The supraspinatus tendon
The rotator cuff consists of four separate muscles: the subscapularis, the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus and the teres minor muscle. They all arise from the scapula and are inserted into the tuberosities of the humerus (Fukuda, et al. 1990). The supraspinatus has a fleshy origin in the fossa supraspinatus, and inserts into the greater tuberosity (Fig. 7). Its tendinous insertion fuses with the infraspinatus posteriorly, and the coracohumeral ligament anteriorly. Because of its anatomical position, confined above by the acromion and the coracoacromial ligament, and below by the humeral head, the tendon is at risk for compression and attrition. The rotator cuff is considered to have three functions, to provide the gleno-humeral joint with stability, movement, and nutrition (Fukuda, et al. 1990).
Tendon structure
The rotator cuff tendons are surrounded by an epitenon. This is the outermost layer, as the rotator cuff tendons do not have a paratenon. Near the insertion of the supraspinatus tendon into the great tuberosity, a five layer complex has been described, that details the density and organisation of collagen and its associated elements (Malcarney, et al. 2003). It has been suggested that this intratendinous variation of collagen fibre density and orientation, may create shear forces within layers and lead to intrasubstance tears (Soslowsky, et al. 2000). Such variations in fibre orientation within the cuff/capsule complex, from superficial to deep, affect the biomechanical properties. In a complex way, the five-layer collagen complex can redirect the intratendinous strain in the rotator cuff during abduction (Fig.8). This
may mask a tear during joint abduction. This also explains why partial thickness tears may propagate into larger, full-thickness tears (Bey, et al. 2002).
The rotator cuff receives its blood supply from several different branches of the axillary artery, for example the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries, the thoracoacromial artery, and the suprascapular artery. The anterior circumflex humeral artery runs along the inferior border of the subscapular muscle, supplying the anteriosuperior rotator cuff (Rathbun, et al. 1970;Malcarney, et al. 2003).
The supraspinatus muscle is innervated by the suprascapular nerve (C4-6).
The innervation patterns of the rotator cuff have not been clearly described.
An electrophysiological experiment by Minaki et al. showed that there are
nociceptors receiving pain sensation, and proprioceptors receiving position
sense in the supraspinatus muscle-tendon unit (Minaki, et al. 1999). The
subacromial bursa is positioned in very close proximity to the tendon. The
bursa is innervated by the suprascapular nerve posteriorly and anteriorly by
the lateral pectoral nerve (C5, 6), and they provide the bursa with
proprioception and nociception (free nerve endings) (Ide, et al. 1996).
Due to the anatomical structure, it is difficult to measure strain forces of the
supraspinatus tendon in vivo. In vitro strain tests of the supraspinatus
tendon during different angles of arm abduction have been reported. The
cross-sectional area of the tendon fibres has been shown to be smaller on the
joint side compared to the bursal side of the tendon, leading to a reduced
ability to withstand strain at the joint side (Nakajima, et al. 1994). It seems
that the strain is higher at the joint side, near the insertion of the tendon,
compared to the bursal side (Bey, et al. 2002). The strain at the joint side
increases in higher angles of arm abduction. There is also a difference in
strain between the joint and bursal side during static loading and abduction
of the humerus, implying a shearing effect between the two parts. It has been
stated that this initiates intratendinous tears at the joint side (Reilly, et al.
2003;Huang, et al. 2005;Seki, et al. 2008). The tensile strength and stiffness
of the supraspinatus tendon decreases with age. However, a specimen from a
65 year old human can still demonstrate a maximum tensile strength of
about 900 newton (N), and is not necessarily ruptured or degenerately
altered (Rickert, et al. 1998).
Supraspinatus tendinopathy
Intrinsic supraspinatus tendinopathy is defined as tendon pathology that originates within the tendon, usually as a consequence of overuse or overload (including compression) (Lewis 2009). Hashimoto et al. have described similar degenerative changes as in other tendinopathies (Hashimoto, et al. 2003).
