게시글 본문내용
하늘의 신부로 축복 참어머님의 탄생은 단순히 한 개인의 태어남을 넘어서서 하나님 섭리사의 결실적 차원에서 그 의미를 찾을 수 있다. 2천년 기독교 역사는 재림주님을 맞기 위한 한국의 신령운동으로 연결되고 이는 다시 조원모 외할머니, 홍순애 대모님, 참어머님으로 3대에 걸쳐 결실이 이루어지게 된다. 특히 참어머님께서 탄생하신 후 얼마 되지 않아 성주교의 김성도씨가 구속되었다가 고문 후유증으로 세상을 떠난 뒤 허호빈씨의 복중교가 그 사명을 이어받게 되었다. 이후 허호빈씨가 옥고로 자리를 비우자 복중교를 이끌었던 허씨의 어머니는 여섯 살 된 참어머님께 ‘하늘의 신부가 되실 분’이라고 증거하며 축복하였다. 그리고 참어머님 탄생 이전에도 ‘우주의 여왕이 되리라.’는 등의 많은 예언이 있었다. 그러한 과정을 거쳐 재림주님을 맞이하기 위한 정성의 기반이 참어머님께 승계되었다. 5 나의 부친은 안주에서 태어나셨고 평생을 교사로서 사신 교육자입니다. 체격은 건장하고 체력도 좋으셨으며 성품은 치밀하고 늘 봉사를 하면서 사셨다고 합니다. 무엇보다 기독교 신앙에 충실하셨고 교편생활로 인해 늘 바쁘게 사셨습니다. 이용도 목사의 새예수교회에서도 간부로 활약하셨습니다. 대모님은 외할머니와 함께 안주의 새예수교회를 근거지로 신앙생활을 하셨기에 자연스레 만날 기회가 있었습니다. 두 분은 이때 혼인을 하셨습니다. 열심히 신앙생활에 정진하던 중에 대모님이 계시를 받았습니다. ‘홍유일의 딸이여, 기뻐하라! 그대의 아이가 아들이거든 우주의 왕이 될 것이요, 딸이거든 우주의 여왕이 되리라.’는 것이었습니다. 이 계시를 받고 결혼할 당시 한승운 아버지는 26세, 대모님은 21세이셨습니다. 이후 주님을 찾기 위해 무진 애를 쓰시던 대모님은 철산의 성주교를 왕래하셨고, 혼인 후 9년 만에 나를 잉태하셨다고 합니다. 지극한 정성과 돈독한 신앙생활을 통해 한 생명을 얻은 것입니다. 6 내가 태어났을 때 하나님께서 주님을 지상에 보내시려는 계획을 놓고 계시를 받은 허호빈씨라는 분이 있었습니다. 그 허호빈씨의 어머니는 내가 여섯 살 때 ‘이분이야말로 하늘의 신부가 될 것이다.’라고 예언했습니다. 허씨의 어머니는 어린 소녀가 하늘의 신부가 될 것이라는 계시를 받고 있었습니다. 당시 하나님에 의해 예정되고 소명 받은 신령교단이 주로 북한에 널리 퍼져 있었습니다. 그리고 평양은 동방의 예루살렘이라고 할 만큼 기독교 세력이 대단히 강한 곳이었습니다. 7 북쪽에서는 공산당의 세력이 커지면서 종교에 대한 탄압도 심해졌습니다. 그래서 허호빈씨도 1946년 8월 평양의 대동보안서에 잡혀 들어가게 되었는데, 감옥에서 재림주님을 만난다는 계시가 있었습니다. 그때 아버님께서도 평양에서 전도하시다가 붙잡혀서 같은 감옥에 들어가시게 되었습니다. 그 감옥에서 허씨의 수제자를 통해 허씨에게 편지를 보내다가 간수에게 들켜서 아버님이 고된 고문을 당해 이까지 부러지는 수난을 겪으셨습니다. 내가 이남으로 내려오기 전에 허씨의 어머니가 계시를 받고 나를 불렀습니다. 그때가 6세였습니다. 허호빈 집단은 재림주님을 위한 신부의 사명을 하는 단체인데, 그 명목 아래 나에게 축도를 해주었던 것입니다. 이다음에 큰 사명을 할 사람이라는 기도를 받았습니다. 하얀 치마저고리를 입은 할머니가 나를 혼자 불러 하늘의 계시가 있었다면서 축복을 해주던 기억이 생생합니다. 8 이북의 서해안 지방에 김성도씨의 성주교가 있었습니다. 김성도씨가 죽은 후에는 허호빈씨가 이어가게 되었습니다. 대모님은 그 허씨를 독실하게 따르던 사람이었습니다. 대모님은 어머님이 4세 때 그 집단으로 데리고 갔는데, 허씨의 어머니가 6세 된 어머님을 축복했습니다. 그것은 어머님에게로 사명이 승계되는 것이었습니다. 어머님을 만났을 때 아버님은 그러한 사실을 알았습니다. 하나님에 의해서 준비되었던 모든 것이 1960년에 이루어졌습니다. 그래서 지금 참부모가 나타나게 되었습니다. 이것으로부터 자녀들에 대한 축복이 있게 된 것입니다. |
「天の新婦」として祝福 真のお母様の聖誕は、単なる一個人の誕生という次元を超え、神様の摂理史の結実という次元から、その意味を見いだすことができる。二千年のキリスト教歴史は、再臨主を迎えるための韓国の神霊運動に連結され、これは再び、外祖母である趙元模女史、洪順愛大母様、真のお母様の三代にわたって結実した。特に、真のお母様が聖誕されて間もなく、聖主(ソンヂュ)教の金聖道(キムソンド)が拘束され、拷問の後遺症によりこの世を去ってからは、許浩彬(ホホビンまたは孝彬)の腹中教がその使命を受け継いだ。その後、許浩彬が投獄されて不在となる中、腹中(ポクチュン)教を率いた許浩彬の母親は、六歳になった真のお母様に対して、「天の新婦になられる方」と証して祝福した。また、真のお母様の聖誕以前にも、「宇宙の女王になるだろう」などの多くの預言があった。そのような過程を経て、再臨主を迎えるための精誠の基盤が、真のお母様に継承されたのである。 5 私(お母様)の父は、安州(アンジュ)でお生まれになり、生涯を教師として生きられた教育者です。体格が良く、体力もあり、繊細な性格で、常に奉仕をしながら暮らしたといいます。何よりもキリスト教の信仰に忠実で、教鞭生活ゆえにいつも忙しい生活を送りました。李龍道(イヨンド))牧師の「新イエス教」でも幹部として活躍し、大母様は祖母と共に、安州の「新イエス教」を拠点として信仰生活をされたので、自然に顔を合わせる機会がありました。お二人は、この頃に婚姻されました。 信仰生活に精進していた時、大母様が啓示を受けました。「洪唯一(ホンユイル)の娘よ、喜びなさい! お前の子が男の子であれば宇宙の王になり、女の子であれば宇宙の女王になるであろう」という啓示でした。この啓示を受けて結婚する当時、父の韓承運(ハンスンウン)は二十六歳、大母様は二十一歳でした。それ以後、主を探し求めるために、絶えず尽くされた大母様は、鉄山(チョルサン)の聖主教に通われ、婚姻して九年目に私を身ごもられたそうです。限りない精誠と篤実な信仰生活を通して、一つの生命を得たのです。 6 私(お母様)が生まれた時、神様が地上に主を送る計画について啓示を受けた、許浩彬という方がいました。その許浩彬女史の母親が、私が六歳の時、「この方こそ、天の新婦になるだろう」と預言したのです。許女史の母親は、「幼い少女が天の新婦になるであろう」という啓示を受けていました。当時、神様によって予定され、召命を受けた神霊教団が、主に以北に広まっていました。