Hello, Bony I am Jinny, assisting Friday Euphony Class.
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you attending Friday Euphony Class. Your performance reflects how much tremendous efforts and time you put into making it. For better presentation, I’d like to give pieces of advice regarding your performance.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/ please check again in this website.
Manhattan - [ttan] sound more ‘은’ than ‘튼’
discoverability - [dɪ|skʌvərə|bɪləti]
leader - [L] sound was like [R]
approval - [V] sound
[Ending sound]
resurrected- ending [ed] sound was weak
[Intonation and Accent]
leverage [|levərɪdƷ] - [le] have an accent.
Bony! Thank you for taking this class. I can confidently say that if your keep attending this class on every single Friday, not only your presentation skills but also overall your English proficiency will dramatically enhance! Let’s kill two birds with Friday Euphony assistant :)
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to ask me.
thanks Bony! Have a nice day