음 1888.10.15~1968.1.7) 충모님과 혼인하였다. 충모님은 정주 유지로서 독립운동과 오산학교 설립에도 도움을 준 부친 김백홍(金伯洪)과 모친 인동 장씨(張氏) 슬하 3남 2녀 중 맏따님으로 태어났다. 조선시대에 가장 많은 사람이 과거에 급제한 연안 김씨 집안에서 부유한 생활을 하면서 정결하고 기품 있게 성장하였다. 키가 크고 성격은 활달하고 정열적이며 참아버님의 재림노정에 완전히 모자협조의 섭리 기반을 이룬 희생적 삶을 살았다. 8 우리 가정은 증조부 때에 하나님의 축복을 받았습니다. 그러나 할아버지 때에 와서는 탕감을 받았습니다. 축복받은 후에는 탕감을 받게 된다는 것입니다. 이스라엘 민족도 축복을 받은 후에는 반드시 탕감을 받았습니다. 열만한 축복을 받았으면 반드시 그만한 탕감을 받아야 된다는 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 내가 하나님의 부름을 받기까지 우리 가정에 상당한 혼란이 일어났습니다. 가산이 탕진되었고 인명 피해도 있었습니다. 그뿐만 아니라 내 가까이 있는 사람들에게 혼란이 벌어지기도 했습니다. 이렇듯 축복을 받으면 절망적인 상태에 이를 때까지 하나님은 그 가정을 사탄세계에 내놓는 것입니다. 그러면 사탄세계에서 들이치는 것입니다. 3대에 걸쳐 탕감역사가 있었던 것입니다. 9 옛날에 나 한 사람을 없애기 위해서 우리 가족에게는 믿기지 않는 여러 가지 영적 현상이 있었습니다. 나는 그런 환경 가운데 태어나 여러 가지 어려운 환경을 스스로 모두 해결해 나왔습니다. 물론 부모님도 있었고 친척들도 많이 있었습니다. 그중 작은할아버지는 목사였는데 유명한 분이었습니다. 한문에도 능하고 중국 역사도 훤히 아는 분이었습니다. 또 평양신학교를 나와서 영어도 잘했습니다. 서양문명도 꿰뚫어볼 줄 아는 독립운동의 선구자이기도 했습니다. 그런 가정적 배경을 가지고 있었지만, 모든 문제를 나 혼자서 해결해 나왔습니다. 그것은 어느 누구에게 의논해도 모르는 것입니다. 내가 장래에 가고자 하는 그 길에 대해서는 부모도 모르고 아무도 모릅니다. 그 배후에 영적 현상으로 인해 일가족, 부모로부터 친족에까지 여러 가지 문제가 일어났습니다. 많은 일이 있었습니다. 사탄은 잘 알고 있기 때문에 나를 중심으로 가족 전체에 악영향을 미치는 것입니다. 10 나는 3․1운동을 주도하던 한 가문에서 태어났습니다. 우리 종조부인 문윤국 할아버지가 그런 사람이었습니다. 나는 우리 종조부로부터 ‘너는 할아버지보다 훌륭한 손자가 되어야 한다.’라는 말을 들으면서 자랐습니다. 그 할아버지가 나를 참 사랑했습니다. 오산학교를 세운 그 배후에는 우리 할아버지가 있습니다. 11 우리 아버지로 말하면 법이 없이도 사실 분이었습니다. 만일 아버지가 어디에서 급하게 빚을 얻어 왔을 때에는 그 빚을 갚는다고 약속한 날에 이자까지 갚아 주지 않고는 못 견디는 분이었습니다. 어떠한 일이 있더라도 그 약속을 이행하는 사람이었습니다. 약속을 이행하는 데 있어서는 모범적인 분이었습니다. 12 우리 어머니가 아들딸 열셋을 낳았습니다. 내 위로 누나가 셋이나 됩니다. 아들로서는 내가 둘째입니다. 다섯이 죽고 나머지 여섯 딸과 두 아들이 살았습니다. 그러니 어머니가 얼마나 기가 막히겠습니까? 아들을 키우다가 보내고 딸들도 키우다가 보낸 것입니다. 동생이 죽어서 그 관을 아버지가 갖다가 묻는데 우리 형님이 도울 수 없었습니다. 아버지가 책임지고 간단한 널을 짜서 죽은 동생을 넣고 어깨에다 메고 가서 묻은 것입니다. 어머니는 아이를 떠나보내며 눈물짓고 있는데, 아버지는 혼자 묻고 돌아와서도 손을 안 씻었습니다. 사흘이 지나서야 손을 씻고 밥을 먹기 시작했습니다. 어떻게 아들을 묻고 손을 씻고 밥을 먹느냐고 말입니다. 그것을 보면 아버지는 법 없이도 사는 사람이었습니다. 조상의 유언을 법보다 무섭게 생각하는 사람입니다. 13 우리 어머니는 후덕한 분이었습니다. 남자 같은 분으로 아주 무서운 성격이었지만 며느리 역할은 잘했습니다. 시아버지가 아침에 어디로 떠나겠다고 하면 거기에 맞춰서 새벽밥을 해 드렸습니다. 일생 동안 불평도 하지 않고 그렇게 살았습니다. 내가 어머니의 본을 많이 받았습니다. 14 내가 어머니를 많이 닮았습니다. 내가 혁명적인 기질이 어머니를 닮았다는 것입니다. 아버지는 학자입니다. 아버지는 무엇을 한번 들으면 요즘 컴퓨터와 같이 잊어버리지 않았습니다. 기억력이 좋았습니다. 창조력은 내가 우리 어머니를 닮았습니다. 외할아버지도 그렇습니다. 혁명적인 소질이 많았습니다. 외할아버지는 자기 동네에서 바다와 관계된 일을 하는 데 있어서 혁명적이었습니다. 그래서 내가 여섯, 일곱, 여덟 살 때에 외할아버지 집에 가서 그 할아버지를 따라다니면서 고기를 잡곤 했는데 그것을 얼마나 흥분하며 기다렸는지 모릅니다. 15 우리 어머니가 아기를 많이 낳았습니다. 열세 명을 낳았는데 어머니가 한 이야기가 있습니다. ‘세상에서 재미재미 해도 다른 재미는 없더라. 아기를 낳아서 젖먹이고 키울 때의 그 이상 재미는 없더라. 늙어서 아기를 못 낳으니 매사에 재미없어 못살겠어.’라는 말을 했습니다. 어머니 얼굴을 보면 많은 수고를 하여 꺼칠해졌습니다. 갖은 풍상을 다 겪은 어머니의 얼굴입니다. 그렇지만 사랑스러운 아기를 키우던 그 수고의 모습이 보기에 좋더라는 것입니다. 사랑은 어려움과 희생을 동반하지만 그 희생을 잊어버리게 합니다. 참사랑을 하게 되면 희생한 것을 잊어버리게 됩니다. 그런 희생이 거름이 되고 비료가 되는 것입니다. 또 자기 살이 되고 뼈가 되며 기쁨이 되는 것입니다. 사랑이 된다는 것입니다. 16 우리 형님은 동생인 나에 대해서는 절대적이었습니다. 가인 입장에서 완전히 탕감할 수 있는 기대가 자연히 조성된 것입니다. 형님의 신앙은 철저했습니다. 