Disorders of the shoulder rotator cuff are very common in the general
population and in overhead athletes. The incidence of shoulder pain in the
general population ranges from 6.6–25 cases per 1,000 persons, with a peak
incidence in those aged 45–64 years (van der Windt, et al. 1995). The annual
prevalence in the adult population in different countries is reported to range
between 20% and 51% (Hasvold, et al. 1993;Pope, et al. 1997). The
prevalence in swimmers has been shown to increase with the number of
swimming years, ranging from 3% up to 65% (Kennedy 1974;Bak 1996).
Recently, a study on elite swimmers showed that 69% suffered from
supraspinatus tendinopathy (Sein, et al. 2008). Questionnaire studies by
Fahlstrom et al. reported that among recreational and competitive
badminton players, 52% had previous or present shoulder pain on the
dominant side. Furthermore, the studies showed that persisting shoulder
pain during the playing season was found among 20% of competitive players
and among 16% of recreational players (Fahlstrom, et al. 2006;Fahlstrom, et
al. 2007).
Rotator cuff disease is the most common cause of shoulder pain, and is often explained by chronic overuse. However, the aetiology to rotator cuff injuries has not been clarified and appears to be multifactorial, related to primary changes within the tendon (intrinsic cause) and other structures in its environment (extrinsic causes) (Uhthoff, et al. 1997).
Intrinsic risk factors
Age, joint laxity, and bony impingement due to the shape of acromion, have been linked to supraspinatus tendinopathy and subacromial
impingement (Neer 1972;Kannus 1997). Muscle weakness of the rotator cuff muscles and pathological changes in the supraspinatus tendon due to overload (Nirschl 1989). Ogata et al, suggested that degeneration is the primary aetiological factor contributing to partial supraspinatus tears (Ogata, et al. 1990).
Extrinsic risk factors
Overuse, such as excessive physical activity in high arm positions, and with high loads, is an important factor contributing to the development of tendon injury (Stenlund, et al. 1993). In a recently published study on swimmers, Sein et al. found that more than 15 hours of swim training per week increased the risk of developing supraspinatus tendinopathy (Sein, et al. 2008).
Underuse or stress-shielding has lately been discussed as an aetiological
factor in supraspinatus tendinopathy. There is ongoing remodelling in the
normal tendon with degradation and rebuilding of tendon tissue. This
process is believed to be mediated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and
tissue inhibitor metalloproteinases (TIMPs). It has been suggested that
underload possibly causes the development of supraspinatus tendinopathy
by altering the remodelling process. Decreased expression of MMP3, TIMP2,
and TIMP3 may contribute to tendon degeneration in sedentary individuals
(Lo, et al. 2004).
Two main theories, one vascular and one impingement theory, have been
used to explain why the supraspinatus tendon seems prone to degenerative
changes. The vascular theory suggests that a compromise of the vascular
supply may cause degeneration. Codman described a theory of a critical
zone in the supraspinatus tendon, near the distal end of the tendons
insertion into the humerus (ruptures were often seen in this area) (Codman
1934). Later, Rathbun reported poor vascularity in this critical zone, and
hypothesised that this could be the reason for degenerative changes
(Rathbun, et al. 1970). Other authors have supported this theory and also
suggested that the vascularity is poorer on the joint side compared to the
bursal side of the supraspinatus tendon (Lohr, et al. 1990).
It has been proposed that the high incidence of supraspinatus tendinopathy
could be a result of impingement in and around the critical zone of the
vascular supply (Luo, et al. 1998). Further, it has been suggested that this is
the primary cause of tendinopathy in the shoulder (Neer 1983). In the
shoulder, it is thought that the supraspinatus tendon impinges under the
anterior acromion during forward flexion of the shoulder, leading to degeneration. The shape of the acromion has been linked to impingement of
the supraspinatus tendon. Three types of anatomical variations have been
described (Bigliani 1986): type I (flat), II (curved) and III (hooked), where
type III has been shown to be related to a high incidence of cuff tears (Neer
1972). The impingement theory has been challenged, Hyvonen et al.
suggested that acromioplasty does not prevent the progression of the
impingement syndrome into rotator cuff tears (Hyvonen, et al. 2003).
