보카바이블 저자 허 민 선생님의 일일 어휘문제
* 이 자료는 보카바이블닷컴 에서 제공하는 자료 입니다.
4941. The teacher was afflicted by the fact that several students failed the entrance examination.
① promised ② encouraged ③ injured ④ surprised
4942. It would be mortifying to find myself ten francs short and be obliged to borrow from my guest.
① wailing ② dispersing ③ flattering ④ humiliating ⑤ warming
4943. Once a commercial impetus is given to their development, the products should improve rapidly.
① impiety ② bizarre ③ timidity ④ incentive ⑤ distortion
4944. The climatic conditions could have instigated such migratory behavior.
① instilled ② revealed ③ caused ④ resulted from
4945. We hated going to school every day because it was so mundane ; every day seemed the same and nothing different ever happened.
① mandatory ② optional ③ commonplace ④ trivial
4946. The cost of the car was inconsequential to him because he had more money than he knew what to do with.
① import!ant ② unimport!ant ③ very cheap ④ exorbitant
4947. The group says it wants politicians to stop wasting public money on what it believes are projects.
① frivolous ② useful ③ frugal ④ poignant
4948. He was obviously ill at ease.
① comfortable ② uncomfortable ③ angry ④ offensive
4949. Tom may be an accomplished academician, but he is a novice in matters of national politics.
① neophyte ② philistine ③ neologian ④ philanthropists
4950. He had an extremely obese friend whose mind was constantly occupied with the thought of delicacies.
① charming ② corpulent ③ dirty ④ grotesque ⑤ thin