*물론 다음의 책들을 읽기 위해선 옆에 김영세교수님의 '게임이론'이나 '전략과 정보' 둘 중의 하나는 있어야 한다. 게임이론은 주로 대표적인 어플리케이션들을 중심으로 전개되는데 김영세의 책이 쉽고 친절하고 풍부하게 - 아마 가장 풍부할 것이다. Fudenberg와 Tirole의 책도 풍부하지만 너무 압축적이다. - 제시하고 있다. 하지만 틀을 만든다는 데선 약간 아래의 책들에 비해서 떨어진다는 느낌이다.
1.Game Theory : A Critical Introduction-기본적인 입문서로 너무 어렵지도 너무 쉽지도 않음. 적당히 수학적인 개념들을 소개하며 철학적 사회학적 분석도 함께 되어 있음. 일종의 비판서라 보면 됨.비판적교과서? (루틀릿쥐의 책들이 흔히 그렇듯이.) 그런데 실제 문제를 풀어보지 않고 이 책을 읽으면 경제학자가 쓴 책이지만 너무 현학적이 되어버릴 우려 있음.
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
In recent years game theory has swept through all of the social sciences. Its practioners have great designs for it, claiming that it offers an opportunity to unify the social sciences and that it it the natural foundation of a rational theory of society. Game Theory is for those who are intrigued but baffled by these claims, and daunted by the technical demands of most introductions to the subject. Requiring no more than simple arithmetic, the book: * Traces the origins of Game Theory and its philosophical premises * Looks at its implications for the theory of bargaining and social contract theory * Gives a detailed exposition of all of the major `games' including the famous `prisoner's dilemma' * Analyses cooperative, non cooperative, repeated, evolutionary and experimental games.
About the Author
Shaun F. Hargreaves-Heap is Dean of the School of Economic and Social Studies and Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of East Anglia. Yanis Varoufakis is Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Sydney.
2.Game Theory in Economics (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Vol 5) - Classical paper모음.
by Ariel Rubinstein (Editor)
3.Game Theory for Economists -
Tirole과 Fudenberg책 읽기 전에 읽으면 좋음. ㅡstrongly mathematical 함. 한편 고전적인 페이퍼들의 표현형식을 상당부분 수용해서 논문을 읽는데 어느정도 도움이 된다.
by Jurgen Eichberger
Price: $79.95
Hardcover - 315 pages (July 1993)
Academic Pr; ISBN: 0122336208 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.05 x 9.24 x 6.21
Editorial Reviews
From Book News, Inc.
Written at a level that is appropriate for students or researchers with a solid microeconomics background, provides readers with the tools necessary to formalize economic problems as games and to read and apply existing results. The material covered is suitable for a one-semester or two-term course in game theory in economics and includes numerous examples and exercises. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
4. Game Theory - 이 책을 읽기 위해선 경제학에 대한 상당힌 지식과 수학에 대한 상당한 지식이 있어야 된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 가장 잘 나가는 책이다.
by Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole
Our Price: $62.95
Hardcover - 616 pages (October 1991)
MIT Press; ISBN: 0262061414 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.60 x 10.37 x 7.29
Average Customer Rating: Based on 3 reviews.
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Editorial Reviews
Book Description
"Both broad and deep, this book belongs on the shelf of every serious student of game theory."-- David Kreps, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University "Fudenberg and Tirole's text will have an immediate and important impact on the way game theory is taught at the graduate level. Not only does it cover most of the central topics in noncooperative game theory, it is as up-to-date and complete as a book in this area could hope to be." -- Charles Wilson, Professor of Economics, New York University
This text introduces the principles of noncooperative game theory -- including strategic form games, Nash equilibria, extensive-form games, subgame perfection, repeated games, and games of incomplete information -- in a direct and uncomplicated style that will acquaint students with the broad spectrum of the field while highlighting and explaining what they need to know at any given point. The analytic material is accompanied by many applications, examples, and exercises. Although game theory has been applied to many fields, Fudenberg and Tirole focus on the kinds of game theory that have been most useful in the study of economic problems. They also include some applications to political science. Game Theory can be used for a first or second course. It presents subgame perfection and Bayesian games with a minimum of detail with technical subtleties included in the advanced sections and uses markers to indicate the suitability of various sections to different audiences. The book is divided into five parts: static games of complete information, dynamic games of complete information, static games of incomplete information, dynamic games of incomplete information, and advanced topics.
Book Info
Focuses on the kinds of game theory that have been most useful in the study of economic problems. DLC: Game theory.
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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Canonical game theory reference text, July 3, 2000
Reviewer: pierce_inverarity (see more about me) from silicon valley
This is a definitive reference text. It is not a self-study course in game theory, nor even a useful introduction. It functions best as a brush-up source, or a reference on equilibrium refinements, for those who already know the basics, and can work with a fairly technical presentation. It's very good especially on screening games and Bayesian-type information games.
For a more intuitive introduction to game theory, try a short little book by David Kreps called "Game Theory and Economic Modeling.".
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
for a big book , it could be better, October 4, 1999
Reviewer: A reader from Chicago
The book does a pretty good job of covering Bayesian issues, but one would think that a big book would be better organized and would cover more topics.
I found it difficult to master the issues of equilibrium refinement and of mechanism design using this book and had to turn to outside sources at the time. Many of the problems would be helped by more "mechanical" examples on how to solve them, since the tools needed to solve many of these problems are probably new to a lot of students. The Tirole IO book contains some solved problems...I wish this book did, too.
Overall, it is a fine book...more than adequate. But it could be better.
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
A fine book on non-coop. Game Theory and Adverse Selection, August 5, 1997
Reviewer: A reader
If you are a Matematical Economist, and you like to study Game Theory or/and Adverse Selection, then this book is a must. It is wery precise when it comes to references, and it includes almost all significant contributions in the field. Sadley the book comes short on Moral Hazard, but that can be found elseware. Likewise if you look for Cooperative Game Theory, you wont find it here. The book is the best contribution I have found on Baysian topics