박덕은 프로필 한국어 & 영어
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* 사진작품 전시회 2회
* 제1회 한국예술문화대전 사진 대상 수상
* 제42회 대한민국 현대 미술대전 사진 금상 수상
* 제24회 대한민국 현대미술대전 사진 특선 수상
* 제1회 국민행복 사진대전 대상 수상
* 제1회 한강 사진대전 대상 수상
* 사진 작가상 수상
* 화가
* 박덕은 서양화 개인전 3회
* 박덕은 서양화 초대전 3회
* 박덕은 서양화 단체전 50회
* 서울 인사동 인사아트프라자 갤러리 개인전
* 남촌미술관 박덕은 서양화 초대전
* 정읍시 박덕은 교수 서양화 초대전
* 광주 패밀리스포츠파크 갤러리 박덕은 서양화 초대전
* 한국노동문화예술협회 초대작가
* 대한민국유명작가전 초대작가
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* 대한민국문화예술인
총연합회 추천작가
* 제9회 대한민국예술대전 대상 수상
* 제33회 한국노동문화예술제 미술대전 대상 수상
* 제22회 올해의 작가 초대전 대상(한국예총상) 수상
* 제17회 국제종합예술대전 대상 수상
* 제48회 L.A. 페스티벌 미술대전 대상 수상
* 제32회 국제현대미술 우수작가전 대상 수상
* 한강 문화예술대전 대상(미술 훈장) 수상
* 제9회 한국창작문화예술대전 대상 수상
* 2021 국민행복 미술대전 대상 수상
* 2020 제주국제미술관 유채꽃 미술대전 대상 수상
* 2022 여울 미술대전 대상 수상
* 2022 소망나비 미술대전 대상 수상
* 2022 대동강 미술대전 대상
* 제17회 국제종합예술대전 금상 수상
* 제17회 국제종합예술대전 우수상 수상
* 제17회 국제종합예술대전 특선 수상
* 제46회 충청북도 미술대전 서양화 수상
* 2021 대한민국 한석봉 미술대전 금상 수상
* 2021 대한민국 한석봉 미술대전 은상 수상
* 2021 대한민국 한석봉 미술대전 금상 수상
* 2021 대한민국 한석봉 미술대전 은상 수상
* 제17회 평화미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제53회 전라북도 미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제14회 대한민국낙동예술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제14회 대한민국낙동예술대전 서양화 입상
* 제9회 한국창작문화예술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 2021 대한민국 나비미술대전 한국예총상 수상
* 제12회 3•15 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 2021 대한민국 생활미술대전 서양화 특별상 수상
* 2021 대한민국 생활미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제10회 국제기로 미술대전 서양화 금상 수상
* 제6회 무궁화서화대전 서양화 금상 수상
* 제6회 무궁화서화대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제19회 대한민국 회화대상전 서양화 특별상 수상
* 제19회 대한민국회화대상전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제41회 국제현대미술대전 서양화 동상 수상
* 제41회 국제현대미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제13회 국제친환경현대미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제13회 국제친환경현대미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제38회 대한민국신미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제56회 인천 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 2020 음성 명작페스티벌 회화 동상 수상
* 제1회 청송야송 미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제16회 온고을 미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제5회 무궁화 서화대전 서양화 금상 수상
* 제41회 현대 미술대전 비구상 입상
* 제41회 현대 미술대전 사진 특선 수상
* 제1회 청송야송 미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제13회 힐링 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제52회 전라북도 미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제6회 모던아트 대상전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제5회 무궁화 서화대전 서양화 동상 수상
* 제5회 무궁화 서화대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제8회 아트챌린저 서양화 특선 수상
* 제30회 어등 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제48회 강원 미술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제48회 강원 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제36회 무등 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제24회 관악 현대미술대전 서양화 입상
* 2020 예끼마을 미술대전 서양화 입상
* 제1회 천성 문화예술대전 서양화 특선 수상
* 제1회 천성 문화예술대전 서양화 입상
* 한국시연구회 이사
* 한국아동문학 동화분과위원장
* 녹색문단 이사
* 문학사랑신문 고문
* 한국노벨재단 이사
* 서울예술상 문학 대상 수상
* 대중문화예술 대상 수상
* 미술작가상 수상
* 사랑비 미술 대상 수상
* 예술 훈장상 수상
* 공로 훈장상 수상
* 문화 훈장상 수상
* 출판 훈장상 수상
* 미술 훈장상 수상
* 문학 훈장상 수상
* 수필 훈장상 수상
* 국민 공로상 수상
* 세계 평화상 수상
* 사회 봉사상 수상
* 무궁화 훈장상 수상
* 전시 훈장상 수상
* 문학평론 훈장상 수상
* 한국문학지도자 훈장상 수상
* 번역 훈장상 수상
* 8•15 예술대상 수상
* 재능나눔공헌 대상 수상
* 서울특별시의원 의장상 수상
* 광주문인협회 특별공로상 수상
* 광주시인협회 공로상 수상
* 광주광역시장 공로 표창장 수상
* 뉴스투데이(2010년 5월호) 커버스토리
* 위대한 대한민국인(2020년 10월호) 커버스토리
* 전국 박덕은 백일장 개최
* 부드런 문학회 지도 교수
* 향그런 문학회 지도 교수
* 방그레 문학회 지도 교수
* 푸르른 문학회 지도 교수
* 탐스런 문학회 지도 교수
* 싱그런 문학회 지도 교수
* 둥그런 문학회 지도 교수
* 온스런 문학회 지도 교수
* 떠오른 문학회 지도 교수
* 포시런 문학회 지도 교수
* 꽃스런 문학회 지도 교수
* 꿈스런 문학회 지도 교수
* 예스런 문학회 지도 교수
* 참다운 문학회 지도 교수
* 씨밀레 문학회 지도 교수
* 바로 문학회 지도 교수
* 중앙일보 신춘문예 문학평론 당선
* 전남일보(現:광주일보) 신춘문예 동화 당선
* 새한일보 신춘문예 시 당선
* 동양문학 신춘문예 시 당선
* 김해일보 시민문예 남명문학상 시 당선(제1회)
* 창조문학신문 신춘문예 성시 당선
* 사이버 중랑 신춘문예 시 당선
* 경북일보 호미 문학상 수필 당선
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* 문학세계 희곡 신인문학상 수상
* 아동문예 소년소설 신인문학상
* 문예사조 수필 신인문학상 수상
* 시와 시인 시조 청학신인상 수상
* 아동문학평론 동시 신인문학상
* 아동문학 동시 신인문학상 수상
* 문학공간 본상(장편소설) 수상
