I have asked myself what my life goal is through my life? Of course, it is a essential question about life and existence itself. At the early stage of life, we are encouraged to charish a dream so that we may apply all the energy and time given to us to it. As far as I am concerned, I was educated to be purpose-originated and have been conditioned to lead a stereotypical life to accomplish my success. What I mean by success here is concerned with value, material and some social. My parents and relatives may have expected me to distinguish myself in the world after completing my campus life. But the problem with me up to that time was, I had nothing special to dream of being in my life: the only thing dominating my mind was to escape the poverty hovering my family as soon as possible. Nothing was more valuable and more meaningful to me than making more money at that time.
In my retrospect, I ever thought of writing novels as a life goal in my high school days. Even though I could not but be satisfied with appreciating some literary works and write little clumsy poems, I fancied writing would be my future business when I retire from money making. I am sure now that creating beauty is more valuable than anything else. For art is above science, philosophy, and so on in that it beautifies the world, which I believe could add to what is good simulteniously.
I spent about 15 years making livelyhood and wasted all the energy of youth doing things irrelavant to my goal. However, by luck the time came when I could reflect on my life. As a result, I tried to recall what my mind had really been hungry for. Above all, I had to gave up on my job against my will. My attendant doctor warned me not to overexert myself right after a surgecal operation on cancer. That's why I resumed writing a novel. I really don't want to vegitate to be an old man, because life will be too precious to be wasted away that way. While I am lost in writing something, fomalizeing my idea and thought eager to be expressed in my mind, I have a feeling that I am alive and free from a life burden.
The saddest thing under the sunbeam is not to part with loved people, but to benish without any wake behind. I believe I was endowed with some missions by my creator, which should be fuifilled until the last moment.
Whether I write or not, I'd like to do something more meaningful for the rest of my life, not make money. Life is short, but my dream still lasts.
첫댓글 제 생각엔 선생님은 축복받은 행복한 분이세요. 왜냐하면 쓰고 싶어 하시던 소설도 쓰시고 학생들에게 영어의 지식을 전파하는 좋은 일을 하시니까요. I envy you.
감사. 음악을 들어야지!
인생의 극적 반전은 다 이유가 있다. 우연이란 기다림의 숙성이 아닐까? 존재의 실존은 거울 앞에 있는 자신과 대화할 때 싹트는 게 아닐런지.
불쌍한 jane
Why do you think so
우리 주변에는 수많은 자료와 방법들이 산재해 있어요..누가 얼만큼 그것을 가지고 활용하고 노력하느냐에 달려있는 것 같아요. 할 수 있습니다. Cheer up!!Jane
왜, jane이 불쌍한 거지.
jane sister의 겸손한 말씀이에요.
지금 가지고 있는 꿈이 실현될 수 있도록..마음 편히 갖으시고 건강하시길 바랍니다.