뉴홀랜드 오스트레일리아 -New Holland (Austrailia), a historical name for the island continent Australia -17세기~19세기 당시 오스트레일리아 대륙을 부르던 이름 -Apostolic Perfecture of New Holland and Apostolic Vicariate of New Holland and Van Diemen's Land, Roman Catholic missionary jurisdictions -New Holland (Brazil), Dutch West India Company territories on the northeast coast of Brazil -New Holland Island in Saint Petersburg, Russia-러시아 상트페테르부르크에 있는 섬
미국 -New Holland, Georgia, United States -New Holland, Illinois, United States -New Holland, Ohio, United States -New Holland, Pennsylvania, United States -New Holland, South Dakota, United States -New Holland, North Carolina, United States -뉴 홀랜드(New Holland): 미국 오하이오 주 Fayette County(카운티)에 있는 마을
-New Holland, Lincolnshire, England -New Holland, Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica -New Holland (Acadia) (Nova Hollandia), a claim during a Dutch occupation of Acadia in northeastern North America in the 1670s