* 위대한 대한민국 국민대상(문학발전부문) 수상
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* 여수해양 문학상(시) 수상
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* 타고르 문학상 작품상(시) 수상
* 타고르 문학상 대상(문학평론) 수상
* 윤동주 문학상 대상(문학평론) 수상
* 윤동주 문학상 우수상(시) 수상
* 모산 문학상 대상(시) 수상
* 대한시협 문학상 대상(수필) 수상
* 시인마을 문학상 대상(시) 수상
* 문화예술 대상 수상
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* 한하운 문학상(시) 수상(제1회)
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* 한국 문예 문학상(시) 수상(제1회)
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* 한국 아동 문예상(동화) 수상
* 오은 문학상 특별 문학 대상(시) 수상
* 큰여수신문 문학상 특별 대상(시) 수상
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* 제헌절 문학상 대상(시) 수상
* 아동문예작가상(동시) 수상
* 광주 문학상 수상(제1회)
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* E마트 문학상(수필) 수상
* 샘터 시조 문학상(시조) 수상
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* 효 문화 콘텐츠 문학상 우수상(시) 수상
* 삼행시 문학상 은상(시) 수상(제1회)
* 샘터 수필 문학상(수필) 수상
* 대한민국 수필대전 대상
* 한강 문학상 대상 수상
* 한강 거리전시 시비 대상 수상
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* 대한민국 창작대전 수필 대상 수상
* 이병주 하동 디카시 국제 문학상 수상(제1회)
* 경남 고성 디카시 문학상 수상(제1회)
* 서울 디카시 문학상 수상(제1회)
* 현대시문학상 디카시 문학상 수상(제1회)
* 사랑비 디카시 문학상 대상 수상(제1회)
* 문학공간 디카시 문학상 대상 수상(제1회)
* 오은문학 디카시 문학상 대상 수상(제1회)
* 봉평 디카시 대전 대상 수상(제1회)
* 철쭉꽃 문학상 디카시 대상 수상(제1회)
* 소망나비 디카시대전 대상 수상(제1회)
* 대동강 디카시대전 대상 수상(제1회)
* 대한민국 창작대전 디카시 문학상 대상 수상
* 제4회 남명 문학상 디카시 우수상 수상
* 디카시 훈장상 수상(제1회)
* 윤동주별문학상(시) 수상
* 사육신 문학상(시) 수상
* 삼보 문학상(시) 수상
* 황금펜 문학상(시) 수상
* 한미 문학상(시) 수상
* 황금찬 문학상(시) 수상
* 유관순 문학상(시) 수상
* 시조 문학상(시조) 수상
* 한강 문학상(시) 수상
* 청계 문학상(시) 수상
* 세종문예 문학상(시) 수상
* 남명문화제 시화문학상(제3회) 국회의원상 수상
* 시인이 되다 빛창 문학상(시) 수상
* 제헌절 삼행시 대상(삼행시) 수상
* 국민행복여울 문학상 금상( 삼행시) 수상
* 전국 기록사랑 백일장 금상(시) 수상
* 전국 상록수 백일장 장원(시) 수상
* 전국 김영랑 백일장 대상(시) 수상
* 전국 밀양아리랑 백일장 장원(시) 수상
* 전국 김소월 백일장 준장원(시) 수상
* 전국 박용철 백일장 특선(시) 수상
* 전국 박용철 백일장 특선(수필) 수상
* 전국 영산강 백일장 우수상(시) 수상
* 전국 서래섬배 (시) 수상
* 전국 평택사랑 백일장(시) 수상
* 전국 만해 한용운 백일장(시) 수상
* 전국 이효석 백일장(수필) 수상
* 전국 한강 백일장 장원(시) 수상
* 전국 미당 서정주 백일장(시) 수상
* 글나라 백일장 우수상(수필) 수상
* 문학이론서 [현대시창작법] 등 18권, 시집 [당신] 등 27권, 수필집 [창문을 읽다] 등 4권, 소설집 [황진이의 고독] 등 7권, 아동문학서 [살아 있는 그림] 등 11권, 번역서 [소설의 이론] 등 6권, 건강서 [미네랄과 비타민] 등 5권, 교양서 [세계를 빛낸 사람들] 등 57권, 총 저서 125권 발간
★박덕은의 저서 발간 현황★
<박덕은 문학 이론서 발간 현황>
제1문학이론서 <현대시창작법>
제2문학이론서 <현대 소설의 이론>
제3문학이론서 <문학연구방법론>
제4문학이론서 <소설의 이론>
제5문학이론서 <현대문학비평의 이론과 응용>
제6문학이론서 <문체론>
제7문학이론서 <문체의 이론과 한국현대소설>
제8문학이론서 <한국현대소설의 이론과 적용>
제9문학이론서 <시의 이론과 창작>
제10문학이론서 <해금작가작품론>
제11문학이론서 <디코럼 언어영역>
제12문학이론서 <논술 고사 정복>
제13문학이론서 <심층면접 구술 고사 정복>
제14문학이론서 <둥글파 언어영역>
제15문학이론서 <논술교실>
제16문학이론서 <꿈샘 논술>
제17문학이론서 <시인 신석정 연구>
제18문학이론서 <시 속에 흐르는 광주 정신>
< 박덕은 시집 발간 현황>
제1시집 <바람은 시간을 털어낸다>
제2시집 <거시기>
제3시집 <무지개 학교>
제4시집 <케노시스>
제5시집 <길트기>
제6시집 <갇힘의 비밀>
제7시집 <소낙비 오는 정오에>
제8시집 <자유人.사랑人>
제9시집 <나찾기>
제10시집 <지푸라기>
제11시집 <동심이 흐르는 강>
제12시집 <자그만 숲의 사랑 이야기>
제13시집 <사랑한다는 것은>
제14시집 <느낌표가 머무는 공간>
제15시집 <그대에게 소중한 사랑이 되어.1>
제16시집 <그대에게 소중한 사랑이 되어.2>
제17시집 <둥지 높은 그리움>
제18시집 <곶감 말리기>
제19시집 <사랑의 블랙홀>
제20시집 <나는 그대에게 늘 설레임이고 싶다>
제21시집 <내 가슴이 사고 쳤나 봐>
제22시집 <당신>
제23시집 <나는 매일 밤 바람과 함께 사라진다>
제24시집 <Happy Imagery>
제25시집 <독도>
제26시집 <숲사랑>
<박덕은 수필집 발간 현황>
제1수필집 <창문을 읽다>
제2수필집 <Read the window>
제3수필집 <5•18>
제4수필집 <바닥의 힘>
< 박덕은 소설집 발간 현황>
제1소설집 <죽음의 키스>
제2소설집 <양귀비의 고백>(풍류여인열전.1)
제3소설집 <황진이의 고독>(풍류여인열전.2)
제4소설집 <일타홍의 계절>(풍류여인열전.3)
제5소설집 <이매창의 사랑일기>(풍류여인열전.4)
제6소설집 <서울아라비안나이트>
제7소설집 <금지된 선택>
< 박덕은 번역서 발간 현황>
제1번역서 <소설의 이론>
제2번역서 <철학의 향기>
제3번역서 <사랑하는 사람 가슴에 싶어주고픈 말>
제4번역서 <철학자의 터진 옷소매>
제5번역서 <세계 반란사>
제6번역서 <한국 반란사>
< 박덕은 아동문학서 발간 현황>
제1아동문학서 <살아있는 그림>
제2아동문학서 <3001년>
제3아동문학서 <무지개학교>
제4아동문학서 <동심이 흐르는 강>
제5아동문학서 <곶감 말리기>
제6아동문학서 <서울 걸리버 여행기>
제7아동문학서 <돼지의 일기>
제8아동문학서 <해외 신화>
제9아동문학서 <마녀 헤르소의 모험>(1권)
제10아동문학서 <마녀 헤르소의 모험>(2권)
제11아동문학서 <들개의 길>
< 박덕은 교양서 발간 현황>
제1교양서 <해학의 강>
제2교양서 <바보 성자>
제3교양서 <미네르바의 부엉이는 황혼녘에 날은다>
제4교양서 <멋진 여자, 멋진 남자>
제5교양서 <우화 천국>
제6교양서 <나만 불행한 게 아니로군요>
제7교양서 <나만 행복한 게 아니로군요>
제8교양서 <나만 어리석은 게 아니로군요>
제9교양서 <행복한 바보 성자>
제10교양서 <느낌이 있는 꽃>
제11교양서 <흔들림이 있는 나무>
제12교양서 <사랑하는 사람 가슴에 심어주고픈 말>
제13교양서 <철학의 향기>
제14교양서 <철학가의 터진 옷소매>
제15교양서 <창녀에서 수녀까지, 건달에서 황제까지>
제16교양서 <무희에서 스타까지, 게이에서 성자까지>
제17교양서 <사랑의 향기>
제18교양서 <황제 방중술>
제19교양서 <우리 역사의 난>
제20교양서 <명작 속 명작>
