DEAR ABBY: I have been married to "Sam" for 20 years. He is a wonderful husband and provider. When I married Sam, we had nothing; now we have a home and rental properties.
My family seems to be jealous of the financial success we have achieved. My siblings make snide comments and have pulled away.
It came to a head the other night when my youngest sister announced to the family that I had gone online and anonymously threatened her family. Abby, I have never been anything but kind to them. They have an open invitation to visit our home and swim, and I have even bought her children clothing and shoes when she was unable to.
I don't understand this, and I'm very hurt. Please help me to put this in perspective, because I am fully aware that money cannot buy happiness -- happiness comes from family and loved ones. -- WRONGLY ACCUSED IN ARKANSAS
What Abby Has To Say
DEAR WRONGLY ACCUSED: Your sister may be jealous, may have mental problems -- or may just have a need to be the center of attention. Since you have been generous with her, it may be time to realize that loving relationships are reciprocal. If your relatives are put off by what you and your husband have accomplished, the problem is really theirs, and you can't fix it.
P.S. If your sister did, in fact, receive a threatening e-mail, rather than accusing you, she should have informed the police.
여기서 상담가가 전해주는 팁에서요.. 'put off'의 정확한 의미를 잘 모르겠습니다.
그리고 마지막 p.s도 이해가 잘...안가네요
첫댓글 put off에 핑계라는 뜻도 있던데...;; 윽! 영어다.. ㅠㅠ
put off 에 불쾌하게 하다..는 뜻도 있는 걸로 알고 있는데 "are put off니깐 불쾌해지다..기분나빠지다.그러니깐 당신 가족들이 당신과 당신의 남편이 이룬 것들을 배아파한다면..정도 되지 않을까요..
그리고 p.s는 만약에 그 sister(동생인지 언닌지가) 진짜 협박 이베일을 받았다면 그 사람을 당신을 추궁할 일이 아니라 경찰에 신고를 했었어야지요. 라는 말.
오옷~ 젊음이란님 부럽습니다~