The title is Milly, Molly and Aunt Maude. Aunt Maude had the best garden. Milly and Molly found Aunt Maude lying on the tomato plants. Aunt Maude had broken her leg. But fixing her leg would take six weeks. Milly and Molly took care of the garden. Aunt Maude started knitting but very slowly. "When will you be ready?" asked Milly. "When will you stop knitting blankets?" asked Molly. Then it started to snow. Milly and Molly saved the garden. Aunt Maude could use her leg! The next morning it was finally ready. The story is good.
점수: B
이름을 정확하게 쓰는 것이 중요해요. "Madue"가 아니라 "Maude"예요.
과거 시제를 사용할 때는 동사 형태가 바뀌어요. 예를 들어 "take"는 "took"로 바뀌어요.