제21교양서 <쉽고 재미있는 철학 이야기>(1)
제22교양서 <쉽고 재미있는 철학 이야기>(2)
제23교양서 <쉽고 재미있는 철학 이야기>(3)
제24교양서 <역사 속 역사>
제25교양서 <세계 반란사>
제26교양서 <한국 반란사>
제27교양서 <행복을 위한 작은 책>
제28교양서 <세계 명사들의 러브 스토리>
제29교양서 <나의 가장 소중한 사람에게>
제30교양서 <세계를 빛낸 과학자>
제31교양서 <세계를 빛낸 정치가>
제32교양서 <세계를 빛낸 명장>
제33교양서 <세계를 빛낸 탐험가>
제34교양서 <세계를 빛낸 미술가>
제35교양서 <세계를 빛낸 음악가>
제36교양서 <세계를 빛낸 문학가>
제37교양서 <세계를 빛낸 철학가>
제38교양서 <세계를 빛낸 사상가>
제39교양서 <세계를 빛낸 공연가>
제40교양서 <해외 신화>
제41교양서 <읽으면 행복한 책>
제42교양서 <세기의 로맨스.1>
제43교양서 <세기의 로맨스.2>
제44교양서 <세기의 로맨스.3>
제45교양서 <세기의 로맨스.4>
제46교양서 <우리 명작 50선>
제47교양서 <세계 명작 50선>
제48교양서 <이솝 우화>(공저)
제49교양서 <나는 화려한 물음표보다 정직한 느낌표를 만드는 사람이 더 좋다>
제50교양서 <신은 우리의 키스 속에도 있다>
제51교양서 <대학가의 해학퀴즈 모음집>
제52교양서 <뽕따일보>
제53교양서 <도토리 서 말>
제54교양서 <위트>
제55교양서 <청춘이여 생각하라>
제56교양서 <성공 DNA> 제1권
제57교양서 <성공 DNA> 제2권
<박덕은 건강서 발간 현황>
제1건강서 <내 몸에 꼭 맞는 영양 가이드>
제2건강서 <비타민과 미네랄, 그리고 떠오르는 영양소>
제3건강서 <내 몸에 꼭 맞는 다이어트-제1권 비만 원인>
제4건강서 <내 몸에 꼭 맞는 다이어트-제2권 비만 탈출>
제5건강서 <내 몸에 꼭 맞는 항암 식품>
이상 총 저서 134권 발간
<Park Deok-eun's profile>
☎ Repubiken Korea +82-10-4606-5673
*E-mail; herso@hanmail.net
* Born July 8, 1952
* Born in Hwasun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
* Jeonbuk National University's Doctor of Literature
* Ex) Professor at Jeonnam National University
* Ex) Jeonnam National University, Director of Department of Korean Language and Literature
* Current) Vice President of Korean Poets Association
* Current) Hansil Literature Creation Professor
* Current) Saehan Ilbo Editorial Writer
* Current) Essay serialization in JeonnamMaeil newspaper
* Current) GwangjuMaeil newspaper critique serialization
* Literature Master of Asian
* Poet
* Novelist
* Literature Critic
* Playwright
* Fairy tale Writer
* Essayist
* Sijo Poet
* Poet for Children
* Photographer
* Photo Exhibition (Once)
* Grand Prize in Photography at the 1st Korea Arts and Culture Competition
* 17th International Comprehensive Art Competition Grand Prize
* The 42nd Korea Contemporary Art Competition Photography Gold Award
* The 24th Korea Contemporary Art Competition Photography Special Award
* National Happiness Photo Contest Grand Prize
* Han River Photo Contest Grand Prize Winner
* 2022 Han River Photo Contest Grand Prize Winner
* Photographer Award
* Painter
* Park Deok-eun Solo Exhibition of Western painting
* Park Deok-eun Invitation Exhibition (3 times)
* Park Deok-eun Western painting, Team Exhibition (50 times)
* Individual Exhibition of Insa Art Plaza Gallery in Insa-dong, Seoul.
* Namchon Art Museum, Park Deok-eun Invitation Exhibition for Western painting.
* Jeongeup City, Professor Park Deok-eun Drawing Invitation Exhibition
* Gwangju Family Sports Park Gallery, Park Deok-eun, Invitation Exhibition
* Korea Labor Culture and Art Association, Invitation Artist
* Korea's Famous Artists Exhibition, Invitation Artist
* Invitation Artist to the International Comprehensive Art Exhibition
* Federation of Korean Culture and Artist, Recommended Artist
* 9th Korea Art Competition Grand Prize
* 33rd Korea Labor Culture and Art Festival Art Competition Grand Prize
* 22nd Artist of the Year Invitational Exhibition Grand Prize (Korean Artist Prize)
* 17th International Art Competition Grand Prize
* 48th L.A. Awarded Grand Prize in Art Competition
* International Contemporary Art Artist Exhibition, Grand Prize Winner
* 2021 Biennale Art Exhibition, Grand Prize Winner
* 9th Korea Creative Culture and Art Competition, Western Painting, Grand Prize Winner
* 2022 Grand Prize at the Hangang Culture and Arts Competition - the Order of Art
* 2021 Grand Prize at National Happiness Art Contest
* 2020 Jeju International Museum of Art, Uchae Flower Art Exhibition, Grand Prize Winner
* 2022 Yeoul Art Competition Grand Prize
* 2022 Hope Butterfly Art Contest Grand Prize
* 17th International Comprehensive Art Competition Gold Award
* 17th International Comprehensive Art Competition Excellence Award
* 17th International Comprehensive Art Competition Special Selection (1) Award
* 17th International Comprehensive Art Competition Special Selection (2) Award