そして、平壌は、東方のエルサレムと言われるほど、キリスト教の勢力がとても強い所だったのです。 7 北側では、共産党の勢力が大きくなり、宗教に対する弾圧も激しくなりました。それで、許浩彬女史も、一九四六年八月に、平壌の大同(テドン)保安署の監獄仁入ったのですが、監獄で再臨主に出会うという啓示がありました。その時、お父様も平壌で伝道している中で捕まり、同じ監獄に入ることになりました。その監獄で、許女史の一番弟子を通して、許女史に送った手紙が看守に見つかり、お父様はひどい拷問を受け、歯まで折れる受難に遭われました。 私(お母様)が南に下る前に、許女史の母親が啓示を受けて私を呼びました。六歳の時でした。許浩彬女史の集団は、再臨主のために新婦の使命を果たす団体だったのですが、その名目のもとで私に祝祷をしてくれたのです。これから大きな使命を果たす人であるという祈祷を受けました。白いチマチョゴリを着たおばあさんが私一人を呼んで、「天の啓示があった」と言って祝福してくださった記憶が鮮やかに残っています。 8 北の西海岸地方に金聖道女史の聖主教がありました。金聖道女史が死んだあとは、許浩彬女史が引き継ぐようになりました。大母様は、その許女史に篤実に従っていた人でした。大母様は、お母様が四歳の時にその集団に連れていったのですが、許女史の母親が、六歳になったお母様を祝福しました。それは、お母様に使命が受け継がれる出来事だったのです。お母様に会った時に、お父様はそのような事実を知りました。神様によって準備されていたすべてのものが、一九六〇年に成し遂げられました。ですから、今、真の父母が現れるようになったのです。ここから子女に対する祝福が始まるようになりました。 |
Heaven's Bride prophecy True Mother's birth was significant because it was the fruit of God's providential history. Her birth transcended the birth of an individual; it was the fruit of 2,000 years of Christian history, and it was linked to the Spirit-led churches that arose in Korea to welcome the Lord at his Second Advent. These churches produced this fruit through three generations: her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo; her mother, Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim); and finally True Mother herself. Specifically, shortly after the birth of True Mother, Rev. Kim Seong-do of the Holy Lord Church died in prison from the torture she received there. Thereupon the mission was passed down to the Inside the Womb Church led by Rev. Heo Ho-bin. As Rev. Heo was also imprisoned, her mother, taking her place, testified to True Mother, who was six years old at the time. She blessed her, saying, "You will be Heaven's Bride." Even before the birth of True Mother there were prophecies about her, such as, "She will become the queen of the universe." Through this process, the foundation of these churches' conditions of devotion to receive the Lord at his Second Advent was passed down to True Mother. 5 My father, Han Seung-oon, was born in Anju; he worked as a teacher all his life. Although he was a strong and robust man with a large frame, he had an eye for detail and he was always serving others. Most notably, he was a devout Christian; he also worked as a leader at the New Jesus Church led by Rev. Yi Yong-do. As a believer and educator, his life was always busy. When my mother (Daemonim) moved to Anju with my grandmother, they attended the New Jesus Church in Anju to continue their life of faith. That is where my mother and father met and came to know each other, and eventually ended up marrying. One day during the time they were living a devout Christian life, my mother received a revelation, "Daughter of Hong Yu-il, rejoice! If you give birth to a son, he will be the king of the universe, and if a daughter, she will be the queen of the universe." After she received this message, my parents married. My father was 26 years old, and my mother was 21 years old. After that, my mother made continuous and strenuous