Chambumo Gyeong - 051. Three generations of preparation
According to True Father’s words, appropriate providential conditions had to be met for a woman representing the entire foundation for the Bride to be chosen to become the True Mother of humankind.
First, she had to possess an internal bond of lineage that could overcome the accusation of Satan's world. The woman chosen to represent all womankind and be elevated to the position of True Mother had to be from a family that had been prepared behind the scenes for three generations with only one daughter in each generation. True Mother's lineage met this requirement through her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, her mother, Daemonim, and Hak Ja Han herself.
These women were their families' only daughters, and they were separated from the world so that they could be on God's side. Their families were not large, and they did not have many relatives. Hence, they could live a simple life and make conditions to purify themselves in order to prepare the foundation for Heaven's Bride. 1 Not anyone could become True Mother. The conditions to advance the providence to raise a woman to become True Mother were connected with predestined relationships in the providence that focused on the work to restore Eve. This required three women to meet internal and external conditions. After all the conditions were met, True Mother could appear before the Lord and be joined with him in marriage.
These three women were of three generations, representing the formation, growth and completion stages. The unity of grandmother, mother and daughter was like connecting the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age. On that basis, it was possible for heaven to inaugurate the era for establishing the True Parents. Among those women, True Mother is the center. The person representing the formation stage is not the center; nor is the person representing the growth stage. In the ages of history, all must pass through three stages. In the horizontal ages, all can stand on the level of perfection only with the fulfillment of the third stage—the completion stage. (212-076, 1991/01/02) 2 True Mother represents all the women of the world. Only one woman representing all the women of humankind could be chosen for the position of True Mother. Three generations had to be connected behind the scenes to prepare True Mother.
It is an original requirement that True Mother must be an only Daughter. Adam was the original only Son; Jesus was the only Son. The Lord at the Second Advent is also the only Son from the perspective of God's Will. Since the man through whom God accomplishes the Will is His only Son, the woman must be His only Daughter. From the viewpoint of the providence of restoration, that man and that woman must be joined as a couple and become one. Then they must win over Satan's world and inaugurate the heavenly kingdom. (223-241, 1991/11/10) 3 For True Mother to be born into this world, there had to be three generations of women born as only daughters in their families, and they were required to build a meritorious foundation for the Returning Lord.
When you look at Mother’s family tree, her maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, her mother, Hong Soon-ae, and Mother herself were each only daughters in their families. Furthermore, Mrs. Hong was trained as a leader in the Inside the Womb Church, one of the Spirit-led churches that had the mission to prepare to receive the Lord at the Second Advent. That is why around the time they fled the North and went to the South, the mother of that church's leader, Rev. Heo Ho-bin, blessed Mother to become Heaven's Bride. Mother received this blessing because heaven had prepared her for that position. (220-337, 1991/10/20) 4 Three generations of True Mother's family attended the Spirit-led churches that were preparing to receive the Returning Lord. Her history extends that far back. Do you know how much those churches were opposed by the Protestant churches and the Catholic Church? Do you know how much Rev. Yi Yongdo was persecuted for founding the New Jesus Church? All of this led to Mother receiving the blessing on the foundation of her connection to all those spiritual works and to the core essence of the Korean people. It was also important that she come from a clan consisting of not more than 12 people. (210-301, 1990/12/25) 5 The Inside the Womb Church believed that the Returning Lord would come in the flesh, and that he would select his Bride and 12 disciples. Hence, it trained its members in how to attend the Lord. True Mother was trained in that special spiritual group. The mother of the founder of that church called Mother when she was six and gave her a special blessing. When I met Mother, I realized that she had already received all the blessings necessary to become the Bride. Also, it was fitting that no men were involved in her spiritual preparation, and that in her family she was the only daughter. (191-254, 1989/06/25) 6 Rev. Yi Yong-do was one of the representatives of Christianity who had been prepared to welcome the Returning Lord. When the existing Christian churches expelled him, he founded the New Jesus Church. He connected to Rev. Kim Seong-do in Cheolsan, when Rev. Baek Nam-ju connected the spiritual churches on the eastern and western coasts of Korea. That is how, in Daemonim's family, her husband attended the New Jesus Church founded by a man, while Daemonim attended the Inside the Womb Church founded by a woman. Daemonim was a leading figure in that church. While Daemonim was attending the Inside the Womb Church, she even left her home to search all over for the Lord. She received blessings from the pastors of the New Jesus Church and also from the Inside the Womb Church. This is what I discovered when I looked into True Mother's family. It had to be that way. |