* 46th Chungcheongbuk-do Art Exhibition Award, Western Painting, Gold Prize Winner
* 2021 Korea Han Seokbong Art Contest, Gold Prize Winner
* 2021 Korea Han Seokbong Art Contest, Silver Prize Winner
* 2022 Daedonggang Art Competition Grand Prize
* 17th Peace Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner (1)
* 17th Peace Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner (2)
* 53rd Jeollabuk-do Art Exhibition, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 14th Korea Nakdong Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 14th Korea Nakdong Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner
* 9th Korea Creative Culture and Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 2021 Korea Butterfly Art Contest, the Korean Art Association Prize Winner
* 12th March 15th Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 2021 Korea Life Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 2021 Korea Life Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 10th International Giro Art Contest, Western Painting, Gold Prize Winner
* 6th Mugunghwa Calligraphy Contest, Western Painting, Gold Prize Winner
* 6th Mugunghwa Calligraphy Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner (1)
* 6th Mugunghwa Calligraphy Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner (2)
* 19th Korea Painting Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 19th Korea Painting Contest, Western Painting, Special(Specific) Prize Winner
* 41st International Contemporary Art Contest, Western Painting, Bronze Prize Winner
* 41st International Contemporary Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner (1)
* 41st International Contemporary Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner (2)
* 41st International Contemporary Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner (3)
* 41st International Contemporary Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner (4)
* 13th International Eco-Friendly Contemporary Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 13th International Eco-Friendly Contemporary Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 38th Korea New Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 56th Incheon Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 2020 Eumseong Masterpiece Festival, Bronze Prize Winner
* 1st Cheongsong Yasong Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 16th Ongoeul Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 5th Mugunghwa Calligraphy Contest, Western Painting, Gold Prize Winner
* 41st Modern Art Contest, Non-concrete Painting, Winner
* 41st Modern Art Contest, Photography, Special Prize Winner
* 13th Healing Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 52nd Jeollabuk-do Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 6th Modern Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 5th Mugunghwa Calligraphy Contest, Western Painting, Bronze Prize Winner
* 5th Mugunghwa Calligraphy Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 8th Art Challenger, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner (1)
* 8th Art Challenger, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner (2)
* 30th Eodeung Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 48th Gangweon Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 48th Gangweon Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner
* 36th Mudeung Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 24th Gwanak Contemporary Art Contest, Western painting, Winner
* 2020 Yekki Village Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner
* 1st Cheonseong Culture and Art Contest, Western Painting, Special Prize Winner
* 1st Cheonseong Culture and Art Contest, Western Painting, Winner
* Director of the Korean Poetry Research Association
* Korean Children's Literature, Fairy Tale Subcommittee Chairman
* Director of Green Literature
* Literature Love Newspaper Advisor
* Director of the Korea Nobel Foundation
* Seoul Arts Awards Literature Grand Prize
* Popular Culture and Arts Grand Prize Winner
* Winning the Artist Award.
