In this article, we will examine in detail the structure of the Messianic symbolism, in its entirety first, and its four Kabbalah symbol elements that make up the Messianic Seal. Every single element has its specific meanings, so does its location, creating another symbol together with meanings as a whole.
I have written much on Judaism, Messianic Jewish/Hebraic Roots Movements, and Kabbalah, and explained their relations, introducing many symbols whenever they were relevant. If you have not, I strongly recommend that you read the three previous articles under the category of “Judaism and Kabbalah” series, and Part 6 of eBook, “Why Yeshua Had To Die,” in addition to this one.
Also, many example images are shown in this article, with brief commentaries, for the purpose of familiarizing ourselves with their forms, variations, and the way they are hidden, so that we can more easily recognize them.
In other words, I would like this article to help open your eyes to the hidden symbols of the darkness.
Section Menu
- Messianic Symbols and Kabbalah
- Tree of Life
- Kabbalah in Christianity
- Why We Need to Learn Symbols
- Each Element
Messianic Symbols and Kabbalah
Please examine the following image of the symbol, the Messianic Seal, with the corresponding Kabbalah symbols for each part.
Messianic symbolism basically consists of various combinations of Kabbalah symbols. As you can see in the image above, this famous symbol of the Messianic Judaism contains at least four different Kabbalah symbols. Each element can be traced back to one of the numerous Kabbalah occult symbols, which has many esoteric meanings attached and hidden in it. But, I am hoping that you can obtain just enough information on the meanings of the symbols so that it will help you learn to recognize them. I would like you to see the fact that the origins of those symbols were the ancient pagan gods worship, and later Kabbalah and Freemasonry, and the modern Judaism, and that they are not biblical or of the true Christianity*. Also, when you see enough of them and many of their variations, you begin to see the similarities among them, and will be able to recognize many hidden occult elements in a logo, insignia, and other designs, etc.
(*Please note that, in this article, and in all future Olivet Journal articles, the true Christianity will be spelled with a capital “C,” and the false Judeo-Masonic christianity with a lower case “c.”)
So …, that is what we are going after in this particular article.
Tree of Life
Firstly, I would like you to step back and look at the whole Messianic Seal. You would need to know what it is and how it looks, but the entire seal is also representing the “Tree of Life,” which is a very significant and essential symbol of Kabbalah and related occult world. So, I am introducing you to the typical and basic form of the Tree of Life and its variations. Of course, the name, “Tree of Life,” is a borrowed term from the Bible, and has no relation to the prophetic meanings of the true tree of life in Genesis. They usurped it.
The following image shows the basic form of the kabbalistic Tree of Life and the names of the 10 “sephirot סְפִירוֹת,” plus “Daath,” where they believe the essence of the deity, “Shekinah,” represented by the star Sirius, dwells or forms. The pillars on both sides are reflected in the Masonic pillars of a typical Masonic altar as well. But, there is no need to go into the meanings of each sephirah (singular form of ‘sephirot’) or explain the relations. I do not know it and do not want to know it. We just need to be able to recognize it and recognize its variations. When I see one, I know it is the symbol of Kabbalah. And, that is what is important to you and me.

Image Source:
Tree of Life is reflected in the Masonic Tracing Board, which is used as a blue print for the Masonic Altar, Masonic architectures, and many things they make and build. This image is embedded in all of them, even in many church buildings. The two pillars are called “Boaz” on the left, and “Jachin” on the right, just as those in the First Temple of Solomon (1 Ki 7:21), which is one of the usurping of the biblical items, that is the counterfeiting of the biblical facts they do, as I discussed in many articles.

Original Image Sources: /
In the Kabbalah symbolism, “Tree of Life” means multiple things. I have read in many places that it represents the universe, and it translates into how the human body and soul are made, being a micro-universe itself, they believe. And it has been translated into yoga concept of chakra, tarot cards, witchcraft, Freemasonry, and many other mysticism and occult beliefs. The following chart explains some of the relations.

Image Source:
Below, please examine the comparison of the Tree of Life, Messianic Seal, and caduceus, which is another variation of the Tree of Life (Links are to the google search result for each item), and their undeniable similarities.

