Nick Carter: Oh, its good! Everything's going great!
J: Yeah? How's the new solo album going? I hear you've been working hard on that.
N: Yeah, I'm busting my ass on it.
J: How long have you been working on it?
N: I've been working on it since February
J: And is it almost ready? You know, to be out?
N: It's like 95% there
J: OK, so whats the 5% that needs to be done on it?
N: Oh, probably like mixing, and the final pick of the songs.
J: Now its titled Now or Never, whats the meaning behind that?
N: It just felt like if I didn't do it now, I would never do it.
J: What was your involvement in the songwriting process with this album?
N: Pretty much, I wrote a large portion of the album. I felt I had a lot to say, I had a lot of things to get off my chest. And sure enough, that's what happened.
J: OK, and its got a slightly rockier sound to that of the Backstreet Boys. Is that your own personal style of music that you like to listen to?
N: Oh, definitely. I'm a big rock fan. I always have been. I kind of grew up to it.
J: And so, what are the Backstreet Boys gonna think of your new album? Is it gonna be a huge departure from what they're used to doing?
N: It's a huge departure. Its not BSB, but at the same time it does have a bit of a BSB feel, because, I AM one of the Backstreet Boys.
J: Now the new song, Help Me, what made you release that as the first single?
N: That song in particular, it's a song that wasn't written by me, but the reason?.. I really like that song. And the reason I wanted to record it, was because it hit home. The point of life where I'm at right now, it tells about how I'm feeling right now. How I'm trying to find myself, and who I am. Being in the group, and doing this for so long, and being kind of sheltered. I havent been able to find myself, ya know? Because I've been in that environment for so long. So I'm doing my best to try and find myself, and that song explains exactly what I'm trying to say.
J: So after working on this solo album for months I guess, has it helped you find yourself?
N: Oh Yes! So much! The thing about it, I was starting to go off the deep end a little bit. And when I started recording, and really concentrating on myself and everything, my self-esteem just went up, I started feeling better about myself. And I started getting healthier. I stopped partying and hanging out and going crazy. So now, people can tell even by the way I look now.
J: So how are you going to feel? It sounds like you've really enjoyed the whole process, working on your own, finding your own style. How are you gonna be when you go back to the Backstreet Boys? Is that something you're definitely gonna do?
N: Yes, I would love to go back to do the next album with them. That's what I'm planning on doing.
J: So the Backstreet Boys are still definitely together? And you guys are about to go into the recording studio aren't you?
N: Yea-ah!!
J: And how did they feel about you going solo?
N: Uh...Yeah. They've got their own opinions about things but...
J: It's something you had to do?
N: Yeah
J: What are they doing? Is anyone else from BSB going solo?
N: No, just lil ol me.
J: And when are you coming back to Australia? It's been so long since we've seen you guys.
N: Well, I'm ready to get my butt over there soon, cos I just started surfing, so, I want to get over there soon.
J: Oh, we've got very good surf over here.
N: Yeah, I want to check it out big time.
J: And would you be coming by yourself with your album? Or would you be coming with the group?
N: Uh...who knows? Either or but I'd like to get over there
J: Cool! Now stick around Nick, cos I have to go through Kyle's [the other dj] Minute of Power. You up for that?
N: Sure!
(Plays Help Me)
J: Now my co-host Kyle couldn't be here today, but he's given me a list of questions, which we call the Minute of Power. You OK to do that?
N: OK, that's fine.
J: OK, first question, Have you ever been with more than one woman in the same night?
N: (Giggles) Hehe! Umm...No.
J: Have you ever broken the law anywhere in the world?
N: Hmm...(Giggles) ...Yes.
J: What can't you live without?
N: I can't live without...women.
J: Whats the first thing you wash when you're in the shower?
N: Hehe!! Umm...I can't answer that question.
J: OK, we'll pass on that question.
J: Do you fold or scrunch your toilet paper?
N: Uh...I dunno.
J: You're a scruncher aren't you?
N: Yeah.
J: What kind of car do you own?
N: It's a Cadillac Escalade
J: What celebrity would you like to have sex with?
N: HeHe!! (Giggles) You want me to be honest? First of all, I don't do that stuff. Second of all...I'm just playing. What the heck is her name...Um, she's from Australia. Dammit, she does that, like, Kiss Kiss song.
J: Ah! Holly Valance! Cos she's been over in London. You would have seen her over there?
N: Uh hum...Isn't she from Australia?
J: Yep, she's an actress in Australia, and she's just turned to music. But she's got a boyfriend.
N: Oh Man!!
J: Sorry, everyone's taken!
N: What the hell, I've been single for a year and a half, and I'm all lonely.
J: Oh no, we'll have to put in a good word with Holly, and who knows what will happen there, hey?
J: Have you ever stolen anything from your parents?
N: Have I ever stolen anything from my parents, of course.
J: Like money and stuff?
N: Yeah, when I was younger.
J: Have you ever gotten yourself blind? And done something stupid?
N: Got myself BLIND???
J: Yeah, like drunk.
N: Umm...hehe...Yeah, I dunno.
J: At what age were you first with a girl sexually?
N: Good Lord!!
J: Sorry, these are his questions, not mine.
N: I plead the Fifth.
J: OK, what type of aftershave do you use?
N: After what?
J: You know, cologne.
N: Oh my god, I thought you said "After SEX!!" Sorry, aftershave? I don't wear aftershave.
J: OK, so do you wear boxers or full briefs?
N: I wear boxers
J: What was the last CD you bought?
N: I just bought the Weezers album.
J: Which celebrity would you kill if you had to?
N: Would I kill? Uh,I'd never kill anybody.
J: OK, so which celebrity would you punch, if you had to?
N: Umm, which celebrity would I punch? Uh,whoever wanted to fight!!
J: So there are no celebrities out there that annoy you?
N: No, not really. If anyone's got a problem with me, they should tell me. I love a good fight!!
J: Well, there you go, Nick Carter your Minute of Power is up. Well done!