6․25사변과 8․15해방이 일어날 것을 미리 알았습니다. 모든 어려운 문제를 영계의 지시를 통해 해결하는 신앙의 태도를 가지고 있었습니다. 우리 형님은 역사상에 수많은 형이 있었고 수많은 동생이 있었지만 내 동생은 역사적인 동생이라고 알았습니다. 그렇기 때문에 내가 뭐라고 하면 절대적으로 따라주었습니다. 내가 평양에 있을 때의 일입니다. 그때는 복귀섭리 도상에 있어서 크나큰 역사가 있었는데, 내가 부탁한 것은 보통 생각으로는 믿을 수 없는 것이었지만 형님은 이런저런 내용을 갖추어 동생을 위해 도왔습니다. 그 부탁이 아무리 어려운 것일지라도 그 일을 주저하지 않고 도와주는 형님이었습니다. 17 형님은 영계를 통하기 때문에 알았습니다. ‘형제관계는 어느 집이나 다 있고, 일족의 어느 누구나 종횡으로 관계되어 있지만, 형제 중에서 내 동생이 역사의 일등 동생이다.’라는 그것만은 알았습니다. 영계에서 그렇게 가르쳐 주었다는 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 형님은 내가 하자는 대로 다 했습니다. 집을 팔라고 하면 집을 팔고, 소를 팔라고 하면 소를 팔고, 학비가 없다면 땅을 팔아서라도 대어 주려고 했지, 하나라도 반대하려고 하지 않았습니다. 그러니까 가인 아벨을 복귀한 것입니다. |
真のお父様の家族 南平文氏が平安道と咸鏡道(ハムギョンド)一帯に根を下ろしたのは、忠宣公(チュンソンゴン)・文益漸(ムンイクチョム)の五人の息子のうち、三男の毅安公(ウィアンゴン)・文中實(ムンヂュンシル)の時からであり、その中で毅安公の五代目の子孫である文達(ムンダル)が平安北道(プクト)の定州に定着した。真のお父様の高祖父・文成學(ムンソンハク)は、毅安公の十九代目の子孫に当たり、禎浩(チョンホ)、禎機(チョンギ)、禎紇(チョンフル)など、三人の息子をもうけた。その中で末息子の文禎紇が、正に真のお父様の曽祖父であり、上思里(サンサリ)に初めて基盤を築いたのである。 そして、文禎紇は、致國(チグク)、信國(シングク)、潤國(ユングク)の三人の息子をもうけたが、長男の文致國が真のお父様の祖父である。文致國は、真のお父様について、「この子は将来、大きな人物になるので、彼が願うことは何でも助けてあげなさい」と語った。文致國は、慶裕(キョンユ・一八九三年、陰暦七月十一日-一九五四年十月十一日)、慶福(キョンボク)、慶球(キョング)など、三男二女をもうけ、文慶裕忠父様は、延安金(ヨナンキム)氏の慶繼(キョンゲ・本名は周觀[チュグァン]、一八八八年、陰暦十月十五日-一九六八年一月七日)忠母様(チュンモニム)と婚姻をした。忠母様は定州の有力者で、独立運動と五山学校の設立にも携わった父・金伯洪(キムベコン)と母・仁同張(インドンチャン)氏のもと、三男二女の長女として生まれ、朝鮮時代に最も多くの科挙合格者を輩出した延安金氏の家門で富裕な生活を送りながら、貞潔で気品を備えた姿に成長した。背が高く、闊達、情熱的な性格だった忠母様は、真のお父様の再臨路程において、完全な母子協助の摂理基盤を築く犠牲的な人生を送った。 8 私の家庭は、曽祖父の時に神様の祝福を受けました。しかし、祖父の時になって蕩減を受けました。祝福を受けたあとには、蕩減を受けることになります。イスラエル民族も、祝福を受けたあとには、必ず蕩減を受けました。十の祝福を受けたならば、必ずそれだけの蕩減を受けなければならないのです。 ですから、私が神様の召命を受けるまでに、私の家庭に相当な混乱が起きました。財産を失い、人命被害もありました。それだけではなく、私の身近な人々に混乱が起きたりもしました。このように、祝福を受ければ、絶望的な状態に至るまで、神様はその家庭をサタン世界に差し出します。そうすると、サタン世界がしきりに打つのです。三代にわたって蕩減の歴史がありました。 9 昔、私一人を亡き者にするために、私の家族に信じられない様々な霊的現象がありました。私はそのような環境の中で生まれ、様々な困難な環境を自ら解決してきました。もちろん両親もいて、親戚もたくさんいました。その中で従祖父(文潤國)は牧師でしたが、有名な方でした。漢文にもたけていて、中国の歴史にも精通している方でした。また平壌神学校を出て英語もできました。西洋文明も見通すことができる、独立運動の先駆者でもありました。 そのような家庭的背景をもっていましたが、すべての問題を私一人で解決してきたのです。それは、どこの誰に相談しても分からないことです。私が将来歩もうとするその道については、両親も知らず、誰も知らないのです。その背後で、霊的現象によって一家族、親から親戚に至るまで、様々な問題が起きました。たくさんの出来事がありました。サタンはよく知っているので、私を中心に家族全体に悪影響を及ぼすのです。 10 私は、三・一運動を主導していたある家門で生まれました。私の従祖父、文潤國おじいさんがそのような人でした。私は、従祖父から「お前は、私よりも立派な孫にならなければならない」という話を聞きながら育ったのです。そのおじいさんは、私をとても愛しました。五山(オサン)学校を建てたその背後には、私の従祖父がいます。 11 私の父について言えば、法がなくても正しく生きることができる方でした。もし父がどこかで急に借金をしてきた時には、その借金を返すと約束した日に、利子まで返してあげなければ耐えられない方でした。どのようなことがあっても、その約束を履行するのです。約束を遂行することにおいては、模範的な方でした。 12 私の母は、十三人の息子、娘を生みました。私の上に姉が三人もいます。息子としては私が二番目です。五人が亡くなり、残ったのが六人の娘と二人の息子でした。ですから、母がどれほど衝撃を受けたでしょうか。息子を育てて亡くし、娘たちも育てて亡くしたのです。 弟が死んで、その棺を父が運んで埋葬したのですが、私の兄は手伝うことができませんでした。父が責任をもって簡単な棺を組み立て、そこに弟の亡骸を入れて、肩に担いでいって埋めたのです。母は子供を亡くして泣いているので、父は一人で埋葬しました。そして、帰ってきても手を洗いませんでした。三日過ぎてから、ようやく手を洗って御飯を食べ始めたのです。息子を埋葬して、どうして手を洗って御飯が食べられるでしょうか。それを見ると、父は法がなくても正しく生きていける人でした。先祖の遺言を法より恐れる人です。 13 私の母は、厚い徳のある方でした。男勝りの方で、とても激しい性格でしたが、嫁の役割は上手にこなしました。