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📃자유글.거래場구인광고 스크랩 기독교를 망치고 있는 번영신학 사역자들의 허장 성세
블루칩 추천 0 조회 118 09.05.23 12:02 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용

크레플로 달라의 개인 전용기

A few months ago, I mentioned televangelist Creflo Dollar and his Rolls-Royce. Dollar is far from the only minister who preaches a "prosperity gospel." Another popular pastor, Mac Hammond of Living Word Christian Center in Minnesota is having to give up one of his pricey toys, his own private jet. Hammond is reportedly marketing the Cessna 650 business jet aggressively and plans to reinvest the money in the ministry. The Minnesota Star-Tribune also reports that the Living Word has also cut its hourlong TV show on Sunday mornings in half to save money.The jet has gotten Hammond in trouble before. Last year, the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed complaints with the IRS saying that Hammond finagled a $2 million loan deal with Living Word and got money from a lease-back deal on the plane. Hammond is also the owner of a stunt plane, a 1995 Flugzeugbau EA-300L. He has used the private plane both to minister in other places and to travel to his homes in Florida. The jet has room for nine passengers and is listed at $3.9 million.


TBN ( 사장 : 프리메이슨 사역자 폴 크로치 ) 소유 전용기




번영신학 사역자들의 후원금 재정 부정과 호화 생활에 대한 고발 BBC 취재 동영상



프리메이슨 사역자 케네드 코플란드의 개인 전용기




Hinn Plane


프리메이슨 사역자 베니힌의 개인 전용기



  • 09.05.23 16:08

    첫댓글 정말 분노를 느낍니다

  • 09.05.23 22:35

    무슨 말인지 모르겠지만 느낌이 별로 안좋네요.

  • 09.05.23 22:45

    참 예수님의 제자는 사치하는 죄를 범하지 않습니다 안타깝네요

  • 09.05.25 07:53

    베니힌목사.........속을뻔 했습니다 언젠가 일본 고베에도 한번 왔다고 하던데.....