Image Sources; /
There is usually a shiny presence, or a flame, at the top of the Tree of Life and other symbols that have derived from it. The name of the top sephirah, an emanation sphere, is “Kether,” and it represents a crown and deity, a sun god. This is something to look for when you want to examine a symbol for a similarity to the Tree of Life. You will see some more examples below.
So, now you see that they worship a tree …
The evidence suggests that trees were worshipped from the time of Mesopotamian culture in the Middle Eastern and in Egyptian culture. It is seen in many wall reliefs and Egyptian ancient arts.
Please note in the following images that, at the top of the tree, there is a winged angelic presence, just as the shiny presence at the top of the Kabbalah Tree of Life. It is believed to be the sun god they worshiped, and still do now. The winged sun god symbols are still extremely popular.

Please note the winged sun god at the top.
And that is one of the idolatries, which the stiff-necked Israelites brought with them out of Egypt. Tree worship, as the apostate Israelites practiced for generations, is mentioned in the Bible many times.
2 Kings 17:10
(10) They set up for themselves sacred pillars and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree.
2 Chronicles 28:4
(4) And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places, on the hills, and under every green tree.
Isaiah 57:5
(5) Inflaming yourselves with gods under every green tree, Slaying the children in the valleys, Under the clefts of the rocks?
Jeremiah 2:20
(20) “For of old I have broken your yoke and burst your bonds; And you said, ‘I will not transgress,’ When on every high hill and under every green tree You lay down, playing the harlot.
… and more.
And, this ever green tree worship continues to this day …

Christmas Trees are the descendants of”ever green trees” the apostate Israelites who worshipped the Tree of Life. Please note the shiny “kether” at the top.

At the top of the tree is the “kether” the shiny presence representing the sun god. The lightening represents Lucifer and often drawn as a coiling serpent. (Image Sources: /
Secondly, we will look at each symbols. The meaning of each symbol can be multiple, and very esoteric. They are also Masonic symbols, as the relationship of Kabbalah, Judaism, and Freemasonry are inseparable. The details on the relationship of all three and more occult religions are in the article, “What is Kabbalah,” No. 2 of this series.
Now, be not deceived by the deceptive teaching that the early Christians used these symbols. Even if we gave the benefit of doubt to their claim that they did find some archeological findings of these symbols from the early centuries of the common era, in light of the undeniable reality that they are Kabbalah symbols that are used to this day, and that the biblical fact that there were many “gnostic (Kabbalah)” false christians back in the days of the Apostles, can easily defeat their argument, although I am sure they will not accept the truth on this so easily. Kabbalah had been practiced for thousands of years before the Messiah’s First Coming, and the kabbalists’ plot to deceive Christians is nothing new at all.
In addition, by the way, do all the kabbalists know what the each symbol they “love” and push on us means? Not really, according to a 32-Degree Freemason scholar, who admits that they do not even know the exact origin and meaning of all the numerous symbols they use in his article HERE. I also have examined several Freemasonry encyclopedias and symbol books, and found that the definitions and meanings were not really consistent among them. If a Freemason researcher of such high degree cannot tell what is what … then, it is basically impossible at this point, especially for the outsiders, to learn about them in detail. But the same author says that the symbols are indispensable and essential part of Freemasonry, and it is overwhelmingly evident that they are obsessed with symbols, and without them, they cannot define Freemasonry and Kabbalah. There are some kabbalists say the symbols are the essence of Kabbalah, and Kabbalah cannot exist without Judaism. I believe that is true according to what I have learned. And, the fact is that Messianic Jewish and Hebraic Roots ministries use the same symbolism as these other false religions, and I might add, obsessively so.
And, no matter what they say, the Messianic Judaism is Judaism, which is Kabbalah.
Kabbalah in Christianity
In relation to the Tree of Life, I would like to mention some examples of its symbolism observed in the false christianity, even today.
I would like to draw your attention to an image I put together for “Light in the Darkness” Facebook Page, where Rick Warren sports this Tree of Life boldly on the cover of his world’s best selling book, “Purpose Driven Life.” I am also showing the logo and CD cover design of a popular christian musician group, Casting Crowns, which also unmistakably feature the symbol.