舅が朝、どこかに出掛けるというと、それに合わせて明け方から食事を作ってさしあげました。一生の間、不平も言わずに、そのようにしたのです。私は、母から多くのことを学びました。 14 私は、母にとても似ています。私の革命的な気質は母に似ているのです。父は学者です。父は、一度聞けば、最近のコンピューターのように忘れません。記憶力が優れていました。私の創造力は母に似たのですが、母方の祖父もそうでした。革命的な素質が多かったのです。母方の祖父は、自分の村で海と関連した仕事をするにも革命的でした。それで、私が六歳、七歳、八歳の時、その母方の祖父の家に行っては、祖父に付いて回りながら魚を捕ったりしたのですが、それをどれほど興奮して待ったか分かりません。 15 私の母は、赤ん坊をたくさん生みました。十三人を出産したのですが、母が語った言葉があります。「この世で「楽しい、楽しい」と言っても、ほかに楽しいことはない。赤ちゃんを生んで、お乳をあげて育てる、それ以上に楽しいことはない。年を取って赤ちゃんが生めないから、すべてがつまらなくて仕方がない」と語っていたのです。 母の顔を見ると、多くの苦労をしてかさかさになった顔です。様々な風霜をすべて経た母親の顔です。しかし、愛らしい赤ん坊を育てた、その苦労の姿がいいと言うのです。愛は困難と犠牲を伴いますが、その犠牲を忘れさせるのです。真の愛を実践すれば、犠牲になったことを忘れるようになります。そのような犠牲が肥やしとなり、肥料となるのです。また、自分の肉となり、骨となって、喜びになります。愛になるというのです。 16 私の兄は、弟の私に対しては、絶対的でした。カインの立場で完全に蕩減できる基台が自然に造成されたのです。兄の信仰は徹底していました。八・一五解放と六・二五動乱が起こることをあらかじめ知っていました。あらゆる困難な問題を、霊界の指示を通して解決するという、信仰態度を身につけていました。私の兄は、「歴史上に数多くの兄がいて、数多くの弟がいたが、自分の弟は歴史的な弟である」と思っていました。ですから、私が何か言うと、それを絶対視して、従ってくれました。 私が平壌にいる時のことです。その時は、復帰摂理の途上において、とても大きな役事があったのですが、私が頼んだことは、普通の考えでは信じられないことだったにもかかわらず、兄は様々な内容を整えて弟のために手助けをしました。その頼みがどれほど難しいことであっても、躊躇せずに助けてくれる兄でした。 17 兄は霊界に通じていたので、知っていました。「兄弟関係はどの家にもみなあり、一族の誰もが縦横に関係をもっているが、兄弟の中で私の弟が歴史で一番の弟だ」と、それだけは分かっていたのです。霊界からそのように教えてくれたというのです。 ですから兄は、私がしようと言うとおりに、すべてしました。「家を売る」と言えば家を売り、「牛を売る」と言えば牛を売り、学費がなければ土地を売ってでも出してあげようとし、一つも反対しようとはしませんでした。ですから、カイン・アベルを復帰したのです。 |
True Father's family The Nampyeong Moon clan, which originated from Jeolla Province, began putting down roots in the regions of Pyeongan Province and Hamgyeong Province from the time of Moon Jung-sil who was known by the title Duke Uian. He was the third of the five sons of Duke Chungseon (Moon Ik-jeom). Moon Dal, Duke Uian's fifth-generation descendant, was the first to settle in what is now the city of Jeongju. True Father's great-great-grandfather Moon Seong-hak was the 19th-generation descendant of Duke Uian; he had three sons: Jeong-ho, Jeong-gi, and Jeong-heul. The youngest, Moon Jeong-heul, was True Fathers great-grandfather. He was the first to reside in the village of Sangsa-ri. Moon Jeong-heul had three sons: Chi-guk, Shin-guk and Yun-guk. The eldest, Moon Chi-guk, was True Fathers grandfather. He said about Father, "He will become a great man in the future; support him in whatever he wants to do.' Moon Chi-guk had three sons: Gyeong-yu (who lived from the 11th day of the 7th lunar month of 1893 to the 11th day of the 10th lunar month of 1954), Gyeong-bok and Gyeong-gu, and also two daughters. Gyeong-yu, who was posthumously given the title Chungbunim, was True Father's father. He married True Father's mother, Kim Gyeong-gye (who lived from the 15th day of the 10th lunar month of 1888 to the 7th day of the 1st lunar month of 1968), who was posthumously given the title Chungmonim. She came from the Yeonan Kim clan, and her birth name was Kim Ju-gwan. Chungmonim was from a prominent