* Love Rain Art, Grand Prize Winner
* Order of Essay Award Winner
* Order of Azalea Award Winner for Literature
* Order of Merit Award Winner
* Order of Cultural Merit Award Winner
* Order of Merit for Publishing Award Winner
* Awarded the Order of Mugunghwa of Korea
* Exhibition decoration award
* Literary Criticism Medal
* Korean Literature Leader Medal of Merit
* Translation Medal
* Awarded the Order of Translation
* Talent Sharing Contribution Grand Award Winner
* Western Painting Medal Award
* Photo Medal award
* National Achievement Award Winner
* World Peace Award Winner
* 8.15 Art Grand Prize
* Social Service Award Winner
* The Seoul City Council Chairman’s Award
* The Gingju Writers Association Special Achievement Award
* The Gwangju City Writers Association’s Contribution Award
* Gwangju Metropolitan City Mayor Awarded for Achievement.
* [News Today] (May 2010 issue) Cover Story
* [The Great Korean] (2020 October issue) Cover Story.
* Budreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Hyangreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Purreun Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Tamsreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Singgreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Dunggreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Onsreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Ddeoreun Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Fosireon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Ggotsreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Yessreon Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Chamdaun Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Simile Literature Society Instructor Professor
* Baro Literature Society Instructor Professor
* National Park Deok-eun Literary Contest Opening
* [Jungang Ilbo] New Year Literature Award Winner (Review)
* [Jeonnam Ilbo] (Current: Gwangju Ilbo) New Year Literature Award Winner (Fairy Tale)
* [Saehan Ilbo] New Year Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* [Dongyang Literature] New Year Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* [Kimhae Ilbo] Citizen Literature Nammyeong Literature Award winner (the 1st)
* [Changjo Literature Newspaper] New Year Literature Award Winner
* [Cyber Jungrang] New Year Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* [Gyeongbuk Ilbo] Homie Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* [Poetry literature] Poetry Recommendation completed.
* [Literature Space] Winning the Rookie of the Year Award for Novel Recommendation Award.
* [World of Literature] Rookie of the Year Literature Award (Play)
* [Children's Literature] Boy Novel Rookie Literature Award
* [Literature Trend] Rookie Literature Award (Essay)
* [Poet and Poem] Cheonghak Rookie of the Year Award (Sijo)
* [Children's Literature Review] Rookie Literature Award (Children Poetry)
* [Children's Literature] Rookie of the Year Award (Children Poetry)
* [Literature space] Main Prize Winner (Full-length Novel).
* Greatest Korean Award Prize Winner (Literature Development Division)
* The Grand Prize in Korea Creative Book Publication
* Korea Peace Literature Award Grand Prize
* Aviation Literature Award Winner
* Yeosu Maritime Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Literature World Literature Award Winner (Fairy Tale)
* Tagore Literature Award, A Prize Winner For Works (Poetry)
* Tagore Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (literature Review)
* Yun Dongju Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (Literature Review)
* Yun Donju Literature Award, Good Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Mosan Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Korean Poetry Association Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (Essay)
* [Poet Village] Literary Award Grand Prize(Poetry)
* Culture and Art Award, Grand Prize Winner
* Constitution Day Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Literature Love Literature Award, Grand Prize winner (Poetry)
* Hanhaun Literature Award Winner (Poetry) (the 1st)
* Gyemongsa, Children's Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Saha Sandbar Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Korean Literature, Literature Award Winner (Poetry) (1st)
* Korean Children's Culture Award Winner (Children Poetry)
* Korean Children's Literary Award Winner (Fairy Tale)
* Oheun Literature Award, Special Literature Grand Prize Winner (Poetry).
* Big Yeosu Newspaper Literature Award, Special Grand Prize Winner
* Liberation Day Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Constitution Day Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Children's Literary Artist Award Winner(Children Poetry)
* Gwangju Literature Award Winner (the 1st)
* Jeollanam-do Culture Award Winner
* Nogye Literature Award, Chairman of the Board Award Winner (Poetry)
* Life Literary Art Award Winner (Essay)
* Hanyang City Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Earth Love Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Hanwha Life Insurance Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Gyeonggi Essay Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Our Forest Story Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Busanjin Market Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Lee Joon Patriot Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Ahn Jeongbok Literature Award, Silver Prize Winner (Poetry) (1st)
* Coffee Literature Award, Gold Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Dokdo Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Baekdusan(Mt) Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Hallasan(Mt) Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Geumgangsan(Mt) Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Yeonhaejoo Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Daedong-gang(River) Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Poetry Grand Prize at the Azalea Literary Award
* Korean literature Festival, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* Gongju City Library Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Ari Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Humanities Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* E-Mart Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Saemteo Sijo Literature Award Winner (Sijo).