Rick Warren sports his best seller book Purpose Driven “Life” with the Kabbalah Tree of “Life.”

A christian music band, Casting Crowns, loves the Kabbalah Tree of Life for logos and CD cover.
Here, in these examples, the symbol appears as a natural looking tree. But, again, be not deceived. When closely observed, they have rather unique characteristics about them. They reflect the mantra of the Baphomet, “As above; so below,” which also reflects the union of male and female as embedded in the meaning of the Tree of Life.

The sephirot superimposed on the natural Tree of Life. (Image modified by Olivet Journal. Image Source:
It will be explained a bit more in detail later. But, for this section, please click the next link to a google search result of the “Tree of Life” in the form of a natural tree, and look at some of them. It is very important to be able to notice this unique tree with a significantly large “roots” part. Some of them even look like in a mirror pattern, do they not?
I do not mean to confuse you by mentioning non-Messianic pastor and a christian music band here, but it is a reality that the Illuminati kabbalists own and run, and completely control, all the christianity related ministries, organizations, and media outlets, to put it mildly. They are just different kinds of the “front” they use to deceive and control the Christian community and the mass. They use religions to control people, and sometimes, put on this “good christian” front to appear harmless and legitimate.
And, this is only one of the endless examples of the facts that the symbolism they use is actually revealing to us “the secret” they would dare to speak of, which is … that they control the church (false church), all denominations, small and large ministries, Messianic/Hebrew Roots ministries, Judaism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Scientology, Christian Science, New Age, Witchcraft, and all the secret societies, and more … through Kabbalah … and the symbols are showing us that, right before our eyes.
My next biggest project will be to put together what I have found out about all these multiple-front deceptive operations of the Illuminati, which have created this entire illusion of the false christianity, and present it in a coherent manner. It is very challenging, but must be done. And, you will see that the symbolism is the way to clearly identify the false ministries, and the connection between them and Kabbalah, and with all the rest.
Why We Need to Learn The Symbols
So, if the people inside of the secret society are not even sure what the symbols mean, why do we need to know about them, and how can we learn to recognize them?
Here is the reason: It is extremely important to recognize hidden symbols in logos, Web pages, YouTube videos, etc. of the false ministries. It is the best way I know to spot them at a glance without examining the lies and twisted truth they utter and teach. To be honest with you … I no longer have much patience to listen to any of them. It simply disturbs and grieves my spirit greatly, and dismays me. Actually, that is one of the ways they use to get us engaged in fruitless and exhausting debates and arguments for distractions and confusions. They are intentionally deceiving you, and do not care what the real truth is. The truth you tell them will fall on the rocky ground and be wasted.
There is not much time left before the Great Deception, and actually, the deceivers are preparing us for it even now. Be aware and alert! If you have the Sprit of our Father in you, and once you know the truth by studying the Bible, it does not take much to feel the “check” in your spirit when you hear a false teaching. You know something is off immediately. But, because the extent of the deception is so unbelievably massive and deep, and it has infiltrated into the most minute things of the entire world of the false christianity, we tend to dismiss the “check” in our spirit, and depend on more fleshly discernment of the appearance and front they put up. It is certainly hard to resist when our fleshly senses are overwhelmed by their performances and loud lies. When they “sound” OK, especially if they are attacking Kabbalah, Talmud, or Kundalini spirit healing ministries, as controlled oppositions, and pretending to be on your side, we tend to push the doubt under the rug, going into denial and complacency, saying ….
“Well … they seem OK, and are established ministries … they know the Bible and love the Lord …”
Beware, the controlled oppositions do expose Kabbalah, Talmud, Judaism, Kundalini spirit, etc. that have been already leaked and known. Sometimes, ridiculing them. There seem to be “assigned” targets that are attacked in prescribed manners. But, what they do not do is connecting them with the power behind them all. They lead you in certain ways and to conclusions where they want you to go, and say they are to be trusted because they expose the other side. The “attacked,” then, claim that they are attacked by the other side, because they are telling the truth. I see this being done constantly. In actuality, they are dividing you by giving you the phantom enemies to hate and look down on, distracting you from the real truth, and giving you the false sense of righteousness.
That is the danger of depending on what you hear, on the superficial appearance, and on the illusion of authority they create by the title, such as “So and So Ministries,” “Pastor So and So,” and more. Remember … over the past 2000 years, we have also been taught heresy after heresy, therefore; our “hear-say” knowledge of the Bible cannot be trusted at all. When you examine a certain false doctrine they preach, “your” doctrine on it has to be sound and purely from the Bible. So, your “assumed” understanding of the Bible, based on teaching by preachers, is not exactly a confirmation. Chances are, the preachers you learned it from had been educated and sent by the kabbalists …. the wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt 7:15).
