You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: can i hear your asl? it just for conversation.
You: wow...asl is...age, sex, location.
Stranger: a ha! sorry this is the first time hahah
Stranger: 21, female, Korea
Stranger: yes do u know? sure, south
You: i live in korea too.....hahahahahaha
Stranger: Thanx how about you?
Stranger: hahahahahahahahah what a fun!
Stranger: are you kidding?
You: pyeong-yang's apartment.
Stranger: oh my god, i can't believe it
Stranger: what's your name?
Stranger: my name is Kim Soojeong.
You: that's not famous name in my nation.
Stranger: than how old are you? are u a student?
You: yes. i'm 20.(korean age is 21)
You: i'm university student.
Stranger: really? but in south, it's very popular.......haha i can hear my name on every road that i pass
You: i'm english beginner.
Stranger: you are not a beginner, i think.
You: in north korea, rich student learn english
Stranger: i'm not good at english neither! than what's your univ's name?
Stranger: i know i've heard about that name lots of time
You: i learn about economy.
You: but......frankly, i'm not zealot for him.
Stranger: you are seriously rich and briliant
You: sometimes, i wanna go to south korea.
Stranger: i heard that entering that univ. means you re very rich and intelligent
You: yeah. just in north.
You: i know south korean's life.
You: in free.
You: i'm free too. but, so many my friends are not.
Stranger: But i heard that many people in your country think South as the poorest or a devil
Stranger: how come you know about it?
You: yeah. but, nowadays, so many youth know reality.
You: i heard about it by friend.
You: it's not match the law.
You: but, my money makes me free from law.
You: i have so many dollars.
Stranger: i've never known that. Actually, all i know about your country is very limited
You: hmm..can i ask u something?
You: is my length tall too?
You: in north, i'm so tall guy.
Stranger: the average heigh in south is around 174
You: oh, i think that south korean males are so tall.
You: becauser, they are eat well.
You: frankly, our web-site is so boring.
You: all topic is about politic.
You: i know your country's singer.....
Stranger: then you guys have the internet line, and use the internet, right?
You: so many other guys are not.
Stranger: how can you know about them?
You: girl's generation too.
Stranger: their name, you mean
Stranger: oh my god what a fun!
You: they are so pretty. of course, we have many beautiful girls.
Stranger: i agree they are extremely pretty and slim
Stranger: i envy their bodies
You: oh, why? i think that you also pretty and slim. hehe
You: oh, hehe! it's not good.
Stranger: thanx, haha what a flattering:)
You: what do u mean? sorry.
Stranger: i mean you are giving me a compliment haha
You: that is just area. but it look like one of city!
Stranger: but i'm not that rich, i'm living in seoung-buk, near jong-no. you know jong-no right?
You: jong-no.....have palace.
You: yeah, sure. chosun's.
You: but we don't like chosun.
Stranger: i can't agree more, you re right
Stranger: have you learned history?
You: yeah. i heard about your youth who is stupid.
You: south korean youth have no historical knowledge.
Stranger: sadly, it's true
Stranger: neither do i..................................................
You: but, you know chosun.
Stranger: i was not good at history
Stranger: when i was in highschool
You: i think, many korean youth never know chosun.
Stranger: know not that bad
You: is school teach history?
Stranger: there are many tv historical dramas
Stranger: yes, sure. in middle school and high school, we learn history as a subject
You: oh, so many teacher teached me that south not teach history.
Stranger: we take 2 exams every semester!
You: so, i think that they are so bad!
Stranger: not good for me, though haha
You: south korea is not bad .
You: seoul national univ.?
Stranger: and my major is Korean language education
You: wow, education! that is so nice and attractive to me.
Stranger: you only know about Seoul univ. right? Is there any univ. name you know?
You: hmm..national universities are so many in south.
You: but they are not good than seoul's.
Stranger: and there are lots of private univ
You: private univ.....hmm....for example, yonsei?
You: why yonsei? that sounds japanese univ.!
Stranger: Korea, yonsei, ewha, etc
You: just woman can admit
Stranger: "yon" <- is from the word "yon hee" which was the name of old school
You: yeah, i know yon hee, so i know yonsei.
Stranger: and 'se' <- is from "sevrence" which is the name of a hospital
You: because....south hospital can remedy poor guys.
Stranger: ewha is women's univ. as you told :)
You: don't be afraid. i'm not bad. really.
Stranger: why are you asking me ? i'm just curious
You: what? i tell you my school's name becuase you asked me.
Stranger: a ha! i did, i know now///
Stranger: to be honest, i'm little bit worried to tell you the name
You: hey...i'm not spy... spies can speak english very well.
