[March 11] The 70 days’ period on the non-budget execution,’ that the National Assembly has submitted as its collateral opinion when it passed the Jeju naval base budget on Jan. 1, 2013 will finish on March 11. Therefore the conclusion on the protocol on the civilian-military complex port is impending soon.
The below is the hurried summary of the two Jeju media, March 11 and 8 (See the links in the bottom)
It is known that the government is hurrying for the negotiation with the Jeju Island government aiming to conclude the protocol as possible as on March 11.
Regrading the matter on it that includes the issues of the official regulation rights on harbor & bay and maintenance cost on the harbor & bay facility, the Jeju Island government has proposed that the Ministry of Land, Transportation and Maritime Affairs and Jeju Island government hold the right to management and operation on the cruise facility while the navy has the right to operation on military facility.
The Jeju island government has also requested the government to charge the costs for maintenance and repair of the harbor & bay facility following the operation on cruise ships.
The personnel in the Island government said that “Even though the discussion has been much processed overall, a complete negotiation for the conclusion on the protocol has not been achieved. There is a big possibility that the negotiation will be agreed if it is approached to its end on the details, on March 11.”
It will be very likely that the method of the conclusion on the protocol would be to exchange the documents rather than signing while the Jeju island governor and related ministers sit in person….
The conclusion on the protocol is likely to be the biggest turning point that the Jeju naval base construction will speed up.
Otherwise, it was exposed that the 3rd simulation on 150,000 ton cruise that the central and Island governments jointly carried out [on Jan. 17~18] is limped because it omitted the two items among the 4 items in the maritime transportation safety diagnosis measure.
The special verification committee of the Democratic United Party, visiting the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Daejeon, on March 8, focused on the matter.
The committee including Jang Hana, criticized that there was no evaluations on the ‘limitation on the distance of vision’ and ‘urgent hindrance,’ which were raised by the National Assembly in the 2nd simulation, as well.
The committee, criticizing that the government and navy are only focusing on the enforcement of construction, is to call the Ministry of National Defense to account, regarding its violation on the National Assembly collateral conditions.
The committee members are: Kim U-Nam, Kang Chang-Il, Kim Jae-Yoon, and Jang Hana (Jeju-based) and Paik Gun-Ki, Kim Gwang-Jin, Lee Yun-Seok, Chung Chung-Rae, Jin Sung-Joon and Hong Ik-Pyo.
'70일' 유예기간 끝...민군복합형 협정서 체결 임박
'외상 공사'에 다급한 정부, 오늘 중 협정서 체결 가능성
항만 관리권 등 쟁점...정부 '다급'...道 "내용이 중요" 신중
데스크승인 2013.03.11 10:15:10 윤철수
해군기지 크루즈 시뮬레이션 ‘반쪽짜리’
시정제한 등 평가 누락…민주당특위 현장검증
데스크승인 2013.03.08 12:42:08