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AP Newsbreak: Sources say Rasheed Wallace agrees to return to Detroit
By LARRY LAGE, AP Sports Writer
July 21, 2004
DETROIT (AP) -- Rasheed Wallace helped transform the Detroit Pistons from contenders to NBA champions last month. Now, he's coming back for more.
The unrestricted free agent forward has agreed to a five-year contract worth $57 million, two sources told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
One of the league sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, expected Wallace to sign the deal on Thursday.
Wallace is to meet with reporters at a news conference Friday morning at The Palace of Auburn Hills.
Wallace, who made $17 million last season, was acquired in a three-team deal on Feb. 19 to put the Pistons over the top.
And he did.
They were a good team without Wallace, ranking among the top teams in the Eastern Conference with a 34-22 record. They were 20-6 in the regular season and 16-7 in the playoffs after adding him.
The Pistons beat the Los Angeles Lakers in five games for their third title, and first since 1990.
Wallace's statistics were not always impressive -- he averaged 13 points, 7.8 rebounds and two blocks in the playoffs -- but his impact almost always was.
The 6-foot-11, 230-pounder made a stingy defense one of the best in league history and an average offense better.
Wallace, who turns 30 on Sept. 17, averaged 16 points, 6.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists and 1.8 blocks last season, his ninth in the NBA.
The Philadelphia native spent two years at North Carolina before being taken by Washington with the fourth overall pick in the 1995 NBA draft.
Wallace was traded to Portland following his rookie year and spent the next seven-plus seasons with the Trail Blazers. With an expiring contract, they traded Wallace to Atlanta, where he stayed for one game before he was dealt to Detroit just before the trading deadline.
Wallace helped Detroit beat the Los Angeles Lakers in five games for its third title, and first since 1990.
He also kept his cool.
Wallace was called for just two technicals in the postseason, a total that may have shocked some who followed his career in Portland.
He broke his own NBA record with 41 technical fouls during the 2000-01 season, and was once suspended for seven games for threatening an official after a game. That was the league's longest suspension for something that didn't involve physical contact or substance abuse.
Wallace didn't have any problems with the Pistons.
In fact, few athletes in Michigan became popular as quickly as he did.
Wallace almost instantly became adored, a fact heard at home games each time he touched the ball as the crowd shouted: ``Sheeeeeed!''
``It feels good when they do that,'' Wallace said during the NBA Finals.
Wallace will be one of five returning starters for the NBA champion Pistons. He will be backed up by Antonio McDyess, who was signed to replace Mehmet Okur.
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쉬드는 상당히 운이 좋네요.... 포틀에 남았다면 평균 10밀리언은 고사하고 장기계약조차 불가능했을텐데..... 계약기간을 고려해볼 때 조금은 많이 줬다고 볼 수도 있겠지만 디트에 꼭 필요한 선수이니 괜찮은 계약이라고 보여지네요.....
오.........오버페이...........5년이라니...;;;; 적어도 1년은 먹튀가 될듯....한데...오버페이까지는 아니고 실질적으로는 젊은 선수와 비교했을때는 많이 준 편이네요. 점점 육체적으로 하락할걸 감안한다면...
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쉬드..1000만이면..적당한것 같기도한데요..아닌가..?그리고..선수명단님 말씀대로 마틴...정말 많이 밨았네요 =_=;;;;
3년 정도의 계약이라면 괜찮겠지만, 5년은 조금 무리라고 보여지네요. 저 역시도 라쉬드 월러스를 좋아하는 사람이지만, 그가 5년 후에도 1000만 달러 이상의 고연봉을 받을 선수라고 보여지지는 않네요. PF같은 경우는 나이가 기량에 영향을 미칠테니...