family in Jeongju. She was born as the first daughter of her father Kim Baek-hong. Her mother, who was from the Indong Jang clan bore him five children, three sons and two daughters. Her father supported independence activities and contributed to building the Osan School in Jeongju, which produced many patriots for the independence struggle. Her family, surnamed Kim, was from a Kim clan that produced many prominent people during the Joseon dynasty who passed the national examinations to become government officials. Her family brought her up well, with purity and dignity. She was tall, and her personality was active and passionate. She lived such a sacrificial life for True Father, thus laying the foundation of perfect mother-son cooperation for his path as the Lord at the Second Advent. 8 My family was blessed by God during my great-grandfather's time but they paid indemnity during my grandfather's time. It is an absolute principle that after receiving blessings indemnity follows. Consider the history of Israel: after having received a blessing, indemnity followed without fail. If you receive ten blessings, then you must pay indemnity equal to that amount. For this reason, my family went through considerable turmoil before God called me. The family fortune was gone, and family members lost their lives. Not only that, people who were close to me also faced many troubles. Thus it was that once my family was given a special blessing from God, God left our family in the hands of Satan until we hit the lowest point. During that time Satan attacked my family and we had to suffer a course of indemnity through three generations. (029-208, 1970/02/) 9 Many years ago, in order to try to eliminate me, Satan assailed the members of my family with all kinds of incomprehensible spiritual phenomena. I was born in an environment full of such problems, and I had to deal with each of them myself. Of course I had my parents and also many relatives who were willing to help me. Among them was my grandfathers younger brother, who was a well-known minister. He was an expert in the Chinese classics and the history of China. He had graduated from Pyongyang Theological Seminary, and he spoke English well. He was knowledgeable about Western culture and became a pioneer in the independence movement. Even though I had such family support, I solved all the problems on my own. Even if I had consulted them, none of them could have understood what I had to do. None of them, not even my parents, knew about the path I would take in the future. Yet due to the spiritual phenomena behind the scenes, all kinds of problems arose throughout my clan, from my parents to my relatives. Indeed, many incidents occurred. Satan knew very well who I was and what I was, and he caused many evils to befall my family. (227-115, 