Also, unless you are called to teach and correct others, which most of us are not, the Scripture tells us to not waste time arguing with those who propagate futile false doctrines.
2 Timothy 2:14-16
(14) Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. (15) Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (16) But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.
And, we are also commanded to “turn away” from those who deceive and without good fruit of the Spirit.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
(1) But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: (2) For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, (4) traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (5) having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
Those who deceive hide these fruits of the darkness very well, but inwardly, this is how they are, the ravenous wolves. I often see who they are in their eyes, and deeds, and words they write and speak, the fruit of the bad tree (Matt 7:17-18).
And, we must use ALL the senses, along with knowlegde and wisdom, in addition to our spiritual discernment and the Bible, to confirm such discernment.
For that reason, this skill of recognizing the Kabbalistic and Masonic symbolism becomes an incredible time and headache saver for you. And, It is actually the “eternal” life saver for any true Christian.
Remember … the Great Deception will be hard to dodge.
Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22
“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I personally can truly testify to this from my first-hand experience. By learning about what they use as symbols, how they hide, and what kind of variations there are, now, I can spot them from a mile away. Once you learn the trick, it is very effective in identifying key symbols in logos, Web designs, architectural designs, landscaping, and more. Also, the fact that they are “obsessed” with symbols, and that they “must” show some kind of symbol, a sign of affiliation and homage to the power behind all this massive deceptive operation, the Illuminati, and to their god, Lucifer … work very nicely to our advantage. This is also true about the Masonic/Satanic hand signals and hand shakes, and other body gestures they “must” exhibit in public, which I will address in another article.
These are “signs” from our Father. He makes them use the symbols, and they cannot help it, so that we can recognize them as false … therefore, we must learn how to recognize them.
Each Element
Now, let us look at each of four elements in the Messianic Seal. There will be a brief commentary and a few example images for each element.
The examples are mainly from logos and insignias of Messianic Jewish ministries, Hebrew Roots ministries, and christianity related ministries. Also, in order to see how they are hidden, I included corporation logos and product logos, and more. We are surrounded by these symbolism.
I have also linked my Pinterest? Boards to show multiple images. If you do not have time to examine all today, please keep the links to Olivet Journal Pinterest Page and visit there often to train your eyes and to familiarize yourself with the variations. I have tried my best to collect good examples. There is a comment and question feature for each image on Pinterest. Also, please share them to inform others. The Boards will be continually updated. (Please do click the photo you would like to examine further.)
It may be a good idea to open the Pinterest Page on another tab or in a separate window as you go along with the article.
Here is the link to the main Page: Olivet Journal Pinterest Page |
Links to each Board for the separate element will be provided in the appropriate section below.
How Pinterest Works
With Pinterest, we can create many “Boards” where we collect images of a certain interest or category, much like the Facebook “Wall.” And there, we collect related images, called “pins,” under a particular board. The pins that are posted on Olivet Journal Pinterest Boards are not random. Each Board has related images, telling a story, and the Page has many Boards.
The screenshot below shows how to get to the Board after examining an individual image, and see the rest of the Board (indicated in RED). In order to see the entire Page with all the other Boards, click “Olivet Journal” under the Board title (indicated in BLUE).
Warning: Although I have made my best effort to limit the amount of exposure and to be discrete, some symbols and images are sexually explicit. It is unavoidable that we see these images because the male and female sexual organs and their union are at the very core of the symbolism of Kabbalah, just as I detailed in the article, “What is Kabbalah.” They are the essence of what they worship. Likewise, the esoteric meanings of their hand signals are all sexual in nature as well. Nevertheless, the truth needs to be told.
Eternal Flame
This is one of the most popular symbols the kabbalists use, and often merged with the fire, from which the Phoenix, symbolizing Lucifer, is said to be coming out of as he is resurrected. But, this flame usually comes in distinctive forms such as a candle flame, ancient lamp flame, torch, tongue shaped flame. When it is a single prong, it looks like a Hebrew Letter “vav,” ו. And, when it is in a form of the Masonic Torch, it usually has 3 prongs, or rarely 4, in a form of the Hebrew letter, “shin,” ש. Another form I have recently noticed is the flame in a form of a reptile tongue with 2 prongs. I will show you a few examples of this as well. The letter “shin” that looks like flame is one of the kabbalists’ favorite symbol variations.