* Story Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Busan Culture Geulpan(Writing Board) Contest, Winner
* Jeongeup Literature Award (Poetry)
* Hyo(Filial Piety) Culture Contents Literature Award, Good Prize Award Winner (Poetry)
* Three-lined Poem Literature Award, Silver Prize Winner (Poetry) (1st)
* Saemteo Essay Literature Award Winner (Essay)
* Korea Essay Contest Grand Prize
* Han River Literary Award Grand Prize
* Received Grand Prize at Hangang Street Exhibition
* Received the Grand Prize in Literature Criticism at the Hangang Literary Award
* Winter Snow Flower Literature Award
* Sky Flower Literary Award
* 2022 Korea Creative Exhibition Sihwa Grand Prize
* 2022 Korea Creative Contest Essay Grand Prize
* Lee Byeongjoo Hadong International Dicasi Literature Award Winner (1st)
* Gyeongnam Goseong Dicasi Literature Award Winner (1st)
* Seoul Dicasi Literature Award Winner (1st)
* Hyundai Poetry Literature Award, Dicasi Literature Award Winner (1st)
* Sarangbi Dicasi Literature Award, Grand Prize Winner (1st)
* [Oh Eun Literature] The Dicasi Literary Award(1st)
* [Literary Space] The Dicasi Literary Award(1st)
* Bongpyeong Dicasi competition Grand Prize(1st)
* Cheoljjug Literary Award Dicasi Grand Prize (1st)
* The Grand Prize of the Decasi Literary Award at the Korea Creative Arts Awards
* The Order of Merit from Dicasi (1st)
* 2022 Hope Butterfly Dikasi Grand Prize Winner(1st)
* The 4th Nammyeong Literary Award, Decasi Excellence Award
* Daedonggang Dikasi Competition Grand Prize (1st)
* Yun Dongju Star Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Sayuksin(Dead Six Martyrs) Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Sambo Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Golden Pen Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Hanmie Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Whang Geumchan Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Yu Gwansun Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Sijo Literature Award Winner (Sijo)
* Han-gang(River) Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Cheonggye Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Sejong Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* ‘Becomes a Poet’, Bitchang Literature Award Winner (Poetry)
* Three-lined poem, on the Constitution Day, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Happiness Yeoul Literature Award, Gold Prize Winner (Three-lined Poem)
* National Record Love Literary Contest, Gold Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Evergreen Literary contest, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Kim Yeongrang Literary Contest, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Miryang Arirang Literary Contest, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Kim Soweol Literary Contest, Semi-grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Park Yongcheol Literary Contest, Special Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Park Yongcheol Literary Contest, Special Prize (Essay)
* National Yeongsangang(River) Literary Contest, Good Prize Award (Poetry)
* National Seorae Island Award Winner (Poetry)
* National Pyeongtaek Love Literary Contest Winner (Poetry)
* National Manhae Han Yongun Literary Contest, Winner (Poetry)
* National Lee Hyoseok Literary Contest Winner (Poetry)
* National Hangang(River) Literary Contest, Grand Prize Winner (Poetry)
* National Midang Seo Jeongju Literary Contest (Poetry)
* Geulnara Literary Contest, Good Prize Winner (Essay)
18books of literature theory books such as < The spirit of Gwangju flowing in poetry>, 27books of poetry such as < Happy Imagery>, 4essay books such as <Read a Window>, 7books of novels such as <Hwang Jin-i's Solitude>, 11books of children's literature such as <Living Picture>, 6books of translations such as <Theory of Novels>, and 57culture books such as <People Who Shined the World>, 5health books such as <Escape from Obesity>, Totally 125books have been published so far.
★ Status of Park Deok-eun's Book Publications ★
<Park Deok-eun’s Literature Theory Publication Status>
1st Literature Theory <Modern Poetry Creation Method>
2nd Literature Theory <Theory of Modern Novels>
3rd Literature Theory <Literature Research Methodology>
4th Literature Theory <Theory of Novels>
5th Literature Theory <Theories and Applications of Modern Literature Criticism>
6th Literature Theory <Theory of Style>
7th Literature Theory <Theories of Style and Modern Korean Novels>
8th Literature Theory <Theory and Application of Modern Korean Novels>
9th Literature Theory <Theory and Creation of Poetry>
10th Literature Theory <Theology of Haegeum Writers>
11th Literature Theory <Decorum Language Area>
12th Literature Theory <Conquering the Essay Exam>
13th Literature Theory <In-depth Interview - Oral Test Conquest>
14th Literature Theory <Round Wave Language Area>
15th Literature Theory <The Essay Class>
16th Literature Theory <Dream Spring Essay>
17th Literature Theory <Poet Shin Seok Jeong Study>
18th Literature Theory <The spirit of Gwangju flowing in poetry>
<Status of Park Deok-eun's Poetry Collection>
1st Collection of Poems, <The Wind Shakes Off Time>
2nd Collection of Poems, <Geosigi>
3rd Collection of Poems, <Rainbow School>
4th Collection of Poems, <Kenosis>
5th Collection of Poems, <The Road Opening>
6th Collection of Poems, <Secret of Confinement>
7th Collection of Poems, <At Noon Raining Shower>
8th Collection of Poems, <Free Person, Love Person>
9th Collection of Poems, <Finding Me>
10th Collection of Poems, <Straw>
11th Collection of Poems, <A River Where Childhood Heart Flows>
12th Collection of Poems, <Love Story of the Small Forest>
13th Collection of Poems, <To Love You Is>
14th Collection of Poems, <Space where the exclamation mark stays>