Stranger: i didn't get what u mean.
You: i want to know yours. but..if you not tell yours, i appriciate you.
Stranger: i'm not worried whether u are spy or not. i'm just worried whether you're lying to me
You: then, you can not tell me about yours.
You: but....i hate lies...haha.
Stranger: are you OK? am i doing wrong?
Stranger: it is just hard to believe that you r living in north
You: oh, i never lie to everybody.
You: but, if you can't believe me, you can not tell.
You: don't disconnect! i'm so glad to meet u!
Stranger: if i made you feel depressed, plz forgive me
Stranger: i 'm just too cautious about everything
You: don't believe new-face.
Stranger: stranger, you mean
You: that's right. i forgot.
Stranger: i'm a stranger too
You: yeah, can't attack me.
You: then, i can tell you everything
You: if i tell you mine, you can't attack me.
Stranger: yes, i can't attack you, you re right
Stranger: i can't go there
You: haha . i'm strong guy.
You: hey, do you know north's food?
You: korean called "bul-go-gi"
You: that's so nice food to me.
Stranger: because we are the one!
You: oh, really? are we the one?
You: i think that south korean hate north.
Stranger: i believe someday we re gonna be one again!
You: but U.S. bothers you. right?
Stranger: the U.S and Japan and China, etc
You: right, bad neighborhood.
Stranger: other countries are blocking us
You: yeah, we have economic problem. and south have political problem.
Stranger: i think the main reason of our split is not because of our decision, but because of the other countries' strategy, which was bad for us
Stranger: what do you mean 'political problem'?
You: hmm..diplomacy and.....dometic problem too.
You: your chairman and .......hmm...
You: they are always fight.
Stranger: how can you know the word? do you guys use that word?
You: when i was watch the tv news, they always fight.
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
You: my knowledge is not perfect, so limited.
You: we are not use that word.
You: but, guk-hoi is your parliament.
Stranger: but it's true that they are always fighting for their(political party) benefits, not for us, the people kkkkkkkkkkkk
You: yeah. but that's.....same. in north.
Stranger: it always happens
Stranger: u already know about it
Stranger: there were a fishermen who came to the south, accidently.
Stranger: and then they went back to the north, frightened by us, i mean the south
Stranger: they just didn't change their clothes eventhough we provided them new clothes because theirs were worn out
Stranger: you guys have that kind of image, right?
You: hmm....i can't understand your sentence. i just understand little part.
You: can you write korean alphabet?
Stranger: i mean it was old and teared by the time
Stranger: "nalk aat da ' i don't know how to spell it haha
You: then, you said, "south provide new clothes, but our fisherman not wear them." right?
Stranger: i made mistakes
Stranger: haha i'm not good at english plz understand me haha
Stranger: no yours is very good !!!!!!!!
Stranger: i have a question. what 's your dream? if your major is economic, are you gonna be a economist?
You: i'm grammer, word rookie....haha.....
so many teacher teached me english, but i hate study. i'm lazy. haha, now, i'm not.
You: i can't change my country's economy system.
You: kim-jung-il have power, and some man have power.
You: i'm rich, but my power is weaker than their's.
Stranger: what kind of book do you use to learn economics then?
Stranger: is their any popular one?
Stranger: then you're focusing on 'that ' area.
You: that? what do u mean?
Stranger: i mean 'Sa Hoi Ju eui'
You: ah, but i don't like that.
You: i dream a economic system.
You: capitalism and communism are combine.
Stranger: oh i see, for not being a economically knowleged person, it's enough, i'm not professional at all haha
Stranger: but i understand the concept of what you said
You: sure. i have no concrete plan.
You: but...i wanna equlity and wealth.
Stranger: but dreaming that kind of things would be dangerous, isn it?
You: that is so difficult, i know, but....look finland.
You: but some friends have same dream.
You: when this country is die,
You: my dream comes ture.
Stranger: you mean 'maybe;
Stranger: isn't it a similar one?
You: eo-jjeo-myeon is not postive.
Stranger: you are good at korean too.. better than me!
You: then, i wanna your subject 'korean education'
You: korean language education*.
You: i like korean .....mun-hak
You: sorry, i don't know that word.
You: oh, literature literature literature. thanks alot.
You: hmm...for example.....
You: yeah, i like him and his literature.
You: but i like not difficult poet too.
Stranger: wow unbelievable!
Stranger: but O Gam Do is a difficult one!
Stranger: yes i like yoon's poems
You: yeah. but i think deep about that.
You: but 13 is korean area's amount.
