(보도) 연합뉴스 2014-2-13
태국, 로힝야족 1천300명 미얀마로 추방
(방콕=연합뉴스) 현경숙 특파원 = 태국이 로힝야족 1천300여명을 미얀마로 추방했다.
태국 당국은 지난해 9월부터 11월까지 로힝야족 1천300여명을 라농(라넝)주 국경검문소를 통해 미얀마로 돌려보냈다고 13일 밝혔다.
로힝야족은 미얀마 서부 라카인주에 약 80만여명이 거주하고 있으며, 방글라데시에서 유입됐다는 이유로 미얀마로부터 국민으로 인정받지 못하고 있다.
지난 2012년에는 라카인주에서 주류 주민인 불교도와 이슬람교도인 로힝야족 사이에 유혈 충돌이 발생해 약 200명이 숨지고 14만여명의 난민이 발생했다.
태국에는 미얀마를 탈출한 로힝야족들이 밀입국하거나 배를 타고 이슬람국가인 말레이시아 등으로 가려는 로힝야 '보트피플'들이 해안에 상륙하고 있다.
태국은 지난달 로힝야족들을 단속해 1천700여명을 체포한 바 있으며, 로힝야족 수백명을 난민촌 등에 수용하고 있다.
(보도) Time 2014-2-14
태국이 로힝야족 난민 1300명을 지옥으로 되돌려보냈다
Thailand Sends 1,300 Rohingya Back to Hell
Rohingya asylum seekers are being returned to Burma, which they fled after having endured violent persecution and sectarian bloodshed
Charlie Campbell
Thailand says it has deported around 1,300 Rohingya asylum seekers back to Burma (officially known as Myanmar), in a move dubbed “appalling” by human rights activists.
The figure represents virtually all of the Rohingya boatpeople who have washed up on Thai shores.
“The deportations were voluntary. We sent them back 100 to 200 people at a time,” Thai Police Lieutenant General Pharnu Kerdlarpphon told the Associated Press.
(사진: Nicolas Asfouri / AFP / Getty Images) 태국 남부 팡아(Phangnga)에 위치한 태국 이민국의 구금시설에 수용되어 있는 로힝야족 남성의 모습.
Many Rohingya risk their lives attempting to reach perceived safe havens, such as Muslim-majority Malaysia, on barely seaworthy boats, only to get detained in Thai waters. But Bangkok has not ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention and still does not have functioning asylum procedures.
“The Thai government has consistently failed to respect the rights of Rohingya asylum seekers,” says Matthew Smith, executive director of the Fortify Rights NGO. “It’s an appalling response to serious human rights violations.”
The Rohingya have been dubbed “one of the world’s most persecuted peoples” by the U.N., and around 140,000 current live in squalid displacement camp in western Burma’s Arakan state after ethnic violence that saw thousands of homes burnt and claimed more than 280 lives since June 2012.
Despite the latest repatriation, activists warn that many more boatpeople will likely be washing up on Thai beaches soon, especially after a recent escalation in violence and heightened tensions over a new national census.
Last month, at least 48 Muslims were killed when Buddhist mobs attacked a village western Burma’s northern Arakan state, according to the U.N. Navi Pillay, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, called on authorities “to carry out a full, prompt and impartial investigation and ensure that victims and their families receive justice.”
- 지난달 불교도 폭도들의 공격으로 미얀마 서부 아라칸(라카인) 주의 한 마을에서 로힝야족 무슬림 최소 48명이 살해당함.
The Burmese government claimed Rohingya groups were spurring unrest, and dismissed reports in foreign media that “children and women were killed in the violence.”
On Feb. 4, Rohingya MP Shwe Maung was interrogated by police for 90 minutes after giving an interview to the Democratic Voice of Burma, during which he claimed to “have solid information from locals in nearby villages who phoned me and said they saw the police setting the houses on fire.”
- 2월4일 로힝야족 출신 국회의원 셰 마웅 의원은 '버마 민주주의의 소리' 방송과 인터뷰한 후 90분 동안 경찰의 취조를 받았음. 그는 인터뷰에서 "현지 주민들로부터 확실한 정보가 전화로 들어오고 있고, 경찰이 민가에 불을 질렀다"고 말함.