15th Collection of Poems, <Becoming Precious Love To You. Vol.1>
16th Collection of Poems, <Becoming Precious Love To You. Vol.2>
17th Collection of Poems, <Missing Nest Is High>
18th Collection of Poems, <Drying Dried Persimmons>
19th Collection of Poems, <Black Hole of Love>
20th Collection of Poems, <I Always Want to Be Excited To You>
21st Collection of Poems, <My Heart Must Have Caused an Accident>
22nd Collection of Poems, <You>
23rd Collection of Poems, <I Disappear With the Wind Every Night>
24th Collection of Poems, <Happy Imagery>
25th Collection of Poems, <Dokdo>
26th Collection of Poems, <forest love>
<Status of Park Deok-eun's Essay Collection>
1st Essay Book, <Read a Window.1>
2nd Essay Book, <Read a Window.2>
3nd Essay Book, <5•18>
4th Essay Book, <power of the floor>
<Status of Park Deok-eun's Novel Publication>
1st Novel, <Kiss of Death>
2nd Novel, <Confession of Yangguibi>
(Several Stories of Pungryu(Refined Taste) Women) Vol.1
3rd Novel, <Hwang Jin-i'sㅡ Solitude>
(Several Stories of Pungryu Women) Vol.2
4th Novel, <The Season of Ilta Hong>
(Several Stories of Pungryu Women) Vol.3
5th Novel, <Lee Mae-chang's Love Diary>
(Several Stories of Pungryu Women) Vol.4
6th Novel, <Seoul Arabian Night>
7th Novel, <Forbidden Choice>
<Park Deok-eun's Translation Publication Status>
Translation 1, <Theory of Novels>
Translation 2, <Scent of Philosophy>
Translation 3, <Words I Want to Say to the Heart of the Person I Love>
Translation 4, <Philosopher's Bursted Sleeves>
Translation 5, <World Rebellion History>
Translation 6, <Korean Rebellion History>
<Park Deok-eun’s Publication Status of Children's Literature Books>
1st Children's Literature Book, <Living Picture>
2nd Children's Literature Book, <3001 Years>
3rd Children's Literature Book, <Rainbow School>
4th Children's Literature Book, <River Where Childhood Heart Flows>
5th Children's Literature Book, <Drying Dried Persimmons>
6th Children's Literature Book, <Gulliver's Travels In Seoul>
7th Children's Literature Book, <Pig's Diary>
8th Children's Literature Book, <Foreign Mythology>
9th Children's Literature Book, <The Adventure Of the Witch Herso> Vol.1
10th Children's Literature Book, <The Adventure Of the Witch Herso> Vol.2b
11th Children's Literature Book, <The Road of wild dogs>
<Status of Park Deok-eun's Publication of Liberal Arts Books>
1st Liberal Arts Book, <The River of Comics>
2nd Liberal Arts Book, <Silly Saint>
3rd Liberal Arts Book, <The Owl of Minerva Flies at Twilight>
4th Liberal Arts Book, <Cool Woman, Cool Man>
5th Liberal Arts Book, <Fable Heaven>
6th Liberal Arts Book. <I'm Not the Only One Who's Unhappy>
7th Liberal Arts Book. <I'm Not the Only One Who's Happy>
8th Liberal Arts Book. <I'm Not the Only One Who's Foolish>
9th Liberal Arts Book, <Happy Silly Saint>
10th Liberal Arts Book, A Flower with Feeling
11th Liberal Arts Book, A Tree with Shaking
12th Liberal Arts Book, Words I want to plant in the heart of my loved one
13th Liberal Arts Book, <Scent of Philosophy>
14th Liberal Arts Book, <Philosopher's Burst Sleeves>
15th Liberal Arts Book, <From Prostitute to Sister, From Idler to Emperor>
16th Liberal Arts Book, <From Muse to Star, From Gay to Saint>
17th Liberal Arts Book, <Scent of Love>
18th Liberal Arts Book, <Emperor's How to Sex>
19th Liberal Arts Book, <The Rebellion of Our History>
20th Liberal Arts Book, <Masterpiece in Masterpieces>
21st Liberal Arts Book, <Easy and Fun Philosophy Story> Vol.1
22nd Liberal Arts Book, <Easy and Fun Philosophy Story> Vol.2
23rd Liberal Arts Book, <Easy and Fun Philosophy Story> Vol.3
24th Liberal Arts Book, <History in History>
25th Liberal Arts Book, <World Rebellion History>
26th Liberal Arts Book, <Korean Rebellion History>
27th Liberal Arts Book, <Small Book for Happiness>
28th Liberal Arts Book, <Love Story of World Celebrities>
29th Liberal Arts Book, <To My Most Precious Person>
30th Liberal Arts Book, <The Scientists Who Shined the World>
31st Liberal Arts Book, <The Politicians Who Shined the World>
32nd Liberal Arts Book, <The Masters Who shined the World>
33rd Liberal Arts Book, <The Explorers Who Shined the World>
34th Liberal Arts Book, <The Artists Who Shined the World>
35th Liberal Arts Book, <The Musicians Who Shined the World>
36th Liberal Arts Book, <The Literators Who Shined the World>
37th Liberal Arts Book, <The Philosophers Who Shined the World>
38th Liberal Arts Book, <The Thinkers Who Shined the World>
39th Liberal Arts Book, <The Performers Who Shined the World>
40th Liberal Arts Book, <Foreign Mythology>
41st Liberal Arts Book, <A Book That Makes You Happy to Read>
42nd Liberal Arts Book, <Romance of the Century> Vol.1
43rd Liberal Arts Book, <Romance of the Century> Vol.2
44th Liberal Arts Book, <Romance of the Century> Vol.3
45th Liberal Arts Book, <Romance of the Century Vol.4
46th Liberal Arts Book, <Our 50 Best Masterpieces>
47th Liberal Arts Book, <The 50 Best Works in the World>
48th Liberal Arts Book, <Aesop's Fables> (co-authored)
49th Liberal Arts Book, <I Prefer an Honest Exclamation Mark to a Fancy Question Mark>
50th Liberal Arts Book, <God Is in Our Kisses>
51st Liberal Arts Book, <Collection of Comedy Quiz in College Street>
52nd Liberal Arts Book, <Ppongdda Ilbo>
53rd Liberal Arts Book, <Acorns of 3 Mal>
54th Liberal Arts Book, <Wit>
55th Liberal Arts Book, <Think! Youth>
56th Liberal Arts Book, <Successful DNA> Vol.1
57th Liberal Arts Book, <Successful DNA> Vol.2
<Park Deok-eun's Health Book Publication Status>
1st Health Book, <Nutrition Guide That Fits My Body>
2nd Health Book, <Vitamin, Minerals, and Nutrients That Come up>
3rd Health Book, <Diet That Fits My Body> Vol.1 <Cause of Obesity>
4th Health Book, <Diet That Fits My Body> Vol.2 <Obesity Escape>
5th Health Book, <Anti-cancer Food that fits My Body>
134 books have been published totally.
