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모니터+후기 현장참여 [2024.06.23] Berlin concert
Chiara 추천 0 조회 303 24.06.25 16:51 댓글 30
게시글 본문내용
  • 24.06.25 16:56

    첫댓글 안녕하세요, 팬카페 스태프 블루고앵이 입니다.
    현재 회원님의 게시글은 말머리 미설정 및 제목 양식 위반으로 게시판 규정 미준수 상태입니다. 게시판 안내사항에 기재되어 있는 게시글 제목 양식 참고하시어 수정 부탁드립니다:)
    말머리는 게시글 수정 들어가셔서 상단의 말머리 없음을 눌러 설정 가능합니다.

    또한, 콘서트 중 사진 및 영상 촬영이 금지되어 있어 포토타임과 앵앵콜 사진 및 영상이 아닌 경우에는 카페 규정 위반으로 게시글이 삭제되오니 수정 부탁드립니다:)


  • 작성자 24.06.25 16:56

    Thank you, I'll do my best

  • 24.06.25 17:04

    First, you need to set the speech head of the post. You can set the speech head setting by entering the post modification and pressing No speech head at the top. You can set the speech head as [participate in the field(현장참여)].

    And for the title, write the date in the format [yyyy.mm.dd] at the beginning of the title :)

  • 작성자 24.06.25 17:04

    @FS_블루고앵이 Thank you very, very much!!! I'm trying to correct it right now

  • 24.06.25 17:07

    @Chiara That’s okay☺️ Thank you so much for trying to revise it quickly

  • 작성자 24.06.25 17:08

    @FS_블루고앵이 And sorry for the picture, but in the Arena we were allowed to take photos, so I didn't think it would be a problem to show them 😬 I'm really sorry ♥️

  • 24.06.25 17:15

    @Chiara I understand too much. I talked about it because it's a cafe rule, but I think it would be okay if it was taken within the time allowed by IU in the Arena.
    And thank you so much for understanding this situation😃

  • 작성자 24.06.25 17:16

    @FS_블루고앵이 I'm the one who needs to thank you, because you were so kind 🥰 Thank you for your work ♥️♥️♥️

  • 24.06.25 17:24

    @Chiara Thank you so much for thinking like that😊
    And thank you so much for correcting so well. But the title format is a little wrong, so please revise it further.
    Please change 2024/06/23 to [2024.06.23]. [ ] Including this.

  • 작성자 24.06.25 17:25

    @FS_블루고앵이 👍🏻 (I really want to study Korean 😅)

  • 24.06.25 17:51

    @Chiara Try to learn little by little while thinking about IU~😁
    It must have been very difficult and difficult, but thank you for following my poor English to the end. (I won't bother you anymore, so enjoy as much as you want~😂)

  • 작성자 24.06.25 17:29

    @FS_블루고앵이 I'm studying it, but I'm too slow 😅
    And your English was a blessing to me ♥️

  • 24.06.25 17:55

    @Chiara Thank you :)
    If you keep doing it, you'll absolutely be the best!
    It was a short time, but it was fun for me communicating with you. If there is anything you need help with here next time, please feel free to let me know

  • 작성자 24.06.25 18:04


  • 24.06.25 17:20

  • 작성자 24.06.25 17:22

  • 24.06.25 17:54

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I’m curious about the atmosphere of the concert in Germany.

  • 작성자 24.06.25 18:03

    This was my first concert ever, so I can't compare 😅 But it looked like a festival!!! The cheering was very strong, especially in the back. The audience came from many countries, but we felt so united by the fanchant! The emotion was tangible, and in the end we were all friends 😅 All the people I met outside after the concert had heart-shaped eyes, even those who just had to accompany someone else.

  • 24.06.26 09:43

  • 작성자 24.06.26 15:53

  • 24.06.26 17:17

  • 작성자 24.06.26 17:19

  • 24.06.30 10:41

    Wow this is nice! Very intrigued in how attending her concert in Europe feels!

  • 작성자 24.06.30 15:02

    It feels unreal, basically 😂 And very, very fun 🤩

  • 24.06.30 21:57

  • 작성자 24.06.30 21:58

  • 24.07.03 22:19

  • 작성자 24.07.03 22:21

  • 24.07.13 17:54

    Wow thanks for the detailed description! I feel like I was in the concert Arena. I'm so glad that IU is loved by all over the world!!

  • 작성자 24.07.13 17:57

    I could spend hours talking about that concert😅 🤩🤩🤩
    And I confirm she is super super super loved ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
