Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 1) by Rev. Sun Myung Moon [1] The Existence Of Human Beings On Earth And In The Spirit World 1) The Course Of Life
4. The Relationship Between A Moment And A Whole Life
You can't complete life without your entire life being a springboard to absorb nutrients in your life. This is what happens in the natural phenomenon world. You must know that the crux of life exists not in some long period of time but in a single moment.
One who ignores a moment fails to possess something precious. Such a person cannot become a great person, nor can he inherit the throne and crown of God. Therefore, you must be careful about each word you speak, each action you take, even things you think, in order to make one moment shine and glow. You must deal with life and solve problems, believing that the content of your daily life will all remain as phenomena in relationship to the world-because that is the only way the realm of victory is determined.
In this way, it only takes one moment for the realm of victory to be determined. Therefore, you should know that a historical realm of victory and a cosmic realm of victory are determined in one moment. One who knows the infinite value of making a moment shine and lives accordingly can become a great person, even a saint or God's son or daughter. In this way, the crux of life and death lies in the single moment. (31-218)
Today, our attitude is the problem. Of course, it is necessary to first desire the coming of the Kingdom and to wish for the Will to be done. But what is more important is how we can become one with the Will of God, centering on "myself."
If we take this one hour, we see that how we use it to become one with the Will is more important than to desire the Kingdom of God to come. Therefore, first of all, we must make an individual-level, a family-level, a tribal-level, and a national-level environment where we can inherit the Will in order to make a relationship with the Will of God. Then, centered on God, how do we make a relationship with the Will in this one hour? This is a very important issue.
Looking at the history of restoration through indemnity, there were 4,000 years from Adam's family through Noah's family, Abraham's family, and Moses' family all the way down to the family of Joseph, the father of Jesus. Here, however, what led to their failure did not occur over the span of, say, a year.
In Adam's family, the fall of Adam and Eve was not a result of a planned failure that took one year or 10 years or several decades. Their failure was brought forth in one second, and that failure of one moment became the base for the corruption of the nation which had been in preparation for millions and billions of years. When we think about this, we come to know how fearful one moment is.
Due to this failure of one moment, so many people who sought a religious path during human history had to go through great suffering, and many races that could not follow the path of the Will fell into ruin. All these became part of a tremendous offering of indemnity. When we understand this, a single hour that we ordinarily live so casually in our daily life becomes fearful.
But even more, we have to feel what a fearful moment is even one second of one hour that goes by as the clock steadily ticks. We have to become people who can know how to fight evil in the moment. Therefore, you should know that even the eternal Kingdom of Heaven does not exist without having an integral relationship with the single moment.
Eternity does not start when we die. It begins at the moment we come to know God's Will.
Therefore, in pursuit of our life of faith centering on our life course, if one thinks, "If I can't make it this year, I will do it next year. If I can't go in my adolescence, then I will go in my 20s; if not in my 20s, then in my 30s; if not in my 30s then in my 40s; and if not in my 40s, well, then I will do it in my 50s. If one lives his whole life like this, he would never have lived one day of being one with God's Will. If a person lives like this, he would not be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven when he dies.
Even if a person lives in a godly nation, how can he go to the Kingdom of Heaven if he was unable to live even one day according to a victorious standard? How can a person enter into the eternal world if he could not live even one year according to a victorious standard? This is a sad problem.
Therefore, in the life of religious people, that which is more important than dreaming of eternity, is how they can work with Heaven in everyday life to eradicate evil and become fighters for goodness. We must know that, more than anything, this is a crucial matter.
From this perspective, Adam and Eve's momentous failure led to the resentment and anguish of thousands of years. It was in Adam's family that Cain and Abel had to solve the resentment of their parents and demolish the wall that existed between the brothers, thus creating a spiritually healthy family root. But the murder of Abel, who stood as a representative of the providence for restoration, took place in one second, as well.
You should know that, even in the suffering course of Noah, who toiled to build an ark for 120 years, when God told Noah, "The time has come to realize the day of My desire. Go and launch the ark now," it was done in only one second. Those who followed this order could receive God's eternal blessing, but those who could not were buried within the realm of eternal judgment.
The same is true with Abraham. When God blessed Abraham, saying, "I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies," the blessing was also bestowed in one second, in the blink of an eye.
When Abraham made an offering, he did not take some 10 years. It was done in a day. The time it took him to cut the offering and place it on the altar was less than an hour-but this single hour contained the root of everything concerning historical life and death, curse and blessing. If there was a mistake there, this root would have been destroyed.
Today, what religious people must fear is not the judgment which will come in the Last Days but how they can connect the many moments of their everyday lives with God's Will. (37-219) |