According to the Myanmar Times, the lawmaker, a member of the ruling military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party, said the subsequent police action came at the direct request of reformist President Thein Sein. (Shwe Maung could not be reached by TIME on Friday.)
Many Burmese Buddhists call Rohingyas “Bengalis” to support the spurious notion that they are recent illegal immigrants from neighboring Bangladesh, despite the fact that Rohingya have lived in the country for generations.
- 로힝야족은 몇 세대에 걸쳐 미얀마에 거주했지만, 많은 불교도들은 그들을 "벵갈리"라고 부르면서 최근에 이주해온 이들처럼 묘사하고 있음
Denied Burmese citizenship, Rohingya face restrictions on movement, marriage and education (although paradoxically they are allowed to stand for parliament). Stoking tensions is the first national census for 30 years, which is due to take place from March 30 until April 10, run by the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) and Naypyidaw government at a cost of some $75 million.
- 로힝야족은 미얀마 국적 부여는 거부당하고 있지만, 역설적이게도 국회의원 출마는 허용됨.
In November 2012, a separate survey, conducted without the UNFPA, sparked violence when Rohingya refused to register as “Bengali,” and several people were gunned down by security forces in subsequent protests. Naturally, “the Rohingya population have very legitimate concerns about participating in a paper trail that could very well be used against them,” says Smith.
Conversely, militant Buddhists have used the impending census to stoke sectarian fervor. “Some extremist Rakhine political actors undoubtedly fear that the census would establish a baseline Rohingya population that would make it more difficult to sustain the narrative of recent migration in the future,” says the International Crisis Group in a report released Thursday.
- 금년 3월30일부터 4월10일 사이에 실시되는, 30년만의 미얀마 인구센서스에서 로힝야족은 조사대상도 아닌 별도의 란에 등재됨. 그리고 인구센서스를 전후로 불교도 무장세력들이 종파주의적 광기를 더욱 조장할 가능성도 있음.
Even the saffron-robed Buddhist clergy have frequently enflamed religious tensions. On Thursday, a meeting by the main opposition National League for Democracy party, led by Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, had to be canceled after more than 40 monks complained that two of the four speakers were Muslim.
- 목요일(2.13) 아웅산 수찌 여사의 야당 '민주주의 민족동맹'(NLD)은 행사를 취소해야만 했다. 승려 40명이 나타나 연사 4명 중 2명이 무슬림이란 것을 항의했기 때문이었다.
[참조기사] http://www.dvb.no/news/nld-cancels-literary-event-after-pressure-over-muslim-speakers-burma-myanmar/37265
Compounding matters are possible inaccuracies in the 1983 census, which put the national Muslim population at around 4%. Many analysts believe this figure was deliberately under-reported to foil unrest, and that in truth it lay at around 10%. Accurate figures released now, they fear, could stoke fears amongst Buddhists of Burma recently being “overrun” by Muslims.
- 30년 전의 인구센서스에서 미얀마의 무슬림 인구는 4% 정도로 집계했지만, 이것은 고의적으로 줄인 수치이고 실제로는 10% 정도일 것으로 추정된다.
When xenophobic dictator Ne Win drew up Burma’s official list of 135 ethnic groups in 1962, he left out the Rohingya, so they will not be included on the census document by name. Instead, they will have to list themselves under an “other” column, raising concerns about U.N. involvement in a process that reinforces state-backed prejudices.
“The UNFPA needs to proceed with great caution because they are in a position to essentially support a process that will contribute to disunity in the country,” says Smith. “Ethnic disunity is one of principle obstacles to the reform process.”
첫댓글 그런데 지난번 태국 해군의 로힝야족 인신매매 보도를 했던 <푸켓 완>은
이번에도 문제를 제기했습니다.
태국 정부는 로힝야족 1300명을 버마로 되돌려보냈다고 하는데..
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미얀마 정부는 로힝야족을 다시 되돌려받고 싶어하지 않고
로힝야족 사람들도 미얀마로 되돌아가고 싶어하지 않았는데..
그럼 태국 정부가 되돌려보냈다는 1300명은
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하여간 문제네요..