You: then, 13 means.... negative korean's reality.
You: yoon's poem is so wonderful.
Stranger: i absolutely agree
Stranger: he's so gorgeous
You: hmm....what is your favorite?
Stranger: i like them, but i like most Kim Kyoung Ju.
Stranger: do you know him?
Stranger: he is nowadays poet
Stranger: so i doubt you know hime
Stranger: he uses several 'modern' ways in writing poems
Stranger: like picturing sth, using 'chatting' format like this site's and play
You: it's so difficult to me hahahaha
Stranger: you can find his poem through the internet
You: but, korean(south) big site is blocked.
Stranger: you can google it too
You: google is blocked too. but i can use it.
Stranger: at first, you told me you needed my help right?
Stranger: oh my, my mistake.
Stranger: i have a bad memory haha
You: oh, right, smoking is bad for brain. alchol too.
Stranger: i dont like the smell
Stranger: but i love drinking
You: wow.....i like cigarette.
Stranger: you mean you like drinking?
Stranger: what kind of cigar do you smoke?
You: i don't like our cigar.
You: hmm.....their filter is bad.
Stranger: but every filter of the cigar is bad
You: i know marlboro. that's good.
You: their filter is good too.
Stranger: yes, that's popular
You: our filter is .....too soft.
Stranger: still bad for your health
You: yeah. but i can't quit.
Stranger: every man says that
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
You: don't surprise. i have rolex watch.
You: of course, it is guilty.
Stranger: it's surprising enough
Stranger: your father is not a normal worker, isn't he?
You: i'm rich. thanks to my father.
You: i can go to other nation.
Stranger: what nations have you visited?
You: china, russia, swiss.
Stranger: ive been to japan too
You: but all visit is too short.
You: just 2~3days or 1weeks.
You: they are pretty but i don't like them.
Stranger: i learn Russian
You: i love korean womans.
You: i learn too. but i'm lazy, and i don't like it.
Stranger: why korean woman kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahaha
You: korean woman is more beautiful.
You: many russia woman smokes.
You: i hate smoking woman.
Stranger: do you understand?
Stranger: pronounce it 'ppa chemu'
You: can u write korean alphabet?
Stranger: i wrote 'why' in Russian sound haha
You: aha...i don't like russian....T.T
Stranger: because you told me you learned it
You: that's so difficult.
Stranger: thats all don't be bothered
You: just school's curriculum.
Stranger: why do you hate smoking women! they have the right to smoke!!
You: hmm..yes, i agree. just my emotion ban them from my heart.
You: like poem...hahahaha
Stranger: every man does kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
You: almost all north korean woman not smoke.
Stranger: South korean women too
You: have you ever smoke?
Stranger: i tried several times because my friends and co workers recommended, but i couldn't because of the smell and the smoke the cigarette made
Stranger: i worked as a student reporter, and at that time i had lots of co workers who smoked
You: co-workers? you're just student, aren't u?
You: put your mind on your stream.
Stranger: yes i'll...!! and i hope you quit smoking.. for your health!
Stranger: it would be good for you
You: sure, thank you. my girl-friend hate my smoking.haha
Stranger: haha follow her!
Stranger: but you love her, that's important
Stranger: she's in same major?
You: i know her in town(?)
Stranger: what a lovely story!
You: oh....i wanna write korean alphabet!!!!
Stranger: haha take it easy
You: but, i can't touch woman.
You: when i was child, too.
You: just, i was language
You: north korean youth like jeans too.
You: i mean, south korean youth.
You: when i met american guy in omegle,
You: he said, "north korean guy wear army clothes"
You: most popular pants is cotton pants.
Stranger: american people have lots of prejudices toward us
Stranger: i deeply agree with yo
You: i want to introduce my nation's reality to you.
Stranger: so what did you do to your girl friend?
You: what did you do to your gf?
you mean, what i bother her?
Stranger: how did you two become couple!
Stranger: u just told me about 'bothering her'
You: she was a store's .........hmm.....
You: not customer....hmmm......
You: i know her, and she is so kind and beautiful.(not for me, for everyone)
You: then, i go to that store so often.
You: when she's work is ended.
You: called her nearby my house.
You: about 2years is gone....
You: and i talked to her" i like you."
Stranger: and you re in love, right now
You: i was give a ring to her.
You: but, not couple ring.
Stranger: Actually, i don't know what love is. i dated with several guys but it didn't last long. so i envy you
You: i like fashionable clothes.
You: whenever you meet real dreamboat.
You:'ll find ture love.