efforts to find the Returning Lord. Later, she joined the Holy Lord Church in Cheolsan, which required her to travel back and forth between Anju and Cheolsan. I was conceived nine years after my parents' marriage, as the fruit of their sincere devotion and devout life of faith. (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 6 When I was born, God gave revelations about his plan that the Lord at his Second Advent would be born on earth. These revelations were given to a woman named Rev. Heo Ho-bin. When I was six, Rev. Heo's mother met me and prophesied, "You will surely be Heaven's Bride." She had received that revelation about me though I was still just a young girl. In those days in North Korea there were quite a few Spirit-led churches that had been prepared and called by God. In fact, the Christian faith was so strong in Pyongyang that the city was called "the Jerusalem of the East." (True Mother, 1977/05/03) 7 In North Korea, as the power of the communist authorities grew stronger, the persecution of religion became severe. In August 1946, Rev. Heo Ho-bin was taken to the Daedong Detention Center in Pyongyang. While in jail she received a revelation that she would meet the Returning Lord. Around the same time True Father was arrested while evangelizing in Pyongyang and was taken to the same jail. While in the jail, True Father managed to send a note to Rev. Heo through her chief disciple. However, the note was discovered by a prison guard and True Father was tortured so severely that his teeth were broken. It was during that time, before I came down to South Korea, that Rev. Heo's mother called me to go see her after receiving a revelation about me. I was then six years old. Rev. Heo's church was fulfilling the mission of the Bride of the Lord at the Second Advent, and Rev. Heo's mother gave me a benediction that I would take the position of that Bride. She said in her prayer that I was supposed to fulfill a great mission. I still vividly recall it: an elderly lady in a white Korean dress said that she had received a revelation about me from heaven and she called me to come into her room alone in order to give me that blessing. (True Mother, 1999/10/21) 8 Rev. Kim Seong-do's church was on the west coast of North Korea. After she died, Rev. Heo Ho-bin became its leader. True Mother's mother (Daemonim) was a devout member of that church. She first brought Mother to that church when she was four years old, and Rev. Heo's mother gave her blessing to Mother when she was six. That blessing symbolized the bequeathal to Mother, the succession of the mission to attend the Returning Lord. When I first met Mother, I already knew about this succession. Everything that God had prepared was realized in 1960; that is how True Parents were able to emerge today. Based on this, it became possible to bestow the marriage Blessing on the church members so as to make them God's children. (052-186, 1971/12/29) |
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