Some of the typical “shin” shaped and “vav” shaped Kabbalah Eternal Flame forms.

Examples of the 2-prong Kabbalah Eternal Flame logos.
CBS, Dallas theological Seminary, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, Uniting Church of Australia, and Reinhard Bonnke Ministries, and many many more are proudly exhibiting their love for Kabbalah by including the Eternal Flame symbol in their logos and insignias. Many more are listed on the Pinterest Board.
Please, also read a short article, “Judaism and Kabbalah (1): Chabad-Lubarvitch Sect,” where the Eternal Flame is also explained with examples.
In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the over-all shape of the Masonic Torch, which is practically the same as the over-all shape of the Messianic Seal.

Over-all from of the Messianic Seal is a Masonic Torch. (The photo is a hand of the Statue of Liberty holding a Masonic Torch)
Please see more examples on the Pinterest Board.
Pinterest Board: Kabbalah Eternal Flame |
The lamp stand, menorah, was clearly mentioned in the Bible, and is one of the key items in the Tabernacle and in the Temple. So, it seems so natural to be part of the symbolism of the Bible. But, again, do not be fooled. Our Father had it in them for a reason, and it is for a prophetic reason. It was not meant to be a “symbol” or an “idol.” To make it a symbol with other meanings, using it to worship demons, is nothing less than a blasphemy.
In Kabbalah, the menorah overlaps with the Tree of Life. In this section, I would like you to see the connection between the Tree of Life and menorah. Menorah has been taken over and made a symbol of the “tree” they worship.
And, please know this: the term, “Hebrew Roots,” comes from this concept of the earthly part of the Tree of Life, roots.
The following is one of many examples of how menorah is idolized in Messianic Jewish ministries. And, in the second example, they are not even hiding the fact that they are teaching another gospel, and that it is Kabbalah they practice.

In Kabbalah, menorah is considered to be representing the Tree of Life.

Menorah is an idol of Messianic Judaism.
Please, also know this: When we see the menorah, or the 9 pronged menorah for Chanukah, as a symbol, it has nothing to do with the biblical menorah (lamp stand) any longer.
It is an idol of Judaism.
Please examine the Tree of Life image collection here:
This famous symbol that is in the center of the Israeli flag is also called the “Star of David” or the “Seal of Solomon.” I have provided links to Wikipedia entries here for your convenience, but I would say they are pretty fair in basic descriptions, although the amount of information is very limited. However, they are good place to start your further research.
As you will see in the Pinterest Board for hexagram below, this hexagram is basically a Kabbalah and occult symbol, and has nothing to do with King David of the Bible. But, it has been associated with the Jews and Judaism since as early as the third centuries, mainly as a Kabbalah symbol, and started being called the “Star of David” in and around 13th century (Wiki source). Also, not only in Kabbalah, this hexagram appears in Freemasonry, Witchcraft, and many other occult symbolism. In the Bible, there is no reference to a star that is related to King David, and, as we all know, the star worship is rebuked as any other idolatry.
In relation to Israel, it is a well known fact that this hexagram on the Israeli flag represents the shield of the Rothschild family who is the first family of the kabbalist Illuminati, the driving force of the Zionism, and the actual founder of the current State of Israel.