<Congratulating on publication>
Professor Park Deok-eun, a doctor of literature born in Hwasun, Jeollanam-do, Korea, served as a professor at Jeonnam National University and director of the Department of Korean Language and Literature, and is currently a professor of Hansil Literature Creation and Afreeca TV BJ.
He is 'Jungang Ilbo' New Year Literature Award Winner (Review), 'Creative Literature Newspaper' New Year Literature Award Winner (Fairy Tale), 'Cyber Jungrang' New Year Literature Award Winner (Poetry), 'Saehan Ilbo' New Year Literature Award Winner (Poetry), 'DongYang Literature' New Year Literature Award Winner(Poetry), 'Kim Hae-Ilbo' Citizen Literature Award Winner(Poetry) as well as 'Gyeongbuk Ilbo' Homie Literature Award Winner, Mosan Literature Award Grand Prize Winner, 'Daehan Poetry Association' Literature Grand Prize Winner, ‘Tagore Literature Award’ Grand Prize Winner, ‘Yun Dongju Literature Award’ Grand Prize Winner, 'Literature World Literature Award’ Grand Prize Winner(Fairy Tale), Aviation Literature Award Winner, Yeosu Marine Literature Award Winner, Gyeonggi Essay Literature Award Winner, Urisup Literature Award Winner, 'Busansjin Market Art Festival' Literature Award Winner, 'Saengwhal Literature' Grand Prize Winner, 'Ahn Jeongbok' Literature Award Winner, 'Deobureo Jeollanamdo' Culture Award Winner, Korean Children’s Literature Award Winner, Gwangju Literature Award Prize, Gyemongsa Children's Literature Award Winner, Haun Literature Award Winner, Earth Love Literature Award Winner, 'Hanwha Life Insurance' Literature Award Winner.
He has totally published 128 books until now including 24 books of poetry like <You>, <I Disappear with the Wind Every Night> and etc, 17 Literature Theory books including <Modern Poetry Creation Method>, an essay book named <(I) Read the Window>, Children's Literature books including <Living Picture>, 57 books including <People Who Shined the World> series, 6 translation books including <A Theory of Novel>, 7 books of novels including <a Forbidden Choice>
Park Deok-eun, an advisor full of jest, wit, humor, and cleverness, exudes a variety of scents in 128 books refined by poet's passion and beliefs. And he is always busy refining his heart for poetry with ‘people who love poetry’ drunk on the scent. Writing poetry and loving literature, he is currently doing his best not only from Seoul, Gwangju, Naju, Sunchang, Jeongeup, Gokseong, but also to the United States, Vietnam, Japan, Angola, Dubai, and Canada to spread out his scent of poetry. Afreeca TV's 'Romantic President's Literature Talk'(over 1,670 times) has been broadcast without even a cancellation for eight years, and through 12 offline literature clubs he has been lecturing for 30 years. And he has produced 460 writers and won 920 National Literature Awards.
Professor Park Deok-eun, a doctor of literature, made his literary debut with the recommendation of the Jeonnam Ilbo New Year Literature in 1980, the Joongang Ilbo New Year Literature in 1985, and the recommendation of the Poetry Literature magazine in 1984.
Professor Park Deok-eun announced ‘Poet Shin Seok-jeong Rearch’ eight times in the monthly magazine Literature Space from November 2019 to June 2020, gathered them together, published ‘Poet Shin Seok-jeong Research’. And he announced monthly work theory for writers for more than 30 years, and published a total of 200 monthly works from issue 1 (September, 1989) to issue 370(September, 2021).
In addition, he won the 2nd Tagore Literature Award for ‘Tagore Work Theory’ in ‘Literature Anthology’ (issue 19) and the Yun Dongju Literature Award for ‘Poet Yun Dongju Research’ in ‘Literature Anthology (issue 20).
In 2021, he also won the Mosan Literature Award for his poem ‘Traditional Market and the Korean Poetry Industry Award for his essay ‘Saw Shark and Anchovy’. He also has served as a lecturer at 13 literary societies on the front line, trained senior students in sentences, making their literary debut with more than 500 writers so far, and served as a literary coach who led them to win 1,000 national literary awards.
In addition, he continued to play as a painter and won the Korea Creative Culture and Art Exhibition Grand Prize, the International Contemporary Art Exhibition Grand Prize, the Biennale Art Exhibition Grand Prize, the International Comprehensive Art Exhibition Grand Prize, and the Artist Award and etc.
In addition, in 2020, 3,000 books of his 126 types, 50,000 general books, 25 bookshelves, 120 easels, and 250 of his paintings were donated to Jeongeup-si(city) Living Culture Center in Sintaein-eup, and he donated 200 paintings to Sunchang Sculpture Park to develop the cultural sensibility of culturally marginalized rural residents.
As such, Professor Park Deok-eun is a writer, scholar and artist who not only steadily and faithfully cultivates literary disciples and writers, but also donates several times throughout society. He gives our world good moving and happiness.
Thus, in May 2010, he was listed on the ‘News Today’ cover story, and in October 2020, he won the ‘Great Korean National Award’ (Literature Development Division) and was listed on the ‘Great Korean Award’ cover story.
In addition, in recognition of his achievements, he won the World Peace Award, the Medal of Merit, the Order of Culture Award, the Order of Publication Award, the National Achievement Award, and the Social Service Award and so on.