리치몬드 침실 이용 가능 $1050 개인 화장실 (2층은 여성 전용, 남녀 혼성 셰어하우스)
2월 15일 이용 가능
유틸 인터넷포함.
최소 8개월 이상 / 장기거주 가능하신분 선호합니다.
카톡 보내실 때 간단한 자기소개 부탁드리겠습니다. (비자, 직업)
미안해요 영어만 가능해요
$1050 Renovated Furnished Bedroom, 22 min to Richmond Centre (Women only upstairs, mixed gender sharehouse)
Nearby places:
-Grocery stores, restaurants, clinics, library: 12 min walk
-Richmond Centre: 22 min
-Aberdeen Station: 19 min
-1 bedroom available: upstairs room, private bathroom
-Shared kitchen with 4 tenants
-In-suite washer and dryer
-Utilities and Wifi included
Rental terms and conditions:
-$1050/month, half month deposit, no takeover fee
-Available: Feb. 15, 2025
-No smoking, no drugs inside or outside the house
-No parties, no visitors
-Quiet, clean and polite, single female worker or student preferred
-Minimum 8 months lease required
-4631 Dallyn Rd, Richmond
Please message me on kakao with details about current study/occupation and visa information. Sorry I only speak English :)