National Code: CUE50303
Domestic Fee Type: Government subsidised
Centre: Performing Arts
Location: Whitehorse Campus
Enquiries: +61 3 9286 9695
Email: courseinfo@bhtafe.edu.au
The Diploma of Live Production, Theatre and Events (Technical Production) provides training for committed individuals looking to become highly skilled theatre workers and for existing practitioners to update and broaden their skills.
The course includes studies in lighting, sound and stage management.
You will learn how to record and operate lighting cues using standard and advanced techniques and how to repair and maintain lighting equipment. Studies in sound will include selecting and managing microphones and other input sources, mixing live audio and the installation, repair and maintenance of audio equipment.
General entertainment industry and stage management topics will include coordinating the production process, establishing effective workplace relations, implementing workplace health, safety and security procedures and managing risk. Plotting and rehearsing cues and a general knowledge of props construction will also be covered. You will also learn how to organise and facilitate rehearsals.
The course includes a level II first aid certificate, training in the operation of elevating work platforms and certification in testing and tagging portable electrical equipment.
Training includes experience working with our inhouse Lighting and Sound Hire Company and a significant work placement component.
This course is also available to International Students.
The course tends towards the technical. Whilst being extremely practical in nature, delivery consists of a combination of workshop, lecture and assignment style activities and includes a work placement component.
VCE is preferred but not mandatory. Mature age entry is a possibility. Selection is by folio/resume presentation and other specified interview requirements.
There is a pre-interview written task that must be completed in advance of an interview. At the interview, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire. You will also be expected to provide supporting evidence of your strong desire to be involved in the theatre industry. Involvement in, and understanding of, one or more of the technical roles in theatre would be highly regarded. Refer to a relevant copy of the VTAC guide for more specific selection criteria.
You must also telephone Box Hill Institute's Centre for Performing Arts in October to organise an interview time.
Full-time - one year.
(20-25 contact hours per week plus a significant work placement component).
Apply through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). Refer to a relevant copy of the VTAC guide for application procedures. Applicants should also contact the Centre for Performing Arts to obtain an application form and to arrange an interview.
If you have any queries, please contact the Institute on +61 3 9286 9695.
You will be eligible for employment in the field of staged events, working with light and sound or as a stage manager or stage managers' assistant or deputy.
'Staged Events' include theatrical events such as mainstream and alternative theatre, musicals, dance exhibitions, concerts, opera, product launches etc.
Position titles may include lighting technician, sound technician, stage manager and assistant or deputy stage manager.
Many individuals in the entertainment industry do not have regular work with one employer, but move between employers and industry sectors on a freelance or contract basis. Potential employers may include various metropolitan and regional performing arts centres, theatre/dance companies or lighting/sound production companies.
In the 'Stage Management' area, you can expect to work as an assistant stage manager to begin with, before moving on to positions such as deputy stage manager or stage manager. The call for stage managers for a wide variety of events is constantly growing, and stage managers can expect to work for a wide variety of companies and event styles. Further career options include production and technical management.
Students may access the Institute’s Employment Service for advice on gaining employment in this field.
The Employment Service can be contacted on +61 3 9286 9712
After completing this course, you may be eligible to apply for further studies at NIDA, WAAPA, VCA, and possibly others, subject to the above institutes' entry requirements.
Your qualifications are recognised nationally.
BCGCM3001B | Operate elevated work platforms | 17 hr |
BSBFLM503A | Establish effective workplace relationships | 51 hr |
CUEIND01B | Source and apply entertainment industry knowledge | 10 hr |
CUELGT05B | Record and operate standard lighting cues | 32 hr |
CUELGT06B | Set up, record and operate lighting cues and effects | 49 hr |
CUELGT07B | Record and operate lighting using advanced techniques | 81 hr |
CUEOHS01B | Implement workplace health, safety and security procedures | 34 hr |
CUEPRP03A | Apply a general knowledge of props construction | 17 hr |
CUESMT09A | Plot and rehearse cues | 98 hr |
CUESMT10A | Organise and facilitate rehearsals | 98 hr |
CUESOU04B | Mix live audio | 135 hr |
CUESOU05B | Install, align and test audio equipment | 34 hr |
CUESOU08A | Select and manage microphone and other input sources | 17 hr |
CUETEM01B | Coordinate production operations | 34 hr |
CUETEM03B | Establish and manage production requirements and resources | 34 hr |
CUETEM06A | Organise and monitor bump in/bump out | 108 hr |
CUFLGT05B | Repair and maintain lighting equipment | 24 hr |
CUSADM02A | Coordinate the purchase or hire of equipment/supplies | 34 hr |
CUSSOU01B | Repair and maintain audio equipment | 34 hr |
THHGHS03B | Provide first aid | 17 hr |
THHGLE22A | Manage risk | 34 hr |