Furthermore, if impingement itself is causing rotator cuff tears at the later
stage of the disease, why do the majority of tears occur intrasubstance
and/or on the joint side when the compression occurs on the bursal side
(Ogata, et al. 1990).
The histopathology of chronic painful supraspinatus tendinopathy is similar
to that of other insertional tendinopathies. The tendon shows mucoid
degeneration and fibrocartilaginous metaplasia, along with loss of the
characteristic parallel collagen bundles with separation and disorganisation
(Fukuda, et al. 1990;Hashimoto, et al. 2003). Hypervascularity and
neovascularisation of the degenerative rotator cuff have been reported by
Chansky et al, who concluded that the hypervascularity was an attempt to
repair or regenerate the lesion in the suprapinatus tendon (Chansky, et al.
Pain mechanisms
Pain in the shoulder often decreases shoulder strength and causes impaired
function. The rotator cuff and subacromial bursa (SAB) are considered to be
the primary pain-producing structures. The SAB reduces friction during
shoulder movement and has been shown to provide the shoulder with
kinesthetic sense and mechanoreception (Ide, et al. 1996). Individuals with
pain during shoulder elevation have been shown to have high concentrations
of inflammatory, pain-mediating and matrix-modifying proteins, in the
bursa. This could have a catabolic effect on collagen (Voloshin, et al. 2005).
Also, a high concentration of SP in the bursa has been shown to be
correlated with pain (Gotoh, et al. 1998;Gotoh, et al. 2001;Yanagisawa, et al.
2001;Voloshin, et al. 2005). Using US and CD, high blood flow was found in
chronic painful, but not in pain-free, supraspinatus tendons. Pain relief has
been achieved from sclerosing polidocanol injections in the region with high
flow (bursa wall just outside the tendon) (Alfredson, et al. 2006).
Clinical symptoms
Patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy often describe the onset of their
pain symptoms as gradual. Pain after activity, especially overhead activity,
weakness, and fatigue in the shoulder muscles are common complaints. The
pain is usually dull and aching, commonly located at the anterior aspect of
the shoulder, and sometimes laterally in the upper humerus.
Clinical examination
Based on the patient’s medical history, a physical examination should help to
clarify the diagnosis. It is important to also examine the neck carefully in
order to exclude abnormalities such as degenerative disease or nerve
entrapment. Examination should include an inspection of the scapular
motion and position (winging). Test of the active and passive range of
motion of the shoulder in all planes, as well as palpation of the rotator cuff,
the acromioclavicular joint (Ac-joint) and sternoclavicular joint (Sc-joint)
should always be included. Specific strength tests of the rotator cuff muscles
should be carried out. The examination can disclose pain and weakness but
also scapulothoracic dysfunction. Neers and Hawkins tests are examples of
traditionally used subacromial impingement sign tests (Hawkins, et al.
1980;Neer 1983).
Differential diagnoses
Osteoarthrosis in the Ac-joint could cause similar pain symptoms as
subacromial impingement. Palpation of the joint and a cross-body adduction
test meant to provoke could reproduce pain in this area. Injection of a local
anaesthetic into the joint is helpful when trying to trace the pain. Cervical
radiculitis should be ruled out by using provocative tests and nerve stretch
tests. A superior labral anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesion could lead to
secondary impingement. One important difference is that the symptoms
often arise acutely, often following a trauma to the shoulder. Tests that are
commonly used include the O'Brien and the biceps load II test (O´Brien
1998;Kim, et al. 2001). Biceps pathology could be tested using Speed’s biceps
test (Bennett 1998). Glenohumeral instability is common in overhead
athletes and could lead to secondary impingement. Tests commonly used to
provoke instability include the apprehension and relocation tests (Speer, et
al. 1994;Tennent, et al. 2003). The Sulcus Sign for inferior instability is a
general laxity test and posterior instability is evaluated using the posterior
subluxation test (Tennent, et al. 2003). Partial or total ruptures of the
supraspinatus tendon are not uncommon in traumatic falls in middle-aged
and elderly individuals. These patients experience weakness and/or pain
during abduction of the shoulder. An US or MRI confirms the clinical diagnosis (Frost 2006). Adhesive capsulitis due to chronic inflammation and
fibrosis in the subsynovial layer of the shoulder capsule reduces the passive
and active range of motion (Frost 2006). Calcific tendonitis is a deposition of
calcium salts within the intact supraspinatus tendon. The patients have
severe pain anterolaterally, and movement of the shoulder joint aggravates
the pain. A plain radiography (x-ray) is useful to confirm this diagnosis
(Frost 2006).
