Also, the oarfish is often found near the sea surface when the ground shakes. 발음 듣기 (Teentimes) | 중급 또한, 산갈치는 종종 지반이 흔들릴 때 해수면 근처에서 발견 된다고 한다.
In fact, oarfish can grow up to 16 m, according to the academic community. 발음 듣기 (Teentimes) | 중급 사실, 학계에 따르면 산갈치는 16 m까지 자랄 수 있다고 한다.
She approached it, and recognized that it was the carcass of an oarfish. 발음 듣기 (Teentimes) | 중급 그녀는 그것에 접근했고, 그것이 죽은 산갈치라는 것을 알게 됐다.
On October 13, a giant oarfish was found off the coast of southern California. 발음 듣기 (Teentimes) | 중급 10월 13일, 거대한 산갈치가 남캘리포니아 앞바다에서 발견됐다.
For this reason, people were afraid that the appearance of this oarfish might foreshadow an earthquake. 발음 듣기 (Teentimes) | 고급 이런 이유로, 사람들은 이 산갈치의 출현이 지진의 조짐을 나타내는 것은 아닌 지 두려워했다.
Back in 1963, an earthquake occurred in Niijima, Japan, right after a huge oarfish was caught. 발음 듣기 (Teentimes) | 고급 1963년, 일본의 니지마에서 거대한 산갈치가 잡힌 직후 지진이 발생했다.
Oarfish that washed ashore on a Bermuda beach in 1860. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 중급
Apparently solitary animals, oarfish may frequent significant depths from 20??,000 meters. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 중급
The members of the Family Regalecidae, elongated deep-sea fishes, are called oarfish because their body shape is similar to that of an oar. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Perhaps indicating a feeding posture, oarfish have been observed swimming in a vertical orientation, with their long axes perpendicular to the ocean surface. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Rare encounters with divers and accidental catches by trawls have supplied what little is known of oarfish behavior and ecology. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Oarfish coloration is also variable; the flanks are commonly covered with irregular bluish to blackish streaks, black dots, and squiggles. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Found in all temperate to tropical oceans yet rarely seen, the oarfish family contains four species in two genera. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
In contrast, adult oarfish are rarely seen at the surface when not sick or injured. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
The oarfish was observed to propel itself via an amiiform mode of swimming; that is, rhythmically undulating the dorsal fin whilst keeping the body itself straight. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Large open-ocean carnivores are all likely predators of oarfish, and include the Oceanic whitetip shark. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Dragoon's appearance was of a seahorse-like humanoid attached at the waist to a serpentine oarfish Reploid. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
Like other members of its order, the oarfish has a small yet highly protrusible oblique mouth with no visible teeth. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급
The common name oarfish is presumably in reference to either their highly compressed and elongated bodies or the shape and use of their pelvic fins. 발음 듣기 (웹 검색 예문) | 고급