Rothschild (‘red shield’) family crest and the Israeli flag both sport the Kabbalah hxagram.
This fact alone should raise a red flag in the mind of any Bible studying Christians, but the reality is that many of us have been blinded for a long time by the Zionistic heresies, propaganda, and continually pumped out lies by the Zionist, and still believe that the current State of Israel is the House of Judah and an innocent victim of anti-Semitism; a frail young boy, David, facing Goliath. The opposite is true. This Zionist Israel is the center of the New World Order operations, which was established and is run by a bunch of kabbalists, and being the Goliath in association with many Arabic leaders, bullying around and trying to create a chaos of the WW3 in the Middle East. The common people there in the Middle Eastern and Northern African nations, and the ordinary Israeli citizens, are the victims. More “ranting” can be read in the article, “Yeshua is Not a Jew,” with more detailed research and discussions on this matter.
OK, getting back to the discussion of the hexagram …, this hexagram, a combination of 2 triangles, represents the union of the elements of air (male) and earth (female) at the center of the Tree of Life. The “sephirah” (a singular form of ‘sephirot’) located just above the center is the “Sirius” the Blazing Star (The Eastern Star), which represents Kabbalah goddess, also called Shakinah. When a false teacher/preacher passionately cries, “Shakinah glory of god!” while preaching … it means this goddess, and not the Glory of YHVH.

Location of Daath sephira, which is “Sirius,” representing Shakinah goddess. (Image Source:, modified by Olivet Journal)
In Kabbalah and related occult beliefs, it is considered to be the essence of life, and is created by the union of god and goddess. Please see the section on god and goddess in the beginning of the article, “What is Kabbalah.” But, you may need to read the entire article to understand the significance of this goddess, becasue a paragraph or two will be far from adequate to explain this elusive goddess of multiple identities.
But, I hope the following image will help you see the relationship of the Tree of Life and the hexagram, and what I mean by the union of the two elements.

Hexagram also represents the Tree of Life, and means the union of god and goddess. (Image modified by Olivet Journal. Image Sources: /
There is so much more can be said about the hexagram and Kabbalah. But, it is apparent to me that not much explanation is needed to prove the inseparable relationship between them, and the Zionist Israel. The indisputable fact is that it is a Kabbalah symbol and not of YHVH, therefore; we must avoid any association with it and the people who idolize this symbol. And, that is all we need to know.
The State of Israel was established and run by the kabbalistic Zionists, and the Messianic and Hebrew Roots Movements proudly carry this occult symbol in the center of their seal. And, of course, they unconditionally support Israeli government, and demand that everyone else do … or, you are anti-Semitic. Well … enough said.
Nonetheless, this is part of the plan of our Father, because of His unsearchable wisdom and everlasting love for us, and is part of the Great Deception, which He will send to test all of us, especially the Elect. This is a test! — Even though the Zionist plots are allowed for the end-time purpose by our Father, we are commanded to never be deceived by the false prophets and teachers, their false representation of the biblical prophecies, or the counterfeit and impostor House of Judah.
“Be wise as serpents”
(Matthew 10:16)
Vesica Piscis
The last element of the Seal, also called, “Icthus,” or the “fish symbol.” “Vesica piscis” literally means “the bladder of a fish” in Latin.
Now, this can be called “the” basic symbolism of Kabbalah. Here is the Wiki version of the definition, HERE, but the following short video explains what it is well without much occult talk, although it is probably produced by a New Age teacher.
What I have learned from my research, to mention briefly, is that this shape of an almond represents the vulva of their goddess. In the previous video, it was insinuated as it is being “the whole essence of the universe,” “the womb of the world,” “where everything springs out of,” etc. The narrator was basically saying that the Big Bang occurred through vesica piscis and created everything there is in the universe. That is the source of life as they believe, therefore; almost all symbolism comes out of this shape and/or includes this shape. It is also the basic element of the “sacred geometry,” which is the source of pretty much all occult symbolism.
And the fish symbol, “Icthus” (means ‘fish’) is one of them.
In the Messianic Seal we are examining in this article, the tale part of the fish merges with the hexagram above it, and basically leaves the vesica piscis at the end.