Many different conservative treatment methods for patients with
supraspinatus tendinopathy are used, the purpose is usually to decrease pain
and improve activity. However, many of these methods have not been
studied in proper scientific studies (Almekinders, et al. 1998).
Rest is commonly used to avoid activities that aggravate symptoms
(Almekinders, et al. 1998).
ESWT has shown promising results in patients with calcifying tendinitis,
but not for supraspinatus tendinopathy (Gerdesmeyer, et al. 2003).
Ultrasound is used but there are no evidence for beneficial effects in
randomised controlled trials (Robertson, et al. 2001).
Low-level laser is used as a treatment method, but has not been shown to
be effective (Basford 1995).
Topical glyceryl trinitrate patches . A well designed double-blind study
by Paoloni et al. showed promising results in patients with supraspinatus
tendinopathy (Paoloni, et al. 2005).
Strength training and exercise programs are the mainstay for the
conservative treatment of patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy.
However, there is a lack of high quality research to support this (Michener,
et al. 2004). Exercise programs may include the following interventions:
range of motion, stretching and flexibility, and strengthening exercises. The
general recommendation for rehabilitation exercise for cuff tendinopathy is
that the exercise should be performed with a low range of motion, primarily
focusing on the depressor muscles like the subscapularis, infraspinatus and
teres minor, endeavouring to avoid exercising the deltoideus and
supraspinatus muscles. The exercise should be carried out within a pain-free
range of motion (Brewster, et al. 1993;Litchfield, et al. 1993;Morrison, et al.
1997). Some randomised controlled trials have investigated the effectiveness
of exercises (Brox, et al. 1993;Conroy, et al. 1998;Bang, et al. 2000;Ludewig, et al. 2003;Walther, et al. 2004;Haahr, et al. 2005;Senbursa, et al.
2007;Lombardi, et al. 2008). Results from these studies show that exercise
is effective as pain reduction in patients with impingement syndrome.
Furthermore, home-based exercise was comparable to supervised exercise.
The study protocols vary a lot as regards to frequency, duration, load, and
type of exercise (Brox, et al. 1993;Bang, et al. 2000;Ludewig, et al.
2003;Haahr, et al. 2005;Senbursa, et al. 2007). Unfortunately, the type of
strength training used is often not described in detail (Haahr, et al.
2005;Senbursa, et al. 2007). Most studies used elastic bands as a resistant
tool for strength training (Bang, et al. 2000;Ludewig, et al. 2003;Walther, et
al. 2004;Senbursa, et al. 2007).
US and CD-guided sclerosing polidocanol injections targeting the
region with high blood in the subacromial bursa wall just outside the
supraspinatus tendon have shown promising results in a pilot study
(Alfredson, et al. 2006).
Surgical reports from subacromial decompression (acromioplasty) therapy
for impingement syndrome have shown a success rate of 80–90% (Burns, et
al. 1992;Checroun, et al. 1998;Chin, et al. 2007). However, these results have
been questioned. When comparing acromioplasty with physiotherapy
exercises, surgery was not clinically beneficial at 6, 12 or 48 months (Brox, et
al. 1993;Haahr, et al. 2005;Haahr, et al. 2006). According to Hyvonen et al.
acromioplasty does not prevent from progression of impingement syndrome
to a rotator cuff tear (Hyvonen, et al. 1998).
General aims
The general aims of this thesis were to evaluate and modify painful eccentric
training as a treatment method for different chronic tendinopathies;
Achilles tendinopathy (study I-II)
Patellar tendinopathy (study III-IV)
Supraspinatus tendinopathy (study V)