1992/02/11) 10 I was born in a family that made a great contribution to the March Is' Movement and the struggle for independence. The member of my family who led this was my great-uncle Moon Yun-guk. When I was growing up he used to tell me, "You, great-nephew, must become greater than me." My great-uncle loved me dearly. He was behind the establishment of the Osan School. (300-134, 1999/03/02) 11 My father was the kind of person who did not need law. When my father borrowed money for some reason, he felt deeply compelled to pay the money back, including interest, no later than the due date. He kept his word no matter what happened. He was exemplary in keeping promises. (045-136, 1971/06/24) 12 My mother gave birth to 13 children. I have three older sisters, and I am the second son. Five of the children died, while six daughters and two sons survived. It was devastating to my mother that as she was raising her sons and daughters, one after another departed from this world. Whenever a younger brother or sister died, my father took responsibility for their burials. He made a simple plank coffin, carried it on his shoulder to the burial site, and buried the child himself. Even my older brother was too young to help him. While my mother was in tears due to having to send her child to the spirit world, my father, having buried the coffin alone, returned home. But he did not wash the burial ground dirt off his hands. Only after three days had passed did he wash his hands and start eating. My father must have thought, "How can I wash my hands and eat right after burying my child?" When I observed this, I knew he was an honorable man who naturally went beyond the requirements of the law. His seriousness about the dying wishes of his ancestors surpassed his regard for human laws. (601-187, 2008/11/07) 13 My mother was a virtuous person. She had a very strong personality, like a man, yet she was a good daughter-in-law. Whenever her father-in-law said he would be going somewhere early in the morning, she prepared his breakfast and served it to him no matter how early it was. She lived her whole life that way without ever complaining. I took after my mother in many ways. (300-135, 1999/03/02) 14 I resemble my mother in many ways. I have my mother's revolutionary disposition. My father, on the other hand, was more like a scholar. Once he heard something he never forgot it, like today's computers. He had a photographic memory. I inherited my creativity from my mother. My maternal grandfather was also this way; he was innovative. In his village, he was involved in ocean-related work, and he was quite creative about it. So when I was six, seven and eight years old I used to visit him at his home and follow him around catching fish. You have no idea how excited I was, and how anxiously I waited