Vesica piscis, madorla, and icthus (fish symbol) are the same. They are Kabbalah and Freemasonry symbols.
It is also often featured in many Catholic religious art works with figures of Mary, Christ, and more (“Mandorla” meaning ‘almond’). But, when you pay a bit more attention, you begin to see it in many Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and all occult symbols, including the infamous, “Eye of Horus,” as you can see in the cover image of the video we have just seen.

mandorlas are found across all occult and false religions. (Image Source:
Yes, the idol of Islam they worship is also a mandorla, called the Kaaba Stone, which is attached on one corner of a Masonic cube. They worship the same goddess as the kabbalists. Did you know?

Kaaba stone (left) is placed in the mandorla (vesica piscis) and attached to a corner of the Masonic cube. Muslims go around it en masse and kiss the mandorla during Haji.
That means that the Zionists and the Muslims have a goddess in common, and they are Freemasons. No wonder all of the Islamic leaders throw Masonic hand signals, and do Masonic hand shakes with the Zionists and the U.S. politicians.
Another thing I would like to point out is that the symbol of Freemasonry, the compass and ruler, is also a form of vesica piscis, and when turned, it forms the Eye of Horus, and the Ichtus.

Masonic compass and ruler symbol is also in a shape of vesica piscis, and when it is turned, forms the Eye of Horus.

The relation among the Masonic compass and ruler symbol, icthus (fish symbol, and the Eye of Horus.
Please browse the following Boards for more examples.
Pinterest: Obelisk and Mandorla |
As a Whole
Lastly, the entire Messianic Seal, from the flame to the fish, in addition to being a form of the Masonic Torch and the Tree of Life, it also resembles something ominous.
Please examine the image below, and see the structure of the Messianic Seal eerily reminding us of the famous symbol of the satanism: Baphomet.
Baphomet is often depicted with female breasts and a phallus, as the image below, and pointing up to the “air,” (‘as above’), which means male, and pointing down to the “earth” (‘so below’), meaning female. As you can recall from the “Hexagram” section, these symbolism mean the union of male and female, and it is symbolized by the hermaphroditic presentation of Baphomet.
Please also note that the star symbol on the forehead of the goat could be 5-pointed, inverted 5-pointed, or 6-pointed star, depending on the versions. I have seen all the patterns. But, the basic structure and the elements are the same.

