코로나로 인해서 엉크러진 한국에서 공부를 하고 있는 아이들과는 달리, 뉴질랜드에서의 생활은 지극히 정상적으로 돌아가고 있기에, 뉴질랜드에서 살고 있는 대부분의 사람들은 오히려 코로나바이러스에 대해서 더 무감각해지고 있지 않나라는 생각이 듭니다.
코로나바이러스가 시작이 되기전 뉴질랜드에서 입국을 해서 유학을 시작한 학생들은, 뉴질랜드에서의 예상가능한 일상생활속에서, 학업을 아무런 중단없이 진행할수 있었기때문에, 굉장히 운이 좋은 아이들이라고 할수 있겠네요.
물론 혼자 유학을 하는 학생들은, 긴 기간동안 한국에 있는 부모님과 만날수없기때문에, 정서적인 어려움이 있겠지요.
2021년 NCEA 시험은 11월 8일에 시작이 됩니다. 뉴질랜드에서의 NCEA 시험은 뉴질랜드 고등학교에서 공부를 하고 있는 11학년-13학년(한국 고1~고3)에 해당하는 시험이며, NCEA 시험의 성적을 통해서, 최종적으로는 대학입시에 사용이 되겠습니다.
각 학년에서 성취가 되어야하는 부분은 다음과 같습니다.
NCEA Level 1
80 credits (at Level One or higher) - this must Include 10 numeracy credits and 10 literacy credits
NCEA Level 2
60 credits (at Level 2 or higher);
20 credits at any level (can be gained the previous year);
The Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.
NCEA Level 3
60 credits at Level 3;
20 credits at Level 2 or above (can be gained the previous year);
The Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.
University Entrance
NCEA Level 3;
14 credits in at least three University Entrance approved subjects
UE Literacy consisting of 5 writing credits and 5 reading credits from approved standards;
UE Numeracy consisting of 10 credits at Level 1 or above (the same as the requirement for NCEA numeracy).
Students can achieve a course endorsement of Achieved, Merit or Excellence if they gain at least 14 credits in one course during the same calendar year.
Students can achieve a certificate endorsement if they gain 50 credits at Merit level or higher for a Merit endorsement or 50 credits at Excellence level for an Excellence endorsement. Students who gain NCEA Level Two and Three with Excellence may qualify for monetary scholarships at some Tertiary institutions.
12학년과 13학년의 NCEA를 최고등급인 Excellence 로 통과하는 학생들은 대학진학시 장학금을 신청할수있는 자격이 될수 있으며, 경우에 따라서는 큰 금액의 장학금을 수여받기도 합니다.
Internal Assessment information
Students complete internal assessments throughout the year. These are set and assessed by College staff. Students will receive a grade for their assessment of Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit or Excellence, and gain the amount of credits attached to the assessments (if A, M or E is gained). They will gain no credits for a Not Achieved grade.
Some assessments build over a period of time and students will be able to gain feedback and feed forward. As the due date nears, this will become less specific so that authenticity is gained.
At the discretion of the classroom teacher and Curriculum Leader, students may be offered a resubmission opportunity where they can correct minor errors or omissions to move from a Not Achieved grade to an Achieved grade. Students must be capable of finding and correcting the mistakes on their own. Merit and Excellence grades are not available for resubmitted work.
External Assessment information and Assessment Week
Students complete external assessments during the NCEA examination period. These assessments are created and assessed by NZQA and the results are returned to students mid January.
Formal assessment opportunities are held at the College in Terms 2 and 3. Internal assessments and derived grade opportunities for external standards are held during this time. Derived grades are used when considering school prizes for students (alongside internal results) and are provided to NZQA when a student is unable to sit the final NCEA examination(s) due to circumstances beyond their control.
By completing and submitting any assessment, students have acknowledged that it was all their own work. All sources used have been referenced and a bibliography provided. If the assessment is found to be plagiarised the classroom teacher and Curriculum leader will award a Not Achieved grade. A discussion with the student will take place and parent/guardians will be notified.
Medical/Unplanned Absence
When a student is unable to present himself/herself for an assessment task or item, the approved medical certificate or other appropriate evidence (eg a newspaper bereavement notice) must be provided.
Students must submit all assessments on the due date by 3.30pm.
If a student does not submit their work on time due to an unjustified absence, the students will receive a Not Achieved result. If a student knows in advance of an absence, they may be given the opportunity to complete the assessment prior to their absence but the classroom teacher does not have to provide any extra teaching/resources.
If the student is representing the College, the province or the country, the student will make arrangements with their classroom teacher for an alternative due date.
To track student progress, the following is available
Student/Caregiver portal
NZQA website login
NCEA track app
뉴질랜드조기유학, 동반유학, 크라이스트처치
뉴질랜드이민법무사, 뉴질랜드유학원, NCEA
카카오톡: 250lhy
이메일: hoyounglee2460@gmail.com
전화상담: 070-8246-7328(한국시내요금)