Stranger: i'm just waiting for true love. I'm not worried:)
You: wow, great. you look so brave.
You: many north womans are not .
Stranger: that 's the way i m living haha
Stranger: actually, i'm the unusual one, in the south
Stranger: little bit tall
You: no, that's very very tall.
Stranger: not 'very very tall' just 'little bit tall'
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Stranger: there are many girls over 170 in korea
You: in north, you're very tall.
Stranger: dont be shocked
You: oh, my heart run fast!!
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
You: i never ..think or dream over170 woman.
Stranger: u re such a witty boy
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
You: ah, thank you. but in north, i'm just noisy guy.
You: but my gf like my this appear.
Stranger: noisy guy? oh my goddess hahahahaha
You: goddess? is that woman god? right?
You: i call my gf "goddess" one time.
You: she can't understand.hahahah
Stranger: keep your true love for a long time .. you guys re so beautiful
Stranger: making me sad ........ ;(
You: oh, thanks. i was so bad(?)guy, but since i met her, i am kind.
You: bad is....hmm....not study....lazy....violence(?)......
You: smoking...drinking.....
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i see
You: yeah. my father was nervous.
You: because of my behavior.
You: but, now, all thing is changed.
You: ah, my mom dead when i was so young.
You: yeah, sure, i'm brave man.
You: but, sometimes, i miss my mom.
You: my mom is so beautiful to me.
Stranger: i absolutely agree with your idea every mom looks the most beautiful to every son and daughter
You: sure, but...i heard about south son and daughter......
You: some guys kill their parents.
Stranger: that's just horrible!
Stranger: in South Korea, that's a horrible and inhuman news too!
Stranger: they are just animals not human
You: some male is bad too.
You: i can't expression that.
You: but, i think you know what i want to tell.
Stranger: the way of showing love toward mom?
You: some male's shocking behavior.
You: sexual crime. oh, i shy.
You: anyway, they are bad.
Stranger: i can't agree more
You: sometimes, i want to send them jail.
Stranger: i sometiimes want them to be killed
You: hahahha that's makes me afaid of you!! hahaha
Stranger: dont be afraid! i'm a good girl
Stranger: you told me that you re 20
Stranger: in korean age, right?
Stranger: i told you before with eastern one
Stranger: call me nu-neam kkkkkkkkkkkk it's good to hear kkkkkkkkk
You: nu-neam. yeah. hahah
Stranger: the eastern people use different way of caculating ages
Stranger: so i used that because when i met you first time i thought you were eastern people
Stranger: i used wrong word, western people
Stranger: i meant 'western'
Stranger: because i'm a korean
You: yeah. you're korean. i'm korean
Stranger: anyway, it's too late . i think i should go
You: nice to meet you so much
Stranger: hahahaha thanks a lot! dong - saeng
You: don't forget me. and....tell your friedns plz.
You: north youth are not rotten.
Stranger: do yoiu have an email address?
You: oh....i'm not use that.
You: but i have naver ID. but it's blocked!!!
Stranger: if you were having that one, we could keep in touch with eachother
You: i want to chat with you again. hahaha
Stranger: it was my first chat in here
Stranger: today is the first try for me
Stranger: haha you are flattering again!
You: you use bed?
You: good night, nu-neam.
Stranger: it was good to see you dong-saeng! good night
You: time to say good-bye.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
첫댓글 씨발 좆나 기네
ㅅㅂ문법같은건솔직히 몰라서못한거고
어휘선택이랑 애자짓하는건 오바한거다
존나 기네
비밀리에 남조선 입국할테니 한번 만나자 헤보지 ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ들킬까봐 구라인거
현실은 전남대생
깐적없어^^ 너가 갑자기 사리길래 그런거뿐야 ㅋㅋㅋ north youth are not rotten 뭐임시발ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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쩔긴뭘쩔어 ㅎㅎ 근데 어휘나 구문에서 너랑 속은년이랑 차이가 확난다
수능외국어 모의고사도 1등급 2~3번밖에못받아봤어 ㅋㅋ어법아예모르고 그냥 몇가지 단어로 추론하는 방식의 해석만 해서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ잘못해 인정함. 근데어휘는솔직히 낚으려고 지랄한거 ㅋㅋ
응근데못하는수준아니네 ㅇㅇ 오히려 괜찮게하네,뭐 재수했다햇나? 이제 시작이니깐 대학에서 좀더 공부하면 잘할듯 ㅋㅋ 내가 뭐 이래저래 까는거같긴하지만 뭐 크게신경쓰지마 좀더하면 존나잘할기미가보임ㅋㅋ 나도 크게잘하는건아냐^^