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하늘신부로서의 준비 생활 하나님께서는 독생자로서 재림주님을 보내시고 독생녀인 하늘신부를 미리 준비해 나오셨다. 참어머님께서는 어린 시절에 주변으로부터 하늘신부가 될 것이라는 영적 증거를 수차례 받고 있었다. 어린양 혼인잔치가 가까워지자 참어머님이 하늘신부가 될 것이라는 몽시가 여러 식구들에게도 나타났고, 특히 대모님도 몽시를 받았다. 모두 흰 예복을 입은 여자 식구들이 분홍빛 꽃을 손에 들고 참아버님 방에 들어가고 있었는데 뒤를 돌아보니 식구 아닌 여자들도 꽃을 들고 서 있었다. 그때 대모님은 ‘하나님께서 여자를 잃어버리셨기 때문에 6천년 동안 여자를 찾아오셨구나.’라고 생각하였다. 그런데 참어머님께서 좌정하신 참아버님 앞으로 걸어가는 것이 보였다. 그러는 동안 하늘에서 천둥과 번개가 치더니 한곳으로 모였다. 그리고 수많은 사람들이 그 광경을 부러운 듯이 바라보는 것이었다. 역시 그때까지도 대모님은 그것이 무슨 뜻인지 알지 못하였다. 그러면서도 대모님은 오랫동안 몽시가 실현될 수 있도록 정성들이면서 참어머님을 양육해 나왔다. 7 대모님이 주님을 맞기 위해서 역사적인 수난길을 걸어 나왔기 때문에 어머니도 그런 훈련을 거친 역사가 있습니다. 뜻을 위해 열성을 다하는 남편의 길이라면 더 열성을 다해 따라갈 수 있는 여성과 그러한 가문이 필요하다는 것입니다. 그렇게 생각하고 어머니를 맞이한 것입니다. (121-213, 1982.10.27) 8 대모님은 핍박받으며 새예수교회에서 복중교를 거쳐 통일교회까지 나왔습니다. 3교단을 모시는 역사가 없어서는 어머니의 조상이 될 수 없습니다. 대모님은 어머니를 영계의 명령이 있어서 낳은 것입니다. 그런 역사가 있습니다. 그러지 않고는 어머니를 아무나 갖다 세울 수 없습니다. (539-060, 2006.09.17) 9 어머니가 되기 위해서는 3시대의 제물적 가정이 되어야 합니다. 외동 딸의 역사를 남겨야 됩니다. 대모님이 홀로 어머니를 배고서 길을 떠났습니다. 순결한 남편을 찾는 3시대의 여자들이 걸어야 할 십자가의 고개를 넘고 키우지 않으면 안 됩니다. 어머니를 아무나 택해 세울 수 없습니다. 어머니에게 아버님은 할아버지 대신이요 아버지 대신이요 남편 대신입니다. 그렇기 때문에 아버님을 대할 때에는 오빠같이 생각하고 아버지같이, 할아버지같이, 왕같이 생각했다는 것입니다. 그러니 아버님이 그것을 알고 그와 같은 동생의 자리에서 키워 나가야 됩니다. 약혼녀의 자리, 부부의 자리, 어머니의 자리, 할머니의 자리, 여왕의 자리까지 올라가게 해야 됩니다. (484-085, 2005.01.20) 10 어머님은 존경을 안 할 수 없습니다. 3개 교단을 거쳐 왔습니다. 대모님으로부터 앞으로 주님이 오는데 주님을 모시려면 이렇게 모셔야 된다는 것을 몇 번씩 들었기 때문에 그것이 골수에 뱄습니다. 그러지 않으면 어머니가 못 됩니다. 이 17세 된 딸이 여왕이 돼야 합니다. 하늘나라의 여왕 자리에까지 나아가야 됩니다. 그러니 결혼한 후에 통일교회에 있어서 상대의 자리, 어머니 자리, 할머니 자리, 그 위 여왕의 자리에 올라가야 됩니다. 어머니라고 하면 그 어머니는 나라를 대표할 수 있는 어머니입니다. 아내라고 하면 그 아내는 왕 대신의 아내이므로 왕으로 모시는 것입니다. (593-216, 2008.06.16) |
天の新婦としての準備生活 神様は、ひとり子として再臨主を送られ、ひとり娘である天の新婦をあらかじめ準備してこられた。真のお母様は、幼少時代に周辺から「天の新婦になるだろう」という霊的な証を、数回受けていた。「小羊の婚宴」が近づくと、真のお母様が天の新婦になるという夢の啓示が、多くの食口にも現れ、特に、大母様も夢で啓示を受けた。白い礼服を着た女性食口たちがピンク色の花を手に持ち、真のお父様の部屋に入っていくのだが、後ろを振り返ると、食口ではない女性たちも花を持って立っていた。その時、大母様は、「神様は女性を失ってしまったので、六千年間、女性を探し求めてこられたのだな」と考えた。そこで、真のお母様が、お座りになっている真のお父様の前に歩いていくのが見えた。その間、天から雷鳴と稲光が起こり、一カ所に集まった。そして、大勢の人々がその光景を羨ましそうに眺めているのだった。その時もやはり、大母様はそれが何を意味するのか分からなかった。それでも、大母様は、夢の啓示が実現されるように精誠を尽くしながら、真のお母様を養育してきたのである。 7 大母様が主を迎えるために歴史的な受難の道を歩んできたので、お母様もそのような訓練を経た歴史があるのです。み旨のために真心を尽くす夫の道であるならば、それ以上に熱心に従う女性と、そのような家門が必要です。そのように考えて、お母様を迎えたのです。 8 大母様は、迫害を受け、新イエス教会から腹中教を経て、統一教会まで来ました。三つの教団に仕えた歴史がなければ、お母様の先祖になることはできません。大母様がお母様を生んだのも、霊界の命令があって生んだのです。そのような歴史があります。そうでなければ、お母様として誰でも連れてきて立てることはできないのです。 9 母になるためには、三時代の祭物的な家庭にならなければなりません。一人娘の歴史を残さなければなりません。大母様がお母様を身ごもって、一人でこの道を出発したのです。純潔な夫を探し求める三時代の女性たちが歩まなければならない、十字架の峠を越えて育てなければなりません。お母様として、誰を選んでもいいのではないのです。お母様にとってお父様は、祖父の代わりであり、父の代わりであり、夫です。ですから、お父様と向き合うときは、兄のように思い、父のように、祖父のように、王のように思ったというのです。それゆえ、お父様がそれを知って、そのような妹の位置から育てていかなければなりません。婚約者の位置、夫婦の位置、母の位置、祖母の位置、女王の位置まで上がっていくようにしなければならないのです。 10 お母様を尊敬せざるを得ません。三つの教団を経てきました。大母様から、「主が来られるので、主に侍ろうとするなら、このように侍らなければならない」と何回も聞いたので、それが骨髄にしみ込んでいるのです。そうでなければお母様になることはできません。 この十七歳の娘が、女王にならなければならないのです。天の国の女王の位置まで進んでいかなければなりません。ですから、結婚したのちに、統一教会において、相対の位置、母の位置、祖母の位置、その上の女王の位置に上がらなければなりません。母と言えば、その母は国を代表する母です。妻と言えば、その妻は王の代身の妻なので、王として侍るのです。 |
Preparation as Heaven's Bride God who sent the Returning Lord as His only begotten Son, also prepared Hak Ja Han to be Heaven’s Bride and His only begotten Daughter. Even when she was very young, there were occasions when people testified about her, that she would become Heaven's Bride. As the day for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb drew near, a number of church members had dreams that Hak Ja Han would become Heaven's Bride. Her mother, Daemonim, also had such a dream. In her dream she was entering True Father's room, and she looked back and saw women in white holy robes holding bouquets of pink flowers. Then Daemonim thought, "Ever