The basic elements are the same in the Messianic Seal and Baphomet. (Baphomet image from the post of TonyVanDam at forum)
There is so much packed in this symbolism of Messianic Judaism. But I hope that this article has helped you see the highly and deeply occult nature of this seal.
Before I learned all this, it used to make me feel strange looking at it, deep in my spirit. I just avoided instinctively, or I should say, being warned by the Spirit of our Father in me. But, I did not know that it was a combination of the Kabbalah symbols. They make it look real nice sometimes, I must admit, and harmless. Each element, or in combination with other elements, also is used by many ministries in different ways and in various designs. And, they are everywhere. It is overwhelming and even mind-numbing. Yes, they have flooded our senses and mind with it successfully, meaning, we have been Judaized.
But, as I researched and learned about Kabbalah symbolism, little by little, it became clear and undeniable that the Messianic symbol is simply a culmination of the essence of Kabbalah symbolism, and a simpler version of the Tree of Life and Baphomet. It cannot get any more kabbalistic and satanic than this.
Therefore, the Messianic Jewish and Hebraic Roots Movements have been and are driven by the kabbalists, the Zionist Illuminati, and their sole purpose is to deceive the true people of YHVH .. means, YOU … Period.
And, please, as soon as you recognize these symbols, turn away, and REPENT.
Nothing else matters. None of the lies they utter is worthy of listening to or being taken seriously, even if they might contain a grain of truth. It will ALWAYS end up with complete lies and deceits. They use the truth to lure you in. Please, do not waste any time and effort trying to figure things out by doctrines. They also “highly esteem” extra-biblical ancient books, as if you must know them to be an “intelligent” christian. Well, but they are simply another form of worldly knowledge that puff s you up. You may learn some history of the kabbalistic Jews from those extra-biblical books of antiquity, such as Enoch, Jasher, Jubilee, and Adam and Eve. But, you will not learn the Truth. Only book I found to be in somewhat of sync with the Bible was the First Book of Enoch, but still cannot be confirmed as true. Josephus was a kabbalist as well. Those books were written by the kabbalists, in view points of the kabbalists, and highly recommended by the kabbalists. Stay away! The Truth is only in the Bible.
The time is pressing; He is coming soon, and before that happens, the Great Deception.
I strongly believe that the information presented here is more than adequate to convince the humble and open-minded to start looking into the facts themselves — and perhaps, stop wearing, using, or decorating their rooms and Facebook Page with any of these symbols.
And, please remember that ALL of the “so called” Hebraic culture, items, customs, feasts, costumes, symbols, prescribed prayers, Hebrew language teaching, and Bible teaching that the Messianic and Hebrew Roots ministries and teachers push and flood all the media outlets (including the Internet and the printed material) are completely Judaic, Jewish, and kabbalistic.
You will not miss anything by staying away from all these, but rather, you will gain the Truth.
Turn away from the false teachers.
2 Peter 2:1-3
(1) But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. (2) And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. (3) By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.
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이스라엘에서 급증하고 있는 메시아닉 쥬와 예슈아 재림의 연관성 (CGN):
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진주를 개에게 던지지 말라는 말씀이 생각납니다.
@caughtup 님에게 진중하게 권해드립니다.
하용조 목사, 프리메이슨, CGN건 ....
자신있으면 글을 올리세요
지난번에도 제가 똑같은 권유를 해드렸지요
한 번더 권해드립니다.
님이 글을 올리시면....
제가 온누리교회에 질문을 드리겟습니다.
이런 내용이 사실이냐고....
꼭 실명이 아니더라도
님의 현재의 닉네임... 그대로 올리셔도 됩니다.
자꾸 반복적으로 음지에서 그러시는데
제가 온누리교회에 아는 목사가 있지요
한 번 알아봐드리지요
이번이 두 번째입니다..
그런 글 함부로 쓰지마세요
@한기만(오바댜) 한국의 대형교회 거의다 일루미나티에게 접수된거 모르세요? 33도 프리메이슨도 있어요. 프리메이슨에 무지하시네요. 한국의 프리메이슨 목사 검색해 봐요. 쫙 나와요
그러니까 ....
하용조목사건으로 글을 올리란말입니다.
자신있으시면 올리세요
실명아니어도 됩니다.
닉네임도 좋으니 올리세요
그냥하는 말 아닙니다.
@caughtup 마7:6거룩한 것을 개에게 주지 말며 너희 진주를 돼지 앞에 던지지 말라 저희가 그것을 발로 밟고 돌이켜 너희를 찢어 상할까 염려하라
:예수님을 믿는다는 어느누구에게 자기마음대로 이 말씀을 가져다 쓰지 마세요.
이렇게 글 안올리셔도 영으로 하나님을 깊게 느끼고 교제하시는분들은 아십니다
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각자 맡은일에 충실하세요
나를 먼저 보세요
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제대로 된 메쥬와 거짓교사들인 메쥬들과 구분하세요
@caughtup 앗 그럼 이까페에 올라오시는 몇분들이 잘못가고있다는것인가요?
그들은 궁극적으로 뭘 원하는거죠?
.....모르겠습니다...제 짧은 소견으로 그분들은 판단할수는없고...
그럼 제대로된 메쥬들이 한국에 있긴있나요? 아님 오직 이스라엘에만 거주하고있나요?
제대로된 메쥬들과 이분들의 다른점은요?
알기쉽게 말씀해주시면 감사하겠네요
@부르실때까지 히브리 뿌리운동 한새사람 운동 하는 메쥬들을 신사도 이단이라 합니다
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