for an opportunity to go and see him. (470-126, 2004/09/24) 15 My mother bore many children, 13 in all. I still remember what my mother said, "Although there are all kinds of fun things to do in this world, nothing brought me more joy than nursing the babies I gave birth to and raising them. Now that I am too old to give birth, I find that nothing I do is nearly as much fun as that." I looked at my mother's face, haggard from hard work. Her face showed that in her life she had been through every possible difficulty, but to me she looked beautiful as she worked hard to raise her beloved children. Her true love was accompanied by difficulties and sacrifices, but she forgot about her sacrifices for the ones she loved. Indeed, sacrifice turns into the compost that fertilizes the soil, enabling it to yield life, flesh and bones, which is joy and happiness. It becomes love. (044-200, 1971/05/07) 16 My older brother absolutely supported me, his younger brother, even though he was older than me. In this way he naturally established a foundation to totally indemnify Cain's position. My older brother's life of faith was deep to the core. He knew when the Korean War would end and the day that Korea's independence from Japan would come. His level of faith was such that he could resolve all difficulties with guidance from the spirit world. He recognized that our relationship was not like the many other older-younger brother relationships throughout history. I was not an ordinary brother, but a person of historic significance. Therefore, he had absolute faith in me and would do whatever I asked. Once when I was in Pyongyang, something providentially significant happened and I gave him some directions to carry out. I asked him to do things that would be incomprehensible to the common sense of any ordinary person. However, because it was for me, his younger brother, he helped me by doing this and that. It did not matter if the tasks were difficult; my older brother always supported me in every possible way, without any hesitation. (029-209, 1970/02/) 17 My older brother could communicate with the spirit world, so he knew I was not an ordinary younger brother. He always thought, "All families have siblings, and within a clan there are vertical and horizontal relationships. However, among brothers, my younger brother is the best one in all of history." The spirit world taught him that. Therefore, my older brother did everything I asked him to do. If I asked him to sell the house, he would sell it; if I asked him to sell a cow, he would sell it. When I had no money for my tuition, he was ready to sell even his own land to help me pay it. He never once opposed me. That is how he restored the Cain-Abel relationship. (309-281, 1999/06/06) |
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