since God lost Eve, for 6,000 years He has been looking for a woman." True Father was seated; then she saw her daughter walking toward him. As she approached him, there were peals of thunder, and lightning lit up the sky as if to announce their joyous union. She saw numerous people looking at the scene with admiration but also with envy. Daemonim did not really understand the meaning of her dream. Still, as she raised her daughter, she continued making conditions of devotion for a long time so that her dream could come true. (403-239, 2003/01/23) 7 True Mother's mother (Daemonim) walked a historic path of suffering to receive the Returning Lord. During that time Mother, as her daughter, also received such training. I needed a woman who would, as a wife, follow with all of her heart and mind a husband who was totally committed to the Will. I also needed her to be from a prepared family and lineage. Thinking in this way, I chose True Mother. (121-213, 1982/10/27) 8 Daemonim had gone a course in which she attended three persecuted churches. She attended the New Jesus Church, then the Holy Lord Church, and the Inside the Womb Church, before finally coming to the Unification Church. Her history of attending these three churches before meeting me qualified her lineage to be the lineage from which True Mother could come. Before Daemonim gave birth to True Mother, she based her life on commands she had received from heaven. There were spiritual works like this going on in the background. I could not choose just anyone to be in the position of True Mother. (539-060, 2006/09/17) 9 In order to produce True Mother, a family of three generations had to offer themselves representing the three ages: the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament Ages. The family had to have a line of only daughters. After True Mother was conceived, Daemonim set out on the path by herself. Through history, three ages had sought for the pure Bridegroom. These three women representing the three ages had to raise up the pure Bride by carrying the cross over many hills. Not just anyone can be chosen as the True Mother. To True Mother, I, True Father, stood as her grandfather and father as well as her husband, and also as her older brother. So when she related to me, she regarded me as her older brother, as her father, as her grandfather and even as her king. Knowing this, I had to raise her starting from the position of a younger sister. I had to elevate her to the position of my fiancee, then to the position of my wife, and then to the positions of mother and grandmother, all the way to the position of queen. (484-085, 2005/01/20) 10 Everyone cannot help but respect True Mother. She emerged after passing through three spiritual churches. Over and over, she heard from her mother that the Lord will come in the future, and that when she meets him, she must attend him this way and that. Daemonim repeatedly taught her so many times that her teaching infused into Mother’s bone marrow. This is how she was educated to become True Mother. This daughter, who was 17 years old when she was blessed to me, must become the queen. She must advance to the position of the queen of the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, after our Holy Wedding she had to pass through the positions of wife, mother and grandmother, and rise up to the position of queen. When I refer to her as True Mother, it is because she is the mother who represents the heavenly nation. When I say she is my wife, it means that she represents the king and therefore must be attended as if attending the king. (593-216, 2008/06/16) |
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