1. 회사명: 한국 휴렛팩커드 유한회사 http://www.hp.co.kr
2. 모집부문: TVM Consultant(부장-이사급)
3. 근무형태: 정규직
4. 자격요건
1) Security experience (Security Consultant 경력 우대)
2) Penetration testing experience
3) CISA / CISSP / ISO 27001 / CEH 소지자 우대
4) English Communication Skill
5. Description
1) Penetration testing skills including the use of relevant tools and technologies.
2) Support production of penetration testing scoping documents.
3) Undertake tests remotely and on site, and produce high quality reports in line with service procedures
and quality management system.
4) Knowledge of legal aspects concerned with penetration testing.
5) Gain and maintain a working knowledge of the HP Portfolio of Security Products and Services.
6) Promote the HP Portfolio of Security Products and Services with the customer, positioning best fit solutions
that meet/enhance their Security Strategy and reduce risk.
7) Continually review and enhance existing knowledge of the security aspects of common product sets,
methodologies and technologies.
8) To provide ‘soft’ consultancy skills and a proactive approach to gain the absolute trust of our customers.
9) Quality assurance of personal and teamwork on an on-going basis
6. Qualification
1) Information Security Consultancy.
2) Excellent communication and people skills.
3) Ability to work under pressure and to tight timescales
4) A detailed understanding of, and experience in, IT security.
5) Candidates should be self-directed, innovative, proactive, pragmatic and highly motivated.
6) An appreciation of penetration testing. Some hands-on experience would be desirable but not essential.
7) Knowledge of network and internet security. This should include a low-level knowledge of
network traffic and protocols.
8) Detailed Windows / Unix operating system knowledge.
9) Technical understanding of security products such as firewalls, IDS, and security aspects of
products such as operating systems.
10) Appreciation of trends in IT security
7. 제출서류
1) 국문/영문 이력서
2) 자기소개서
※ 각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출
※ 모든 서류는 반드시 MS Word로 작성하기 바랍니다
8. 전형방법
1) 1차 서류전형
2) 2차 면접전형
9. 지원방법: 온라인 접수(https://hp.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en)
※ Job Number에 1198953 입력 > 검색 > Apply
10. 지원기간: 2013.11.05(화)까지
11. 기타
1) 담당자: 인사담당자(yi-seul.song@hp.com)
2) 회사주소: (150-876) 서울 영등포구 여의도동 23-6 한국 HP 사옥 한국 휴렛팩커드 빌딩
카페 소개 : 정보보안기사 카페(다음 정보보안기사 대표 카페)
카페 주소 :http://cafe.daum.net/Security-no1클릭
교재 소개 : 알·기·사(알기쉬운 정보보안기사.산업기사(필기편,실기편))