there is light at the end of the tunnel, etc. they mean don’t lose hope or be discouraged, just do it or keep going. What you’re dealing with now will end and when it does you will be in a good place.
[lntro]#141stately Cosmos
1. I strew the seed on a windy day in March
2. When violets full bloomed prettily,
3. It begins to bud and grows through sunny April' s d While blue-bells toll and dog-roses are gay,
4. It merely grows, grows expecting late glory
5. Under summer's hot noon I cultivate
6. While other trees sicken for their burden fruits,
7. When summer roses lament their last, It grows taller and higher, bright, and stately
8. "Flowerless weed," cried a hasty brute.
9. At last, here comes the season of Cosmos.
10. While other flowers droop, ferns die.
11. Through cool Autumn days when white clouds flee
Through the pellucid frosty night when the cricket chirps
12. The eight petals bloom and smile in the musical breeze.
13. It hears the lark' s allegro-carol, a fine tune,
14. And gazes on the golden field that lies under the harvest-m
15. Dainty stately Cosmos with her silvery crown, Smilingly invites the blooming bees into our garden
16. Can earthly prince array beauty with Cosmos mine?
Oh! stately cosmos!
- 청춘(靑春)지, 변영로 시, 1918년,
21세 작품, 놀라운 우주론,
얼이랑 알으렁, 아라리 어러릉!
제목은 법성6 알이랑 얼으렁 012마고신